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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. Dang.... Your super power is You can inflict any disease on anyone at any time. (your social life goes to hell, but at least you have a super power) The color of your costume is Your power isn't cool enough to deserve a costume Your Battle Cry is "NOT THE FACE!" Your side-kick is A 93 year old man named Melvin
  2. Oh good it's just a stupid rumor, thanks Amped!
  3. O.K., my CRAZY friend called me last night to tell me he heard on the news that Lucas had announced plans to make episodes 7,8 and 9. I told him he was CRAZY and probably heard wrong. Is my friend CRAZY? Or is he just a Grade A Moron? TIA JKeats
  4. 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 明 Akira (bright) Meh....
  5. Calvin and Hobbes was great stuff. Garfield can only be funny once, after that, it's all repetition. Achewood is currently my favorite comic strip. It's not in the papers, check out www.achewood.com. Here's what Ray Smuckles thinks about Garfield: achewood and if you go back one day in the archive, he makes fun of Marmaduke. Hehehe...
  6. latitude 33.9736 33° 58' 24" longitude -117.3393 -117° 20' 21" Riverside, CA
  7. Wish I had a digicam, I saw a black Celica with Valks all over it last week when i went to Applebee's here in good ole' Riverside, CA. The thing was really neat looking, with Hikaru's Super VF-1A all over it and it had stats for the valk written on it too. Too bad that he labeled it as a "Veritech" though... the poor guy probably doesn't know about MW. I wanted to go up to him and talk to him but my buddy who was with me was pretty embarrassed at how awesome I thought the car was so he wouldn't let me. Bastard.
  8. Saw Vol. 2 on Friday with the girlfriend, who was disappointed that there weren't any more kickass asian ladies, as in Vol. 1. Vol. 2 was different, but just as good as Vol. 1, but I have to say that comparing both is comparing apples and oranges. Vol. 1 was all over the top style over substance, gore/blood/crazy/impossible fights while Vol. 2 was simply a story. The fight scenes in Vol. 2, while great, are mostly short and I think this is done on purpose. I thought Tarantino made a great film and the part I liked best was Michael Madsen's story.
  9. How about Calvin's starfighter from Calvin and Hobbes?
  10. Whoa, cool, I didn't know that was made into a series! Do you know where I could get my hands on it? I know there was another book based on the Tripods series. I think it was called When the Tripods Came, or something. I read it a long time ago, it was excellent. Better than the trilogy, I think. One series that I would love to see adapted to film is the Hyperion saga. My favs of all favs.
  11. Neat! Maybe add some foot thrusters to it.
  12. whoa, what the heck is that?
  13. JKeats

    Britai attacks!

    Pretty frickin' sweet, but I would love to see these with 1/48's...
  14. No offense to religious people, but that Passion poster made me think that this would be what Jesus' toy room would be like. Just curious APU, how much did that VSX set you back? I just gotta know...
  15. Way to make something ugly Hasbro! Thanks for the pics Solscud.
  16. Wayyy too long, I was around on AFM, half lurked/half posted there, and then continued to post there even after MW was founded, so I joined the forums here later then most of the AFM vets. But back in the ole' days Duke was known as Coca-cola Cat, I think. Man, my memory sucks. I remember AFM when the Mac + valks came out. Good times. Except that we had a lot more trolls on AFM.
  17. His "Stardrive Witch" custom toy looks like the SDF-1
  18. Exactly right: I think home PC's are crossing the gap from merely being a workstaton into a piece of entertainment furniture. That said, I love playing music, looking at boobie pictures, and playing games on my comp. On-topic: Buy a PS2. As a casual gamer, you have a ginormous variety of games to choose from. Halo is not the only FPS out there, there are tons of good ones for the PS2. Plus, the games you buy now for PS2 you'll be able to play on the PS3. Graphics, console-specific games, meh. These type of things can be easily overlooked for the sheer variety of games available for the PS2. As Ben/Starsky said: Do it. Do it. DO IT.
  19. No offense to VF-3000 fans, but that design makes my wee-wee go soft. But, it would be neat to see these rarer designs come to life as toys, but when I really think about it, it'll never come true because they're just not popular enough. Especially after we all realize how Macross isn't as popular in Japan as we think it is....
  20. I just love how GTA:VC keeps on freezing on my XBOX. Hilarious indeed when I've gotten so far....
  21. Good god....Bicentennial Man...I can't believe that movie!! Personally, I don't believe that audiences will watch, or accept, a sci-fi movie, especially one that concerns robots and technology playing on our fears, if it doesn't have over-the-top action. I would love to be proved wrong though..... On-Topic: Will Smith in sci-fi is a bad idea. We loved you as Fresh Prince. We loved you in Bad Boys. Now shut up.
  22. Wow, congrats! Way to make a baby!
  23. That was actually taken from the novel "Live and Let Die" which was the 3rd or 4th Bond novel written. Leighter actaully spent the remainder of the novels with a hook for a hand, and a gimpy leg. Dang, I didn't know that. Too bad for Felix. Does his wife die in the novel too? What are your guys' thoughts about Joe Don Baker being the latest U.S. contact? Always makes me laugh to see him, when I always think of him as the bad guy from The Living Daylights. I know there are a couple of other actors that resurface as different characters in the Bond flicks, but I can't remember them....
  24. omg, that quamzin one is just disturbing.....
  25. oooh, pretty...
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