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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. Awesome. Oh, and good scoop, Wolfx!
  2. Yeah, that MS Paint thread in the Art section was pretty funny. Dr. Vandemeer drew something once that made me spit up my drink but now I can't remember what it was. Shrug.
  3. Wait, so the "director's cut" I have right now (which was the only version avail when I bought it last year) is going to be re-released this Sept? Whatever, I can't wait for Ridley's definitive theatrical release. Sweet, thanks for the heads up, Bsu.
  4. Damn, learn something new everyday. Now I won't get so pissed off every time Forrest gives Jenny his Medal of Honor.
  5. Right, let's not delve into the whole Macross vs. Robotech here. This is Mac+ music vs. Robotech "music". IGN needs to get its head out of its ass. What I really don't get is how you can place Cowboy Bebops's OST at number one (done by Yoko Kanno) but then turn around and rank Robotech above Mac+ (also by Yoko Kanno)?
  6. Awesome car but are those chrome wheels or alloy? I can't tell from those pics. I hope they're not chrome because I don't think 007 would be into the bling-blings. At least I hope not.
  7. Korean Androids Uh, yeah. We're all gonna die.
  8. Ooh, I'll have to check the site out when I'm off of work.
  9. This is a SW thread? Why wasn't it titled properly? WTF. j/k I'm glad these DVDs are coming out. I only own the SE on VHS so it'll be nice to finally upgrade.
  10. Unbelievable. Great, great job. Makes me wish I had modelling skills.
  11. Muahahahahaaa! ::runs away, cackling::
  12. Not too sad over here, I knew it was coming. I'd like Acura to keep making lower-end models because I liked where their designs were going, especially when compared to Honda's. Now that Acura has a new design wing in Cali, it'll be interesting to see what they come out with next. I wonder if this will help or hurt my 06 resale value?
  13. ::Starts crying::
  14. That tattoo looks amazingly stupid.
  15. This forum now needs a "best quote of the week" marquee that has this text in big flashing letters. 390598[/snapback] Seriously. This is why you should edit your posts, Roy.
  16. I don't know why but that thing freaks me out, man.
  17. 2006 Grey (gray?) Acura RSX-S.
  18. Damn Straight!!! 384757[/snapback] I... forget it.
  19. I like how you ended your first post with, "**Toys Rule!!" That makes your argument not only legitimate but respectable as well. You could have gone the extra mile by replacing the "s" in "Toys" with a "z", for added emphasis on the cool/hip factor. For ex: **Toyz rule!! And if you want to be totally superfly, try popping that "z" in at the end of "rule" and see your naysayers bow in the presence of absolute knowledge. For ex: **Toyz rulez!!
  20. Holy mother of zeus, that is awesome.
  21. I have PA bookmarked and I'm pretty sure they're not into anime. One of the creators, Gabe, blogged on Wednesday about how they were invited to Sakuracon and consider it nice to be going considering how the last time they were there, they told the audience that they, "have never watched any manga" or something like that.
  22. Take a test drive and let us know what you think!
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