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Everything posted by Briareos

  1. Book 1 and 2 are by far a better read than 3 and 4. Much too political for my tastes but I did enjoy the art. Book 3 especially. Anywaz some shirow news for you. http://dl.foobio.net/free/title/greeting.html Essentially it summerizes - INTRON DEPOT will be published by Kodansha instead of Shirow's old publishers Seishinsha - INTRON DEPOT 5 YAMATAIKO to be published by Kodansha - The title of INTRON DEPOT 6(7?) is set to "BABEL". - Art Book which collected DOMINION or the covers of magazine (COMIC GUN etc.) will be published. Intron Depot Bullets is already slated for release this year.
  2. The movie trailer link itself is downloadable. If you're using windows media player 9, the player pops up and it starts to buffer in the movie. As it' buffering, click on File and then choose "Save Media As". The animation that came closest to Shirow would be the FMV sequence of the GITS game for the PS. Wouldn't you agree? His style of drawing is always evolving anyways so labeling something as shirowish or not isn't easy. One thing for sure, the GITS movies aren't shirowish at all in art. I abhor them.
  3. The trailer link is on the page reported in the first post of this thread. The bottom left hand link. http://www.a-seed.jp/
  4. You guys don't get it. The images I posted are of the prototype Duenan. The trailer version is much better. I can't get screen captures of the wmv file to post comparisons. You'll have to watch the trailer for yourselves. Drew
  5. After watching the trailer i have to say the animation's improved along with character designs which were too CGI b4. But I don't like the redesign of the eight legged platforms.. It looks like a building with legs. The character with the high velocity fibers only showed up in Shirow hypernotes from Super Manga blast. The story about who had hired her did not get resolved since Shirow never got around to finishing up Appleseed 5 Thought I'd post images of their work in progress before the trailer came out. Drew
  6. Her death is a real tradgedy. Her cervical cancer was diagnosed long time ago and could have definitely been operated on. But she really wanted kids and had a love interest. That love interest eventualy dumped her and by that time the cancer had spread too far.
  7. The pics are very large and linked from overseas. Very 56K modem unfriendly. Takes time to load up. My friend says he can see them. Still if you can't see them access the link. That's where the pics come from. It really shouldn't make much of a difference though. Perhaps someone can reduce and post the pictures?
  8. Check out this forum for all the prototype pics of binaltech Hound. I like the fact that his gun stows away in his spare tire. http://bbs.tfclub.com/showtopic.asp?id=209...orumid=2&page=1
  9. Nothing is removed or added in transformation. Notice where the red chest is attached to the body by a black beam. There is a U shaped cut made to accodate the black bar. Otherwise the rear section of the car can't overlap on top of the shoulders. The only other issue are the switching of the hands but that's easy to do. Drew
  10. The Houses of Healing will be in the EE. PJ confirmed it Newsweek. There's already insights as to what the extended edition will have. This comes from Aint it cool so naturally this information should still be considered rumour. Major ROTK EE SPOILERS ON THIS LINK http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=16689 Drew
  11. http://filmforce.ign.com/lotr/articles/442...2/442738p1.html This might never come to be even though both Jackson and New Line are trying to make the movie a reality. Even Ian McKellen would love to make the movie. The problem is with the Tolkien estate headed by Christopher Tolkien. Chris was against the movies from the get go but the rights were already to sold producer Saul Zaentz. Jackson wanted to perserve all the costumes, bigatures, and art in a museum in Wellington but Chris denied them permission. Chris hates any movie translation since it defines what the reader's imagination would be and takes away from the reading. A lot of purist fans feel that way too. Think of what Dr. Seuss fans feel about the abuse on "The Cat in the Hat" adaptation. Now some people are bitter at him saying that he's living off his father's works though royalty fees and publishing Tolkiens scraps as the Silmarillion. It's not to say that getting the Hobbit movie would be impossible. The Cat in the Hat movie as I hear it never got the real permission from the family of Dr. Seuss. They achieved the rights from the people who did a previous cartoon version. I'm assuming they can work around this problem with the Hobbit cartoon rights. Spoiler alert... Question. Remember the trailer for ROTK where you see Pippen and Gandalf on horseback in Minas Tirith encouter a Nazgul on a fell beast. I don't believe I saw that in the movie anywhere. Did I miss it or was it cut out? For those of you who thought Denethor's dementia was a little too extreme, there's a reason for this. Denethor hid away a palantir at the top of the tallest tower of Minas Tirith. Looking into it he was fed subtle information from Sauron and thus driven mad. I wonder if this was edited out as well. Anyone with favorite quotes from the movie? Elrond: [in Elvish] I give hope to the West. Aragorn: [in Elvish] I have kept none for myself. Aragorn: [to hobbits as they bow to him] My friends... you bow to no one. [Everyone bows to the hobbits] Eomer: You should not encourage him. Eowyn: You should not doubt him. Eomer: I do not doubt his heart, only the reach of his arm. Drew
  12. It's actually worth buying now. But the guy had to have removed the hands and switched them. From the looks of it, it doesn't look difficult to do. Hmnn do you suppose they might offer Sunstreaker in this form of transformation and Sideswipe as the other? They are supposed to be twins..no?
  13. There is on easter egg. It's Gollum accepting his MTV award. Not exactly new but really fun to have. On the "Part One" disc. Choose Scene Selection. Choose 29 - 30 which is the last group of scenes Select the last scene which is 30 Press Down. You will see the an image of a ring next to the left of the "new scene and extended scene" text. Press enter while the ring is highlighted. This is pretty much like the easter eggs on FOTR EE where there was a MTV parody as well. But the FOTR included a sneak preview trailer of TT. I can't find any trailer of ROTK. Drew
  14. What about Hagiwara Kazushi 's Bastard redo. That is pure porn now from what I've heard. I can't see what he's done since the book's 40 dollars and shrink wrapped in all the book stores. Here's something for you Ghost in the shell fans. FYI there's some more GITS stories after the first book. He did these between the two books and follows section 9 through some missions. They've been collected and put on cd called GITS 1.5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...0&category=1345 Drew
  15. When it comes to most things I love about about Japanese culture, it's the amount of time and effort given to all the details. Shirow's a shinning example of that. Whether it's too much in terms of art or his sidetracked technolgy quibs or his plots, you have to give cred to the man for trying. His art shows his progress. Take Black Magic to Appleseed to Exon Depot to Neurohard to Ghost In the Shell. Apparent leaps in drawing the female form, pixel tones, and coloration. The man won't stay still with a fixed style. Which is good since he's getting better at it. But I still have issues with the breasts. They all look like Tanner Stage four breasts. Anywayz, He's still in his computer art infancy.. Give him some time. Compared to his early computer works, the newest works are definitely an improvement. BTW, Shirow is of course in incognito and practically no one knows who he is. But he is an art teacher. Hence his tendency to do something always new. Some lucky people have him as an Art Teacher!! grrrrr... What i would pay to have that happen for me. His story telling is another issue. He goes over the top when it comes to plots and research. But some really original concepts have come out from his stories. For those who are complaining about not being able to understand MMI, i have to tell you that this way of story telling isn't new. Since book three of Appleseed, all sentences now require an hour's worth of research to decipher what he meant. Be it politics, technology or religion, he writes up science books and passes them off as common dialog. The exception are for lighter mangas like Dominion and Exon Depot. What I would give to have a comic written by a great writter like Jeph Loeb and all the art done by Shirow. As I said before in another post, check out his set of posterbooks. In everyone there's computer art but you wouldn't be able to notice them now. He's gotten much better at blending his pencil to digital art. Before his pencils looked like cutouts. Also look for Eros Depot soon. It's gonna be a book collection of his erotic art. Drew
  16. Well er.. My last handle on the old forum was Briareos with a capital B. And I had joined in the first month of MW's inception. We both were "briareos" on the old forums. Nice huh? Drew
  17. Looking good. What scale is that? Just wondering if the Yamato Duenan figure's the same scale. The lastest Shirow products btw: exo, I would get the 40 dollar galgrease 1rst series posterbook set. Highly worth it. http://www.geocities.com/impul_fuchikoma_9.../galgrease.html http://www.geocities.com/impul_fuchikoma_99/cards.html Drew
  18. Is it me or does the camera follow the missles when ever they're fired. If so, doesn't that take away from the game play? It could get annoying. Drew
  19. 2x BP9 Drew
  20. Wow, these FP's are heavy. They look really great. One thing I noticed is that the exit nozzels of the two boosters on the backpack have some limited articulation. Nice!! Would be nice to have the launch arm hold up the valk for show while the valk really stands on something transparent.. like the stands sithlords selling. That would be perfect. All my FP problems were described exactly by the previous posts. -metal looking FP connected stuck on backpack. -loose micro missles and loose wing dual missles -floppy arms Drew
  21. OT reply. Changed it. Thanks for the heads up.
  22. Great series so far. It's interesting that the series picks up right after the movie finishes. I think the show and the movie are in the same "universe" actually. The series gives Spider-man what was lacking in the movie. His smart-ass mouth. The quotes spidey quips while fighting are great! I find the voice acting great but wierd. Spider-man/Peter Parker ---- Neil Patrick Harris Mary Jane Watson ---- Lisa Loeb Harry Osborn ---- Ian Ziering Ever since I found out, I kept on seeing Doogie Howser chatting it up with Lisa Loeb and Steve Sanders (90210). Errr...sorry in advance if i ruined it for other people. Drew
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