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Doctor Paragon

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Everything posted by Doctor Paragon

  1. Same here, just got my confirmation of payment from Kevin yesterday. I expect it by the 20-23 of December, mail here in the states during the holidays sucks.
  2. That's right on the money-as far as my collection goes anyways... Same here. My LV is damned near perfect.
  3. Seriously unlike 60 % of my MPC's (1S and 1A are good, the others bleh!) My MPC Alpha is surprisingly not screwed up in any perceivable way. I did go ahead and reglue some trouble (hatches mentioned) areas but that was preventative 'Maint' on my part. Good luck on future orders.
  4. Thread Killah. (Bump)
  5. Ugh. But at least you're not turning it into a Robotech toy... so, I'll forgive you. No big I sometimes will get an additional transforming toy or model and will do a slight repaint (usually the eyes) or kitbash and throw an TF faction symbol on it. I did the same for a spare Gundam Zeta +C1 (+) I painted it's optics red and put a few Decepticon symbols on it. Did the same for a spare FP VF-21 (hell it's already Decep purple...). It's just a thing I do, mostly so my Jetfire has some other "adopted" buddies on the shelf. But rest assured I have "virgin product" of everything I "Cybertronize". The VB-6 is a Macross product and will be honored on my shrine to the toy gods (Workbench) as such. I'm just glad it's actually being made. The VB-6 is not exactly the most likely candidate for Yamato to produce. (+)( http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN907724 )
  6. Thank you for posting this "heads-up" about this much anticipated product. I immediately preordered 2, one to remain "Virgin", one to slap an Autobot badge (Symbol) on the left shoulder armor. ( http://p070.ezboard.com/flegacyofcybertron...opicID=69.topic ) I love the VB6's design (It looks like Gen. Patton designed a transforming robot.) and I so look forward to have one of these "ugly bastards" in my anxious hands.
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