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talon1138's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Happy New Year everyone. My last Christmas present will be coming from HLJ and contains: VF-4 1/60 super parts Macross Quarter Elintseeker
  2. Payment sent. Can't wait.
  3. I'd be interested. I'll probably take two.
  4. I'd be interested in a set.
  5. Noob question: Between ordering from HLJ and AmiAmi, whom do you recommend? (Items would be shipped to the US)
  6. Thanks for the help everyone.
  7. Thanks Jason.
  8. Absofreakinlutely incredible!
  9. I saw this in my local Hobby Lobby today: http://www.amazon.com/Testor-Corp-Decal-Paper-Clear/dp/B000BLI6QS These are clear decal sheets from Testors. Has anyone used these? If so, are they any good?
  10. That is an absolutely amazing work of art. I am humbled. Wow. My jaw is still on the floor. Beautiful work.
  11. Love the work everyone. I'm jealous. Derex, did the Falcon kit come with that acrylic display stand? If not, where can I get those?
  12. What are the boxes made of?
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