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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. i painted using window´s paint and smooth the colors with microsoft photo editor
  2. it was coloured usig good old window´s paint from the image that MK16 took.
  3. OK MK16, here is it. mmm.. now that i think of it, she looks like if she was sweden.
  4. you go it man.
  5. full color kawaii ko chan.
  6. hi everyone. i know many of you have done some pictures of valkyrie girls and i would like to post a pic i did while trying to get some sleep. would like the work of others or if some one has a pic that would like to share will be most welcome. maybe this is the way roy and D.D. see their machines... or how about isamu who i bet left myung short after the sharon apple incident and got married with his valk... anyway here the picture i drew.
  7. by the way here´s my arsen.. i mean collection.
  8. just throw in the box the pieces, glue, the decals, some thined artist oil, shake it well and presto¡, out comes a nice model.
  9. no it doesn´t trasform and yep, it is mostly a hasegawa. several parts were taken from the leftovers of the kit. if you want to build one you will need the following: - an exacto knife. - the head, torso and back of the yamato 19. - one hasegawa 19 kit. - some pictures to get inspiration, aka the 19 that was made by sakuragawa [think that was his name]. - one six pack of beer, drink one every hour [that´s what it took me to do it after a week of planning it], if you run out of beer before you finish then halt and go to get another six pack. you´ll eventually feel like focker in DYRL, but not me, im rock solid. -and just a little luck. for the fast packs i used: - the VF-0´s FP. - for the shoulders i used part of the feet of a bandai 1/100 VF-19 that was recasted by a frisnd [only that part]. - weapon module is made from: - 1/72 F-15 part where you put the seat [it like a basket or something] - part of the hasegawa 19 under belly. - some scratch made pieces for holding and hatch. - 5 pieces of the hasegawa sprue for the micfo missiles. can´t remember what else i did to it but i think that was it.
  10. mmm... maybe it has several parts that retract whe going from fighter to battroid, this could explain why the nose cone is more larger in fighter than in battroid, just like the tail of some helicopters.
  11. here is my humble collection so far.
  12. damn it happened again, sorry.
  13. another one...
  14. another.
  15. OK, its a new day an i took i few ones that loo better.
  16. i wish you luck to fully achive your goals in this project. i think that the main problem with the YF-19 is that the mechanical design has several issues like different proportions in three modes. maybe the hoary froating head should use a diferent aproach when designing VFs like a the start of the pre-design stage to take in consideration the commercial potential of the design so when converting the concept of the VF in to a real object they can minimize problems to the toys designer so they can make perfect variable toys or models wich actually beat toys in detail and other aspects. here´s another one with the open chest
  17. for the paint i used a simple spray can of acrylic enamel for the white fuselage. i paint it giving it several quick strokes with the paint so it gets flat to the surface, this way it dries in less than a minute but anyway i let it alone for an hour just to make sure. and the legs fast packs are those of the VF-0 but will try to one specially for the 19. i just tought while building ig that the shape and size was a nice fit. i´m really thinking that with the experience i had doing this one i could try to do a variable one, but that will take a considerable amount of time. but hopelly i won´t take as much as yamato [from wich we heard nothing, so i´ll consider this as a race to see who does a perfect variable 19 first: myself or yamato].
  18. did´nt realized that the upper pic looks as if the valk was sayin -who? me?- well this is the last one for now. i´ll check tomorrow if i can take better ones. does anyone know how to improve the quality or any tips.
  19. left side.
  20. hers a side view with a close up of the weapons module with the opened hatch exposing the missiles.
  21. kzo machigaimashita... forgot to post it... here´s it.
  22. another one. by the way i painted the eye sensor red since i could not find any clear green.
  23. OK i got the cam and here are the pics, still it is my first time i take pics with it and it´s already late but anyway here they are. first a pic of both battroid and fighter.
  24. okay i confirmed with a friend to take the pictures usin a digital camera for today. i will post them today after 8 ó clock. hope you will like the next [and better quality] pics i am gonna post.
  25. i used mostly the hasegawa kit, for the head, chest nad partiall part of the back i kitbashe a severely damaged yamato valk. the forearms where from one of my leftovers. hand is a bandai 1/100 gundam. for the leg pack i used the ones of the VF-0 as a test. will mold a proper one as soon as i can. the weapons module i used part of the hasegawa YF-19 underbelly. part of it also is of an F-15 interior, several parts where scratch built and the missiles with those parts from the sprues
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