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Doctor Paragon

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Everything posted by Doctor Paragon

  1. >>BUMP Lordy I do love this thread.
  2. Opus if I may ask. What model minigun is that? I've been looking for one that good for a while now.
  3. Seriously, I wish I had a partner that was as romantic as yours. My girl paid some money down on them so I dare say you are correct.
  4. Agreed, This series is so surpisingly good. I actually make a point of watching each new ep instead of "Catching it later" like I do most TV these days.
  5. I should have my pair of these bad boy in on Valentine's day.
  6. My 1/48 VF-1S Strike LV is much larger than this model kit will be. The "Powered Suit" is working out to be about 7 inches tall after much assembly.
  7. I got this in the mail a couple days ago from HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVPS-01 The kit is 1/12, which is WAY bigger than the Kaiyodo figure's 1/20 scale. (Yes I already have it.) It is ultra sweet! The articulation on the armor is MG-Gundam/Patlabor good. All the fingers can be posed and the thumbs are on ball joints. Also it has polycaps that are OD green like the rest of the kit. It does need actual glue use (Gundam has me way spoiled) and some painting to do it justice. Anybody else gotten this sucker?
  8. Agreed! And Damn, would that look kick ass on the top of my collection shelf. He'd be like the quantum particle cannon toting Zues of the toy pantheon. With MPC 'Prime' and The VB6 Konig as his right hand bots, and my beloved Strike-LV 1/48 in 'gerwalk' as his 'left hand'. 'Twould be GLORIOUS! -Ahem Yeah I like many would shell out $200 for something that sweet.
  9. So what do you think of him? I got my GF wave 1 assortment last week. Galaxy Convoy is the best since MPC. Well IMHO he is.
  10. The "Dual Occupancy" version of Blaster was called "Twincast".
  11. Hehhehehhhh You said Erect...
  12. Pretty much what I did. It's sad that out faith in Yamato's QC is so poor, but by hell they earned it.
  13. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=12748
  14. Thanks Nanashi, That was the kind of info I was searching for.
  15. Haterist: Man that sucks, Sad part is it isn't that hard to fix, so WTF? I mean I have some Gundam figure hinges that I was fearing I would have to sacrifice to rectify Yamato's "Superb QC. So Haterist, I imagine you will be 'Bashing those back into working order, well after some paint on those missiles.
  16. I remember that second thread (It Effin' rocked) but sadly all the "manual" and Nanashi links met Mr. 404. What happened to Nanashi's page any way? (Google what's that... , but I tried it already. >>kicks google. )
  17. Yup been there too, but I remember Nanashi posting some sweet line-art among other pics and descriptions. Thanks for the reply though.
  18. VA-3, And VA-3C, I've seen the "Macross Roleplay" entry for it but I know I saw a thread here that had some very good content on the VA-3 Series of mecha. I tried the Search function, but found Nada. So I am asking you fine folks have any images or "cannon-ish" text you can share or post a link to? Thanks in advance.
  19. Transformers-ish.. Found this on Seibertron.com: http://www.toyglobe.com/MetaMorph.php Marvel/Toybiz has decided to try at beating Hasbro at the Alternator game by producing these rather interesting items: Spidey: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110109 Doc Oc: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110116 Hulk: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110115 Thing: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110111 Captain America: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110114 Ghost Rider: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110113 Iron Man: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110112 And Of course as always with all things Marvel, Wolverine: http://www.toyglobe.com/details.php?type=110110 What I find most interesting is how "Transtech" these designs look. Whith some putty and sanding these could make truly bad ass toys to hang with this year's Alternator offerings.
  20. Check it out: Emperor Starscream? http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/thread65620.html
  21. Not my idea Monty, I just have some "big dawg" gundams around. And somebody(ies) around here wanted to see them going all 'RAW is WAR' on each other. My buddy is lending me his Photo skills so I figured I would snap couple of shots while taking pics for my Galaxy Force reviews on another site.
  22. So, I've got a 1/60 (real making?..) version of the Wing Zero, The 1/60 scale figure of the "Wing Gundam", and A 1/100 Sazabi (DLX figure, I ain't putting my Sazabi MG in the ring, sorry...) So who do you want to see it wrestle first? Well when I get my VB6's in from VE... I'm thinking the Sazabi...
  23. Hey, thanks for the photo-guide. It will spare me about 15 minutes of sweating that tansformation scheme. After seeing all them little fiddly bits, I am even more thankful I ordered '2' to start with , cause D@mn! The toy looks so... Un-cooperative. I imagine it will look great beside my MPC 'Prime' on the top shelf.
  24. Uhm, you're really bored aren't you...
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