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Doctor Paragon

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Everything posted by Doctor Paragon

  1. Moving my 'Fort Max' around...
  2. Interestingly enough the backpack can fold down like in shuttle mode to lower the barrels out of the way while it's giving something a knuckle hoagie. This slightly encumbers the legs to back but not enough to impede walking, even with the VB6's rather distorted proportions. I believe the consensus around here was that the "Konig" lands in Gerwalk. This allows VTOL and much less taxi space on a carrier's flight deck. Lastly your comment about Toynami's Alpha toys... A store here in town gets them in and puts them on a shelf. I got to look for the best one out of five, mine is in excellent condition. At least as good most mass produced intricate toys (MPOP). But admittedly a few were kind of sloppy on the paint. 2 out of 5 is rather poor odds...
  3. interested in two pair Fulcy. Please PM me the ordering Intel.
  4. I've learned (the hard way in some cases) that the easiest way to fix a peg problem is to file the hole a bit larger thereby removing some stress. No obviosly some pegs have to be tight in some cases, but any that have more pressure from the back than accross the shearing plane can be opened up a bit to allow more play. If nothing else those with the skill can replace the pegs with cut metal or plastic rod and reinforce the receivers with some brass tube. A lot of work... Sort of. Rebuilding faulty parts is more a matter of moxey and skill than time and effort. But I concede I wish they had spent more time on QC. But then this seems to be the weak link in Yamato's corporate chain.
  5. We could replace the "L" tabs with Magnets... As lame a mistake as backwards "leg/wing" anchors are, I can cut file and replace those things with some aluminum connectors in less time than it will take to read all the bitching this thread has gotten in the last day. ... Well maybe about an hour longer. What concerns me in all this that some here are bitching about a toy they haven't even handled, more or less actually own. It'll be okay folks, seriously.
  6. D@mn! those SP Alpha hands look small enough to almost fold into the forearm without removal.
  7. Waitin' for my Email from VE... And not doing a good job of it. I'm sure between the two I ordered I can cobble together at least one without defects or QC problems...
  8. same here. But the actual gameplay wasn't as good as say Fire warrior, it wasn't really bad. It just struck me as decent enough to play a few times.
  9. Let's not get all crazy now... >>> I love the pic A7, thanks for the laugh.
  10. Thems' some dangerous words to be sayin' around these parts....
  11. thanks for the update. Late news is infinitly better than none.
  12. Play it safe Graham, lord knows you don't need that sh1t storm landing on you.
  13. I've only done business with Kevin, and thus far it has been an excellent experience. As for Graham's umbrage; Do whatcha' gotta' G-Dawg!
  14. The quoted commentary echoes my thoughts nicely especially the part about HG in bold. Through Junior high and High school I was really a major buyer of Paladium' Robotech RPG line, and I'm not ashamed in th least to still own those books along with MACROSS II. Now before Shin and the rest of the Shiite Macross Coalition start up their tired and abusive song again. I think that Macross PLUS is to this date the End all Be all Shiznit! of the whole Macross flavored shebang. I have known of the weird history of the property(ies) since high school and it never diminished my love for it all. I just found it clever, weird, and somewhat unnecessary. This all changed when I found out about the remarkably shitty business practices that HG had been employing to deprive it's fanbase. For those actions I and my 1/48 LV VF-1A give them the one fingered salute. If HG had even began any effort to partner with BW on bringing it all over "here" (The US) they would be PHAT PAID and BW would be as well. We "fans" would be able to get what we want at much more reasonable prices, and many more people would be happier if not wealthier. But they (HG) don't do this. They threaten import stores and act like utter children. And the fan base gets shafted over and over. If there was ever a company I wish had not survived the 80's and 90's it is Harmony Gold. My God how much better things could have been in this hobby. At this point I'm just glad the same bullshit hasn't occured more with companies like Takara and Hasbro. As I look at my old Robotech Books I do not feel anger or some sort of threat to my fanatical beliefs about a toyline/Anime' property. I just wish it could have gone down better with more honor and maturity. On all sides of the fence...
  15. Well seeing as how MPC Prime will have to tilt his head up a litttle to look the VB6 in the optics, not to mention the barrel assembly on it's back boosting it's stature by a few inches more. Also the Yammi Konig is much wider that MPC Prime at the shoulder. So yeah the sucker is titanic compared to everything short of Fort-Max, the New Omega Supreme/Sentinal mold, and Unicron. Well in shuttle mode it is 13" of Konig Monster, which I should think will appease the randiest Yamato Collector's needs quite adequately. Well that and a VF-19 FP. I am so glad I preordered a pair of these bastards.
  16. Don't forget the classic "Tansformer" sound effect. Err ee urr urrrr!
  17. only problem with that is, you pay $80 for a toy that sucks, then you end up paying another $10 to ship it back so they can send you another lemon. you ship it back again and again and again....all of the sudden you end up paying $120 for what should've been $80. Pst! That's why you buy two swap any bad parts for good and sell the "Devito" of the two twins on Ebay to recoup losses... The worst I have seen of the MPC line took three "Organ donors" to fix. And to give due credit my Alpha Scott and Valk Roy MPC's were damned near perfect, as in 99% correct out of the box. 99% is better than Has/Tak these days. The other MPC's I have well, that's a different matter. >>Glares at MPC VF1-J "Rick" he had to damned near rebuild... I'm sure as hell getting the Green and Shadow Alphas. Green: I need to retire my Gakken Greenie. Shadow: UHM DUH?! it looks sweet and it's the only Shadow Alpha I'll ever afford. That and hey maybe by the forth one they'll hav fianlly gotten it all debugged. My VF-1R is damn fine, better than it's five predacessors. So maybe repetition is the key with Toynami.
  18. Since when has looking cool been a requirement for a Military weapon, there have been some ugly ass looking machines in service. Heh, never hurts. Also I happen to like the Warthog's rogueish "good looks". And DAYUM the Super Cat looks heavenly, I wish they had done something with this design.
  19. Look, nutsqueeze. I have appreciation for Macek's work on Robotech. I am one of those who as a kid would have never had any exposure to Macross or Mospeada with out his work and the novels were very entertaining. That said, most if not all of us Macross Worlders have umbrage with your buddy's employer because of all the hateful legal crap they have perpetrated on their own fan base over the last 2 decades to keep us in the dark and yet still produce an inferior product. My bitch with HG would not be so profound if they had produced their own product -Cough-Sentinels-Cough- , but no, they fell through on that as with many of their projects. The only Robotech Product that I have any longstanding positive feelings about is Paladium's RPG series and the Robotech Invasion video game because it actually does rock. Macek and crew need to actually put forth real effort on some new and original material (Lady Death sure as hell ain't up to muster) and prove how damned bright he is "again". Because the old whore that is Robotech is getting pretty damned ugly and tired of being rode. 20 years is enough, now do something to back up the worn out hype. As for product comparisons: MPC Series 1: Had to rebuild one and tinker on another to get them right. MPC Series 2: So far, so good I than k Toynami's people for this not HG. Yamato 1/48: Superior, but has frequent quality control issues. Yamato 1/60: Excellent, haven't gotten a bad product yet. So it's about even, but the Fast-packed 48's are prettier on a shelf beside my MPC Optimus, that's for certain.
  20. I'll look for mine, I have the Imai versions of the three kits.
  21. I'm down for a perfect. $280 is pricey, but double the price for a 1/48 isn't too steep. I just pray this doesn't take as long as the VB6 Konig kit project.
  22. Keerist! Between this coming in less than two weeks and my TF:Galaxy Force order coming in on the 7th of January, I'm going to be strapped for the next two weeks. Oh well, I guess I will have much plastic to keep me company while eatiing my ramen.
  23. Schweet! Thanks for the hard work Kevin. Happy holidays!
  24. Same here. >> Prays to the toy-gods. >> Consoles Wallet.
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