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Everything posted by Briareos

  1. According to my Korean friend, one of the reasons for it being so wired is due to the popularity of Starcraft. The game was so addicitive, easy to play and deep in play that it spread like wirefire. Tournaments cropped up and now my friend claims that the best Starcraft players are no longer in the West but now in Korea. PC Bangs (Cafes) with starcraft gaming became was in such high demand that an infrastructure in Korea came about. He told me that even the girls were also very skilled at starcraft, that when you bought a new PC it came automatically with starcraft installed and food packages had starcraft advertised on it. Other games like Lineage, Counterstrike WOW , WC and Age of Empires 2 followed suit. He claimed that these games helped teach english. But he also claimed despite learning some english it hasn't helped their online etiquette. Due to this gaming onslaught there has been a trickle down of cultural behavior. His mom now Instant Messenges him on a daily basis and is quite tech savvy compared to women of her age here. You can agree with him or disagree. I just found his story interesting. Here's an interesting read: South Korea: King of the Virtual World
  2. This looks like a case study. Couple's online gaming causes infant's death Second gamer dies after massive binge Death of a Video Gamer Somewhat similar: Chinese gamer sentenced to life
  3. I think he's been fantasizing about what these royal jewels could be.
  4. Thats the dumbest thing I have ever seen... Look at how small the hands are. Lucas should kill himlsef. 317380[/snapback] That picture of Vader is of a toy Agent One.
  5. GunXSword is a new one that is 3 episodes in. Think Spike Spiegel but in a Trigun setting with a giant mech.
  6. Aint It Cool News reports that Michael Bay may be leaving. One of the reasons being that The Island tanked at the B.O. So there might be a possibility in having the old voices come back 'cept for Starscream which was one of my favorite voices. He captured dangerous, evil and pathetic-whiney perfectly. The voice actor for him and Cobra Commander died AFAIK. Forgot what his name was though.
  7. Heh.. I am now a happy camper
  8. Hmnn tough decision.. All the new stuff is wall paper material. Perhaps Shawn can expand the wallpaper selection in the fun stuff section. But for now the SV-51's on page 9. 1280 x 1024 if u can. This will look awesome on my new Apple Cinema Screen. Yeah, I'm broke now because of it. Thanks in advance!!
  9. Has anyone made wallpaper out of the new material in the book yet? I would like to do it myself but i don't have money yet to get a scanner.
  10. I just got my book from HLJ. So that makes it ten days since notification that the book was shipped. Hope that helps.
  11. I gotta disagree about the battroid mode. If anything, the battroid mode of this new VF-0 looks far superior in proportion and design than the VF-1 1/48 Yammies. 313833[/snapback] No, no. What I meant was that the nose needle or as Graham puts it, nose antenna looks silly on the bottom of the crotch in battloid mode. It almost looks like the mech is peeing. I love how the battloid looks despite the antenna.
  12. Full Transformation!! Woo Hoo!! How are they going to do the nose-needle? It may look great but thats probably the first thing to break. Not to mention it's not really becoming on battloid mode. Bring on the SV-51!!
  13. "Spoilers? Here's a spoiler..." "YOU WILL DIE ALONE!" sorry.. couldn't help myself http://www.milkandcookies.com/stuff/triumphvsw.asx http://gorillamask.net/triumphjacko.shtml
  14. Can someone tell me what company made the Vader and Kenobi in Exo's photos? Gentle Giants? Sideshow? Thanks in advance
  15. Im definitely picking up the Medicom Darth Vader and Stormtrooper If you have the cash consider GG's Speederbike and Scout
  16. Well, you'd have to know some biology to understand why people don't outright freeze. The reason is because the body has some safe guards to fight it in a process called homeostasis. ATP when broken up releases a phosphate and energy. Some of that energy is used for work some of it just gives off heat. The body can control how much heat is needed. One of the reasons why we have an advantage over the reptiles. But that's on the cell level. The body also has body fat to keep the heat in and the brain makes the body shiver to aid in keeping warm. Another aspect of our physiological responses is sweating. We sweat involuntary to heat for evaporation which induces cooling. I'm afraid Graham is right.
  17. Image heavy. Sorry in advance Why go hunting for this toy. Just get a gold gundam paint marker. Here's pics of the tumbler for reference.
  18. Does anyone have these parts RL2, BP9, and BP4 to sell? Refer to the initial posts of this thread for part number reference. Thanks Drew
  19. Seems like there's not going to be any front wheel coordinated steering for Prowl.
  20. doesn't work... downloads a tiny zipped file... This isn't the movie but the subs for the movie contained in *.srt files. Hongfire's Appleseed that was up last week didn't contain any subs. In order to pair up the srt with the movie I suggest using BSPlayer. Unfortunately the subs are done pretty poorly. Anyone up for editing this?
  21. Subs are up. Appleseed_2004_Sub_English.zip http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.p...achmentid=15595
  22. Lotsa fun stuff here: http://www.a-seed.jp/en.html there is no .srt file for Appleseed The Movie so far. The one that's out there is for the old OAV. There was supposed to be a limited theatrical release by Geneon Animation in the fall of this year. Only thing i heard that resembled this was the premiere in the Boston Waterloo Convention.
  23. Great movie!! Now I'm inclined to watch the Iron Giant which I passed over for being one of those dumb kiddie flicks. It's interesting to note that Pixar was once a division under George Lucas which separated and bloomed on it's own. Even though the last two movies out of Lucas were pretty sad, we have much to thank for from the companies he instigated; ILM, THX, Skywalker Sound. Anyone else wondering if and when Pixar will be sued by Marvel Comics Inc.? Marvel has been pretty sue-happy these past years and if they did sue they would have a reason to since Fantastic Four is coming out soon. What gives them ammunition for legal merit is the powers of Violet. In the Fantastic Four, Sue Storm has the powers of invisibility and force fields. Violet interestingly enough has exactly the same powers which don't exactly go hand in hand. A comidic movie about a family of four with an inivisible woman and someone who stretches can apply to both movies.
  24. NYT's article Also watch the clips on the offical website. They're hilarious TeamAmerica
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