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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. a last shot of it in rear view. will post other shot`s as soon as i get the camera so i can take better shots of it with better quality and detail. please let me know what you think of it so far. anyway here`s another i forgott to mention: the chest can be lift to expose the pilot, will take a shot of it soon to show the inner detail.
  2. here`s another close-up of the module showing the micro missiles.
  3. close up of weapons module.
  4. now a side view.
  5. now a front view of the battroid. (damned sun light).
  6. OK, i`ll start posting pics, sorry for the quality but still haven`t got the camera, iwas using one of those you use for video chats. anyway here i go. first my fisrt kit the fighter YF-19.
  7. striderhiryu

    fp yf-19

    ups, i mean the pilot stands in front of the cockpit`s screens. (still thinking about that damned camera). by the way i compared the size beetwen the yamato GU-15 and hasegawa`s GU-15 and i think that yamato`s one is kinda big for a 1/72 valk or the hasegawa is rather small.
  8. striderhiryu

    fp yf-19

    i`ve contacted one of my dad`s friend who is a reporter to see if he can borrow me the camera. if i get it i`ll post the pictures in a new topic. another thing i did to my kit bash YF-19 battroid is that i rotated the pilots seat so he is in front of the cockpit`s floor (or wathever it is) cameras. i think that is the position in wich the pilot stands in battorid mode, if wrong please tell my. still i think that to get a shot from the cockpit will be a little hard but will try anyway.
  9. striderhiryu

    fp yf-19

    argh¡. i really need to find a digital camera. i´ve just finished my kit bash YF-19 with fast packs and the arm weapons module it has in the right arm but still i only achieved to built it in battroid mode. i took an already damaged yamato VF-19A and only used teh torso, head and back. the rest of it was done using the hasegawa YF-19. will post pictures as soon as i get a digital camera since i want to make a contribution. personally i've lost all hope for a new YF-19 release by yamato.
  10. these little puppies aren´t as bad as many say. i have six of them and i hadn´t any problems with fasts packs or limbs falling off. if would recomend to get them from HLJ. they have many of them on sale for 390 yens a normal and perhaps they´re still selling the super valks for 450 yens. these are a good deal since you get full transformation and pretty good proportions {like the hasegawa battroid} and if you like yuo can even customize them without having any regrets.
  11. another macross related:
  12. these ones were relly funny. specially liked the one with valcione being rescued by the meltran. here´s one:
  13. Ok, thats the battroid picture i was looking form. i recall i saw it in one of the events that black aces covered a while ago in 2002 or 2003. still when i first saw that battroid i did not had any idea it was a perfect variable. since i am working on a project to build my self a YF-19 variable model {already have done the hasegawa 19} i´d like to see higher resolution scans so i can check how it pulls out the transformation process with more detail. by the way a few months ago i also founded a quick time movie from a japanese site where they had this CG movie o a YF-19 making an almost identical transformation sequence as this model {i.e. the ay the crouch part folds the right way, etc.}.
  14. i just finished today my hasegawa YF-19 [wanna thank all those who helped me with some good advice] and after looking at it for a while i thought it might be possible to build it in battroid mode. since i´m planning on buying a second one whithin two weeks i want to get some advice on what should be done. mainly i should try to scratch build the forearms. fill the back of the arms. also i should sdratch build the bach of the battroid. the hands should not be a trouble since i got some spare 1/100 gundam hands that should fit well and perhaps i might also use one of the heads of my old 1/100 bandai VF-19S with some modifications. by the way if anyone knows where can i get polycaps since i also want to make this model fully articulated and well proportioned as if it could perform the transformation. by the way i recall right now that i saw a battroid model in one of the events that black aces covered [can´t remember wich one], but those pages are currently down so i´ll appreciate if anyone can provide me that image. i will appreciate any help and advice you can provide. [i´m planning to get a digital camera from a friend once i complete the model to take a shoot of it along with my fighter mode 19 and post it]
  15. thank guys for the tips, iwas checking some pieces i had of a broken 1/100 VF-19S kit made by bandai and painted the chest part first with model master F-15 gray as a primer and tehn used a can of flat white as indicaded by you and i let it dry. then i used artist oil for the panels and it looked nice. i think im gonna do the same for the 1/72 hasegawa i ordered. it should arrive at my home by monday and probably finish it within two days. by the way since it´s my first time i build a hasegawa i noticed many use putty. could you recoemnd me any brand and tell me how to use it?. i´ll appreciate any advice on this matter.
  16. forgot that kill of episode 2. i just watched the part where ivanovs kills the soldiers. there were seven soldier, six were killed and the one in the middle barely survived. he could been raizou nakajima but wondered if after surviving that attack he could get out in time before fockers counter attack when he trows ivanov out of the asuka II
  17. thanks fro the advise. still a question. wich is the minimum distance i should have between the spray can and the model?
  18. i think the most f*cked up death was the one with the UN soldiers aboard Asuka II when Ivanov´s SV-51 opened fire on them. nothing was left to their funerals.
  19. hi, i am new in this forum and would like to know if is it OK to use a Gloss White spray can to paint a model. i have used it in the past to paint some models landing gears, but i am planning to buy a hasegawa YF-19 and want to know if i can use it or will it damage the models surface and details since i know that the panel lines are a bit delicate. i´ll apppreciate any help.
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