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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. The Rama series and most definitely the Hyperion series.
  2. Meh. I don't want to be sitting there, twitching my wrist around trying to hook a fish or swing a sword. After watching promotional vids and seeing how this thing is supposed to be used, it comes off as more gimmick than gameplay. Nintendo's being smart by releasing a normal game controller as well because this thing has a huge potential to flop.
  3. I've been going through a punk phase so I purchased new copies of The Ramones, Sex Pistols' Nevermind the Bullocks and of course, London Calling. My old burned copies just weren't cutting it anymore.
  4. Wow. Pretty.
  5. Good gravy, I know it's been said before but that box has got to be the worst one that Yamato's put out. Ugh.
  6. That is a MAN.
  7. I could have sworn Gepernitch AND his host body were both male with feminine qualities. In the ending scenes, don't we see a topless Gepernitch and he's clearly a man? ::C3P0:: I'm so confused ::C3P0::
  8. Finally! I belong! I always felt weird about liking Macross but hating 90 percent of the anime out there. I was always asking myself, is it bad that I'll watch Cowboy Bebop but hate (insert newest anime here), even though I haven't watched it? I love animation and I think animation as an art form is exciting and fun to watch but most anime just makes me cringe.
  9. Mmmm, D'Stance...
  10. Likewise. Besides, Jason Statham is one of the few white caucasian people that's actually entertaining when he's in a martial arts fight scene. No splits! 324722[/snapback] Well, he kinda does splits in the trailer, when he jumps up avoiding the two cars trying to crush him that end up hitting each other head on.
  11. I haven't been there since high school but the best I remember is that there weren't these huge anime shops but a crapload of tiny mom and pop stores that you just have to spot on the fly. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  12. Somebody post a pic of Austin Powers. It's a man baby, yeah!
  13. Mike, thank you for expressing my exact thoughts on the Xbox 360. I would have said the same things but with a LOT MORE CUSS WORDS.
  14. Ooh, a new Robocop, that would be sweet.
  15. Lemme ask you something. Does your mother sew?
  16. Watched it again on DVD few days ago (helps to have a family member who owns a video store ) and I was stunned once again at Mickey Rourke's performance. He made that movie for me.
  17. Agent ONE and Yang in a hot tub. Now THAT'S entertainment.
  18. At least they weren't as bad as Tigersharks. 319412[/snapback] How did you remember that lame show? Thats right up there with Captain Planet and Centurions. 319414[/snapback] Jeebus, Captain Planet was horrid stuff. Whoever came up with that show needs a swift kick in the teeth.
  19. Aw, boo to that, I'm not in the screenshot!
  20. Back during the Dark Ages, I saw Joons valks going for hundreds of dollars, sometimes even the ones that were colored all funky, but this was because there was really NOTHING Macross-related available mainstream. Your choices were really limited. Also, seeing as how 1/48s are pretty expensive now, I'd be surprised if they went for thousands the way the old Taka's and Bandai's used to. Then again, if the Macross well dries up, who knows what could happen?
  21. You should change your sig
  22. I'm kind of on the fence about this. Stories like Bobe-Patt's are sad to hear about but then again, when I think about all of the recent traditionally drawn Western animations, I can't remember any that I really liked.
  23. OMG U R TEH SUX!1111
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