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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. very kawaii, anyone know where we can pick one of those up??
  2. Exactly Yohsho, that's why I'm not an IGN member. But no matter how crappy I think this live action EVA movie might be, I just have a hard time believing that they'll cast Harry Welcome Back Potter as Shinji! That's just a bad, bad sign....
  3. Sorry that I don't have a link to the information, but my friend recently told me that he saw on IGN.com that Daniel Radcliffe (sp?) will be casted as Ikari Shinji! My friend isn't the most reliable source for info about EVA (he's one of those who believes that Misato shot you know who <_< ) but he said he read it on IGN.com, which I can't confirm because I'm not a registered member there and I don't want to be. Can anyone confirm this?
  4. $250 for the Animeigo Macross TV Box Set. Man, I remember working my ass off in high school for that one!!! But I'm with Haterist, most of my money goes towards a female.
  5. You guys can really know how to make me feel inadequate sometimes 1/72 - 1 1/60 - 3 1/48 - 0 That is just sad.....
  6. JKeats is still JKeats.
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