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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. Damn those things look horrible. Why did they have to try and give the Obi-Wan bot facial hair? Ugh. So... the Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker each come with their own tiny, miniature pilot version of themselves that fit into their own cockpits? I have so many problems with these toys.
  3. DITTO.
  4. So what... that's it? No more?
  5. Wow!
  6. LOL, Dr. V, that made me laugh so hard.
  7. Jeebus, 32 CF's? Wow.... About the boxart for the Yammie Valks: I just think that for the price we're paying for the 1/48 (which is comparable to a Scopedog) they can afford to take the time and money to produce a comparable box for the dang thing. Just makes me shake my head, that's all.
  8. Sweet, thanks A7!
  9. Don't get me started on Yamato's art work on the boxes. I know it's a silly gripe but when I see the work that they did on their Votoms (it's the same company, no?), I feel like Valk fans are getting gypped. There's TONS of great Macross artwork that they could have easily used on the packaging but instead they go for some second-rate photochopping. Ugh.
  10. Made my day. Thank you.
  11. I think this week's episode will be episode 5 but I wasn't a math major so ::shrug::
  12. There's only two things I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch. 336093[/snapback] Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  13. I see it. I don't know what any of this crap means but it sure as hell has my attention. Thanks for the pic, Great Moose.
  14. So I take it you wouldn't have pressed the button if you were in Jack's situation? (a la the last episode).
  15. Where? 334853[/snapback] Look at the guy running on the right. There is something that is visible over his right shoulder that is definitely there before the engine blows. 334855[/snapback] Jeebus, you're right. Thanks Drew!
  16. Where?
  17. That was great... damn Sayid was digging his hand into some girl's butt there, I think it was Shannon... 334847[/snapback] Is it SFW?
  18. You mean this? :edit: ah, got it! 334350[/snapback] YES! Thank you!
  19. I remember a Lost thread a while back where somebody posted a clip of a plane exploding right after a black object is seen zooming off the screen. Does anybody still have it? I would love to see it again.
  20. Hee hee. Blub. Burble.
  21. Nicely done, congrats!
  22. Me heart this thread.
  23. Or maybe his steel pantaloons are too tight.
  24. I've seen "Micro$oft" and "Bu$h" and all sorts of other "clever" uses of a dollar-sign for an S. . . but for the life of me, I can't figure out why "stupid" has a $ in it there. 331706[/snapback] Because stupid is money!
  25. So pretty. Hard to believe that something I wished for two years ago is finally coming to life. Thanks to everyone who posted pics!
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