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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. Also seems to enjoy ace combat 6, with flight stick.
  2. Here is my latest gift to my self, the 1/48 VF-J stealth and the beginning of my valkholism. He seems to love my 360
  3. The problem seems to be with the arms, however the way i fixed this by using a very small piece of a spray can's cap on the left arm and now the gun pod is straight and you can barely see the fix. not really a big deal. hope this helps you.
  4. VF-27 nora VF-27 Sezda
  5. it kinda looks like the VF-2SS from macross II, specially the forward fuselage
  6. halcyon + valkyrie = VF-25 valcyone
  7. VF-25 viper VF-25 strider VF-25 valkyrie II VF-25 rafale VF-25 Donnerfalke VF-25 cypher VF-25 alcione VF-25 berkut VF-25 lancer VF-25 thunderchief VF-25 aurora VF-25 bandai VF-25 yamato VF-25 phoenix VF-25 gundam killer VF-25 fokker VF-25 messer VF-25 stuka VF-25 svezda
  8. another CF pilt that got killed in a painfull way recently was one of the VF-171 pilots who gets impaled by one of the hammerheads tail. if that did not kill him then the vacuum of space did.
  9. i can recall two CF or genereic characters deaths in macross that surely had to hurt: the first on is from cac 0 ep. 2 almost at the start when ivanov shots straight at the cockpit hitting the pilot. if you go step-by-step you can actually see the guy being decapitated. the other one is when ivanov made ragu with the guys onboard the asuka. i think he killed 5 out of six guys in front and smashed with the manipulator the one who was wounded.
  10. did you guys saw the VF-11B on the left bottom corner picture, is it 1/60 scale or the non-variable smaller one?
  11. on the sms shirt they forgot my name: victor it be cool if they could make a jersey like the one the sms guys wear.
  12. i'd really like to see isamu as an instructor or even the principal of the fly academy. i can imagine him like millard. saying to never carry recklessness and daring in the same pocket.
  13. i work with the guys who manufacture the 360's competing console. i usually finish my work early so i get to log to MW from time to time. also thaks to this place i got some awesome deskstops, even once my supervisor asked me about what are those kickass looking planes, i told him that they're from macross and he remebered about robotech so i had to convert him. surely he is now a lurker around here. well thats my story. gotta go back to work. edited for 1/2 a$$ grammar.
  14. wow, just saw the scans of the mecha and now i can't wait to see wich other VF's will be featured, hopefully we'll get some VF-4. Also the monster featured in those scans just gave me a perfect excuse to eventually buy one. also will try to pick a Q-Rau. truly this is the best time to be a macross fan. can't wait for the figures once the are releeased (hope i don't have to wait two years like with M0).
  15. if that rule is true then aruto saotome is a gonner and macross frontier's main character will be luka.
  16. here's one: don't have your girlfriend be your wingmate unless she's alien.
  17. VF-11b's may be damaged or trashed but not destroyed. if youy're in a VF-11C kiss your @$$ good bye.
  18. i don't think it is a coincidence, otherwise why would the NUNS millitary have such interest in having her safety as top priority? also i still belive that she is the reason of the space bugs attack. could they be trying to retrieve her from human control?, it seems that she was the target during this initial engagement. tough if she is so valuable for the NUNS i would be more practical to have some backup cpoies (clones) of her for wathever purpose the goverment has. if part of the series plot adresses this issue it would be quiet interesting.
  19. OK, just got the bundle and i'll be playing it right now. if anyone wants to add me to their list my gamertag is LordOvRavens.
  20. OK, i want to know if it is just me or at 00:27 we get to see the VF-19A since tough the image is not quite clear i can manage to see what looks like forward swep wings. also it seems that were're gonna see some gerwalk action on episode 2 edit: oops looks like i quoted duke togo by mistake, i was going to quote azrale's link post. sorry
  21. OK guys, i just watched and i have to say this is one of the best "first episode"'s i have ever seen. the cgi looks beautiful and the first combat between the NUNS VF-171 along with the music was just perfect, alsmost like when i first saw the 4th episode of macross puls but better. still i find a little bit too violent the way the space bug kills the VF-25 pilot. at least kakizaki got it easy but this was to much. still i cannot wait till april to satrt catching the upcoming episodes, just another 25. I can only think of two reasons for the "space bugs" to attack, either the Macross frontier went to close to their PC/SA/other civilization's terrotories or Sheryl Norme (noomu) is actually descendant of mao and they sense it. wow i still have goose bumps from all the action...
  22. where did you downloaded it? i need help here, please.
  23. were talking about black water... j/k. it seems today that private militias are a new fashion in this troubled time, just look how the news recently cover this type of stories taking place in mid east. even in games like army of two. as long as the SMS aren't like the two main characters from that game...
  24. One thing i wonder is since macross plus we have seen VF on Vf action. do you guys think that at some point we'll see valk on valk combat? until now it seemed to be the trend that macross would follow.
  25. you forgot another current cliche, the tough looking guy always dies in a painful and gorish way (cough *guld*... cough*ivanov*)
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