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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Here's two pics I took showing the hand (sitting on the wrist) and off (Sorry for the poor image quality): I don't know alot about modelling or toy construction but it looks like the peg is just too small to keep the hand on. The peg doesn't look worn or damaged in anyway. Maybe the worn looking lip on the hand itself is what's supposed to keep the hand on? Someone told me this morning that Robotech.com's store is agreeing to replace broken Alpha MPC's. I would suggest if yours came broken or broke right out of the box that you visit or contact by phone or email the store you purchased from and politely ask for a replacement. In fact Armo just posted about it at RT.com: ArmoDiver Rank: Private Subject: If you've got a defective one... Posted On: August 20, 2004 - 1:27:23 PM Like mine, which broke almost as soon as I opened it, or just the victim of plain shoddy workmanship. E-mail their customer service. They'll replace the toy. If enough of us do this, maybe they'll do some serious checking into their quality control. (Or apperant lack thereof)
  2. Yeah I wanted to open that hatch so bad but I could tell it was purposely designed not to open though it looks like it should. Thanks. I've actually been reading over mw.com forums for years now and even linking to threads from time to time. A lot of great info and insights show up over here. I started to sign up a while back but that was back during the height of the Mac/RT rivalry and I chickened out.
  3. I was puzzled by that hatch that doesn't open more than like maybe 1/8th inch too. At first I thought it might be so you can open and close the sensor pod hatch without extending the torso. It will allow you to do but the more I thought about it the more I'm convinced it's a connection point for the Beta MPC. I suspect the arm on the Beta MPC (that connects to the Alpha in the tv series) will cradle the aft most area of the Alpha MPC's torso where the aft directional thruster and those 2 pegs fit up against the stowed legs, then part of it extend up along the back/top to lock into that little space below that hatch that doesn't want to open. That's my theory about it anyway Edit: Oops, poor timing for my first post, especially concerning possible connection points to the Beta as it showed up following EXO's post about the shoulder missile hatch breaking off while he was looking for Beta connection points
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