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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. An internet high five for you! Good job!
  2. Hmm, some classic lines I could throw in before this thread closes: "Stealth!" "Please bang anus please!" "Mac 7 is teh ghey and Basara loves teh weiner!" "Kawamori needs to redesign the VF-1 because it is old and does not look like my drawing of an ultimate valkyrie and I am 5 and I love candy." "They need to make a sequel about Rick, Lisa and the SDF-2!"
  3. Excellent film. Great review, Mr. March.
  4. Ugh, why did they have to lower it like that?
  5. You guys owe me a new keyboard.
  6. O....kay now where's the futuristic stuff? looks to me like "Hello, and welcome to last century!" 378235[/snapback] That thing is not futuristic because I think it is ugly. IT NEEDS MORE ANGLES.
  7. I'm looking forward to it. I thought the first two were fun.
  8. We can turn sharks into spies but we can't give them freakin' laser beams. Stealth sharks
  9. The way my buddy drives his F150, I'm surprised it's still running. That truck deserves some respect, I guess.
  10. I stopped paying attention to the Oscars after Titanic won. Freakin' retards.
  11. I was an English major in college and I'm a fan of Dan Simmons' Hyperion novels. Boring, I know.
  12. I hate this thread so much. Edit: I took out the emoticon. I'm that serious about hating this thread.
  13. I'm currently re-watching the series and I'd have to say that "Goodbye Girl" was the best. From the characters to the introduction of the Super -1S, the whole episode was top-notch. But then comes "Virgin Road". And with it, tears.
  14. The "newest" anime I've seen that I hated was Gundam Wing. My friend made me watch it in college and I just couldn't see what he was so in love with. Other than that, I can't remember the last "new" anime I've seen.
  15. And that's what's REALLY important. 372478[/snapback] Quoted for truth. Bring on the holo-ta-tas.
  16. The fact that Toynami is doing a DYRL figure still irks me (I know, I know) but I'll admit it doesn't look that bad. I've been looking for something cheap to display on my desk here at work and at that price, those 1/100's might do the trick. Either that, or I'll just nab a 1/55 reissue. Good scoop, Harlock.
  17. Macross' appeal always changes. When I was a kid, I just liked the show for the mecha and the toys. As a teen, I liked it because nobody else knew about it other than "Robotech". And now, I like it because it's such a classic story with a great fandom (you guys, mostly) mixed in with a healthy dose of nostalgia.
  18. I've stayed out of this and have tried to stay out of most Mac7 threads but I've got to say that Lone Wolf is right (IMO). Why do we need some rule saying a Mac 7 thread can't be pinned just because that would mean we would need to pin a Mac+ or DYRL thread? We pinned a Stealth announcement, didn't we (even though it is closed). I find it really hard to believe that for all of the years that MW has been around, and especially for as long as some of the senior members involved in this debate have been around, that this kind of crap is still being argued over. I would think that most of us who've been around the MW block would see a "I HEART Mac 7" thread and know better than to wallow in that mudpit.
  19. Happy Birthday, Kawamori-san. Here's a thought: if it wasn't for you, many of us would be a lot richer.
  20. Hurin, that's the exact same problem I had. I've handled my fair share of valks and I've never had anything snap as easily as that little tiny piece of crap plastic. I didn't even bother to fix it. I disassembled the chest armor to take out the broken piece of plastic that was rattling around inside there. I put it back together, inserted the missiles and threw the piece of plastic away. Now, when i want to display the chest missiles, I just gently pull them outwards when I open the compartment. Thanks for the pics, H.
  21. You guys are making me miss my college days. And yeah, Valky, I bet our combined salaries would still make some folks on this board laugh.
  22. Good lord, the Pontiac Astek... shudder.
  23. I can't wait to see that, please post pics when you do!
  24. I'm with Blaine on this one. The Low-Vis I can ignore but a Stealth? That caught my attention.
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