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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. done another, hope it counts since there are valkyrie girls in it.
  2. nice art you guys. i want to make a contribution but need to know wich program can i use to clean an image taken from a digital camera so it can be only balck and white, no gray shades so i can start coloring, also another program you know to make an effect like airbrush coloring. here is the image i want to paint, i did it a few minutes ago but in the process i accidentally hit my desk and my custom 19 battroid fell and crashed . right now i'm assembling it togheter again.
  3. striderhiryu


    don't you mean ''boob''?
  4. totally agree with you. not only a new series but a massive campaign that could allow more people to know about this serie and to be able to get into it. just to see what could get fans into it, do you remeber what was that thing that amaze you or inspired you?. that is a flame that needs to burn again with more strenght. zero was a series for real macross fans who wanted a more mature approach to the story, but how to get a new generation of fans into it without being another macross 7 and please don`t turn it into a bash, this is only a mention since 7 was more for younger audiences but did not apeal much for us more mature fans. by the way bandai is quite a big company so why do they fear such a small company like HG, heck they should buy the company and use their resources to promote bandai's own products without any domestic resistance. the only real power HG has it's that they can use lawers to suit, and thats it. what do they offer? they're afraid of direct competition with bandai or yamato since their products if they were released in the states would be more affordable in price compared to toynamis overpriced MPC figures or super-posables and besides better prices the quality in their products is far better than toynami. i'm getting off topic here, if bandai was to release new macross products they need first something that will catch the attention of potential customers like a new series aimed for an audience thats not way to young like those who watch gundam yet have the money to burn on their models, i think is between the ages 14-35. next the series would had to be a smash hit for the general audience so it could catch bandais attention and let them see the comercial potential of the series, like valkyrie figures or models like HG, MG or even better PG. once the series is proven to be a hit they would need to give the produc line a good promotion, i know that macross will not take gundam place at bandai's side but at least they should give some good support. just think that macross and gundam are the best shows featuring mechas, macross will be second to gundam just like zero is to X, but remember that zero is far coller than X.
  5. striderhiryu


    insted of recastig how about a detailed explanation with pictures of the transformation process for customizers?
  6. bootlegs¡¡, ripoffs¡¡, copias piratas¡¡ and anything else. what i meant was because if japanese valkyries were released here their prices would not be much high. still one question, why many companies have lack of vision?. and why can`t the japanese see that macross is way cooler than gundam, in my opinion if it wheren`t for the gundaniom alloy the gundam pilot would have died several times unlike the main characters of macross. but if bandai supported macross in the way they do it for gundam then they`d be forcing big west and studio nue to release several macross series on a regular basis and suddendly it would be the same case with gundam, same plot with different mechas.
  7. i did not belive i would say this but i think that the only way we'll ever see macross merchandise on this side of the planet is via harmony gold. but plesae why do HG still uses robotech as their main franchise? come on. that franchise is way to old and till this day it has not evolved like macross has been doing at japan. if the directives of HG had jus a bit of brain they should send all robotech stuff to oblivion, and start fresh with the REAL macross franchise instead. i don't know, perhaps they should negotiate with big west over the macross license and release macross merchandise legally here as long as it had the quality approval of big west so they could release quality products or even better workout a deal with yamato or bandai and they wouldn't had to pay for the toy designs since they are already done. but noooo, instead they go their way relesing lower quality products, hell they even don't recognize the truth that they butchered a clasic of animation and have denied many fans the real story behind macross as if the goverment was denying the existance of aliens here, and by the way you must forget the alien stuff i just mentioned.
  8. thanks for the hint, those things are really cheap, now i have to start planning the variable zero project.
  9. thanks for all your replies, hopefully tomorrow at night i`ll post the finished model. and graham about that variable zero you just convinced me to do a semi-variable one. still have some payments to do but as soon as i'm off with them i'll buy a zero and make it semi-variable like the bandai 1/72 variable kit. unlike this project the semi-variable one will be documented with photos from the start of the project, i'll try to show it in a way that can make it look easy and be easy to do a custom one for anybody, and then we can all be free from those slackers at yamato who after 2 years haven't released any macross zero stuff. i think we can show them that we can do a variable zero... by the way if anyone knows where to order polycaps and ball joints please let me know so i can get ahead with this project wich will be dedicated to everyone in this forums.
  10. hope your 19 girl looks like the one i draw or better.
  11. small update, lerx were corrected, thanks Ido didn't saw that one. nopw what's left to do: 1.- detail the arm, i'll have to sculpt the details around it. 2.- add the lights where the chest connects to the back. 3.- finish painting, i want this to look like yamato's low vis valk. also changed the arms position so now it holds the gun pod with both hands.
  12. this thing compared to the 19 battroid was way mooore esay to do since almost all the pieces are included in the original kit, the only part you would need to do on are the arms wich i made using one of those hooks that we use to put clothes on, about 5 to 7 mm. in diameter and 3.2 cm long, the pieces that conect the chest with the backpack was scratchbuil and still need to be detailed. as for cuting the pieces all that i used was a very sharp razor likke the ones that are used to open boxes but beware since this razors cut the plastic way to easy and when i wasdoing the final cuts i cut my left index finger, and that stings like hell, so be carefull, i`ll try to finish it before my hasegawa VF-1 battroid arrives from mail. sadly this models has no articulation but its main purpose is to see how it looks in battroid and to one day build a variable one for wich i`ll see if i can also buy a bandai semi variable VF-1 to use the piece that conects chest with backpack and the pieces that move the arms from fighter position to battroid, also i still have to figure out how to move the chest section in a way that covers the entire cockpit and where to place the swing bars for the legs. i have only a few banpresto variables wich help me to get an idea on how to do the transformation as showed in the OVA. as for proportions like the 19 my goal was to make it without modifying any parts like the nosecone, since i once saw a battroid mode from a scan of dengeki hobby and the nose was shortened and i think that it was not necesary to do so and after seeing my model i can confirm that to my self. just a bit off-topic, i think that yamato should go for a perfect variable VF-0 and do it at a bigger scale like 1/72 wich actually is big, or even better a 1/48 wich would make it easy to recreate all the gimmicks and mechanical transformation process. what do you think? there is just no excuse fo them for not releasing a zero.
  13. next to my 19 for size.
  14. a close-up of the back pack.
  15. left side.
  16. OK hre are three pics of the battroid wich is almost finished, the only thing to do is to detail the arms and decal and a few things. tell me what do you think.
  17. hi, i`m starting a custom battroid and need some hints or advice on this subject, will appreciate all help you can give me. here is a pic of the backpack will look like, so far i have cut all pieces and will start to modify them tomorrow, had to stop due to a little accidente i had while cutting the pieces, gave myself a cut on a finger. hopefully will finish in two days at a two-hour session per day.
  18. striderhiryu


    now that i think of it every designer has a diferent concept of the YF-19 transformation sequence and as much as they try they can`t make the 19 look perfect in all three modes because Mr. kawamori did not designed it to be a toy but rather as a fighter design for a show. unless kawamori does not make another series in wich the 19 is featured with CGI all other attempts will be mere speculation of the variable sequence. as for me i care mainly about fighter mode, as for battroid i`d rather like to see it as it would be in reality and not as in the show simply beacuse there is way to much magic in how several parts change their proportions, the battroid proportions must always match the proportions of fighter mode. as for this 1/100 figure that`s the best design yet. and as for the poor sales of the FP 11 and 21 they should have started with a redesigned 19, in this case yamato should had focused more on the 19 since is the most popular of the three designs and the show`s main mecha. at least thats what i think about this matter.
  19. voted for the 19 since i remember i made a picture of one that i posted a while ago and is one of my favorite pictures i`ve done.
  20. if hasegawa once made a battroid why not a zero batttroid? i`d rather have two zeros in fighter and battroid rather than a small part-swaping figure.
  21. sorry for the picture, still need more practice at taking pictures at night. here`s the VF-0S finished in low-vis:
  22. striderhiryu


    hope yamato did this in 1/72 or 1/48. the design is already done and the only thing to do is to convert it to a larger scale with more details like panel lines. i personally think that there`s simply just no excuse for not releasing this beauty under yamato. also i think in case they ever release it they shoul do a white only version including water slide decals so anyone can customize it like the one in blue and white one. by the way anyone knows how mch it could cost at the WF, so i can start saving or sell a kidney or wathever to get one if i`m lucky.
  23. finally i`m currently making a low-vis VF-0S, all the assembly is done and i have painted it and all is left now is to give it an oil wash, feel welcome to give your opinion on this models, i think that i`m still far away from doing models like WM cheng, but still i`ll try to learn as much as possible until i reach my goals. here`s my VF-0S
  24. a custom battroid with improved shoulder fast packs...
  25. onto the macross stuff, my YF-19 fighter...
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