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tim patterson

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  1. Who did the Valk designs?
  2. I know I am getting flamed for this one... But to use the "R" word... Why I dislike Macross II, The similarities between Macross II and Robotech masters are too obvious. A Human sized alien race in control of the Zentradi. Gigantic ships with their entire race contained within. Singers to control their populous. The singer taken by the humans introduced to the human way of life / falls in love with said human. SDF-1 site / Macross gets destroyed at the end. There is more if you look for it. Why I like it, I love the design and look of the VF-2SS, I mean just look at this: http://members.shaw.ca/decepticon/WCheng/DSCN2935.jpg Also It fits into all of the timelines if you place it AFTER all of the other series and OAVs.
  3. It sounds like a fan/bootleg but that's kinda strange because it was shown at least 3 years before the movie addition was available on VHS and didn't have any of the other extras from it. (but could have been edited with a japanese version I suppose) I tore my basement apart looking for the itinerary from that show but couldn't find it. I shot an e-mail off to the Otakon people, but they are just getting finished with their last convention and are gearing up for the next one, so I don't expect an answer. One thing of Note: The sub WAS a bit different from my laserdisc, which gives more credence to the fansub theory. If anyone comes across this version Please post a thread. Thanks, everyone.
  4. No, I know it is in the movie edition, I own the movie edition as well. That wasn't it. It was a 4 part OAV in Japanese with english subtitles and the complete death scene. It was probably VHS back then. Could have been a bootleg, but if so from where? I remember being really pissed off when the four Laser Discs were released a year later because they cut it out. Does anyone know if the complete Death scene is on the DVD OAV release or not? Is there an NTSC ultimate edition?
  5. It's the part when he "cuts out the limiters" and his skin is pulling off his face from the speed and blood is flying out of his eyes. That is the extended movie version, but I also saw it in a japanese lang version 4 part OAV. My laserdiscs don't have that scene, and I wanted to know if it is in the American DVD release so I don't wast my money buying the same thing over again! Also if anyone knows where I can get the version I saw at the convention I would appreciate it.
  6. I think in 95 or 96, I saw a 4 eposode version of Macroos Plus at the Otakon Convention in Hunt Valley Md. It was subtitled w/Japanese soundtrack. The odd thing about it was ---- It was the 4 ep. OAV but it had Guld's DEATH SCENE! When I bought the laserdisc version it was missing! I have the movie version on VHS. Is the death scene in the OAV DVD release? Is there an Import version? HELP me find it PLEASE!
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