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Everything posted by Onore

  1. Check your PM
  2. I smell BS!! I'm A+ cert. and I have been working on computers for some time and I never heard of a video card blowing a capacitor on a MotherBoard. Does your computer even turn on? What happened when your computer started acting funky? Don't get ripped off man! What kind of motherboard do you have? Were you overclocking your video card or CPU at all??
  3. How big it that thing? Does anyone know how much it is? It looks liie it would be expensive.
  4. I think so.. George got a huge amount of crap for these last 3, I think the fanboys ruined the experience for him. I do not think he will look back on this Star Wars prequel experience favorably. Lucas should let other people direct episodes VII, VIII & IX. An episode each by Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson & Steven Spielberg could be interesting. Just whatever happens, under no circumstances let Paul Anderson, John Woo, Uwe Boll or Ang Lee direct them. Graham any director other than GL would do. Funny thing is that the best SW movie to date is the only one GL didn't direct. Lucas didn't direct 2 of them, not 1. Ok ok I have to be the noob. Which SW movies did GL not direct?
  5. Simply amazing work my man!! I would love for you to do that to one of my 1/48s. If I had any!
  6. That place is two hours from my house!
  7. Onore

    fp yf-19

    We will all just have to hope and pray.
  8. Aint that the truth!
  9. Lol you need another 1/48 like I need a hole in the head!
  10. Onore


    Looks Good man! I wish I had skills like that!
  11. I live in South Jersey about 2 hours form NY.
  12. I Live in NJ and thats pretty darn close to NY.
  13. I agree, the only thing I keep in my car is a pen, 10 bucks, and sunglasses. Keep your items in your car to a minimum. Don't give those scum lickers anything else of yours!! I'm sorry to hear about your cars being broken into. It's a shame that it's the 21st century and we still have to deal with crap like this. I guess its part of life that you always have to protect yourself and be on guard. On a side note: What if we could plant some sort of self-destruct device inside of our valks?? Think about it......and they would blow up when they leave the perimeter of your house. Or you could blow it up with a transmitter! That way you will defiantly know who stole your Macross toys when you get arrested for their murder!
  14. I finally know what I want to be for Halloween for the rest of my life! Oh why do you tease us Yamato!?!
  15. Can you imagine transforming a 1/60 monster?? I mean you would have to get up, walk around the model, change a part, and then walk back! That's insane!! Of course if Yamato can pull this one off and keep the price under the national deficit, I'd buy one. I just don't know where the heck I'd put it!
  16. Good news!! I just got my VF-17S in the mail today! I'm starring at the package debating whether or not to open it up and play with it. The collector in me doesn't but the kid in me wants to have a Macross Vs Gundam showdown!! Still have no luck finding a 1/48 VF-1S though
  17. Yeah I know I'm going to go crazy with buying Macross toys and get yelled at by the wifey , but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Phatslappy if you want part with any more of those 1/60s let me know
  18. Yeah I know my money is going bye bye real soon! But thanks to Drad for helping me track down a 1/48 VF-1S!! Now if everything works out I can start planning my next move!
  19. Hello all this is my very first post here in MW. Yeah!! I was reading through the forums on various topics and its good to find people who are just as crazy about Macross as I am. My toy collection is pretty slim, as I only have 4 toys at the moment. I just purchased a VF-17s though and I cant wait to get my hands on it. I have a couple of questions: Does it matter what scale I get? I know they are different sizes but are the 1/48's more detailed then the 1/72's? Does name brand matter? Does Yamato deliver on some things and falls short on others? Thanks for putting up with my newness. I'm sure I'll have other questions soon!
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