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KOG Water Dragon

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Everything posted by KOG Water Dragon

  1. I'd prefer that (and a vanilla VF-11 battroid) from Hasegawa. Heck, do a super VF-11 battroid too. Seems like a good way to get extra mileage from a set of moulds... On a side note, I hope YF-19 battroid sells great so we can maybe get YF-21, VF-11, and other battroids later. It would actually be pretty cool to get a Hasegawa rendition of VF-25 and VF-31 battroids. All leading to getting an Armored VF-31 which has gotta be my most desired kit at the present time.
  2. Is anything ever coming of this?
  3. Oh man I love mecha kits based on games. I have all the Zone of Enders, Metal Gear Solid, Armored Core kits. I'm wanting to get the Assault Suit Leynos/Valken kits, Ikaruga kits, Silpheed kits, and maybe some from Gradius and Darius.
  4. Vic Viper, Assault Suit Leynos, Orguss, Mospeada... a man of culture.
  5. It does help! Thank you. Very interesting. I think of all these, maybe the Bandai DX VF-19 Advanced makes the best attempt at feet that look OK in both fighter and battroid modes.
  6. Does anyone have pics of the heel part for the various YF-19 toys that have come out over the years? I don't own any myself and it's been hard to find good pics of just the heels when searching images on google. I'm curious how Hasegawa's interpretation compared to all the various transforming toys which really do have to balance how the part looks in different modes.
  7. It has 2 sets of heel parts and you choose which one you want to use. I think it's an attempt to reconcile the differences in how the heel part looks in fighter mode vs battroid mode. One set is 'this looks OK for battroid mode but we know it would look weird compared to the fighter mode part' and the other part is 'this is closer to the look of the fighter mode part but it doesn't really sit right in battroid mode'. I don't really get it, there's been lots of variable YF-19 figures before, so how did they achieve a heel part that looks OK in both modes and why didn't Hasegawa draw from that? Personally I think the heel that sits on its edge looks terrible and I'll definitely use the other set of heel parts... even though they look nothing like the corresponding parts on Hasegawa's own fighter kit. As for panel lining... sure. It's like any Hasegawa kit. Tons of detail but it's delicate so it needs a wash to bring it out. Small issues aside, I'm really excited for this kit. Having a dedicated battroid kit in 1/72 of the YF-19 with this level of detail is something of a dream come true. I just hope Hasegawa sells enough to find it worthwhile to follow it up with a YF-21 battroid and then maybe a VF-11. I don't do pre-finished figures/toys, so battroids of these designs are something that's been missing from my (model) collection for a long long time.
  8. And super fighters.
  9. Very different from the movie version box artworks. I wonder if these TV edition boxes are meant to evoke a retro feeling?
  10. Same, I've got those plus the plamax VF-1J fighter and some older Hasegawa restocks ready to go, so it's really time to arrange a shipment,
  11. Oh, I know. I just find Hasegawa's variant releasing strategy weird. We've had 2 distinct releases of the VF-1D fighter, and also a VF-1D gerwalk, but not VF-1D battroid even though the battroids came out way before the gerwalks started. Also odd (to me): The Max and Miria VF-1Js are vanilla as fighter releases, but super configuration for gerwalk and battroid releases. And there's still no VF-1J super max battroid to go with the miria type, even though they made sure to release max and miria queadluun rau in quick succession. There seems to be little love the battroid line in general, as they've really only done a couple variants (VF-1J miria super, and the minmei guard super) since the original launch lineup of regular and super/strike battroids. For consistency, I'd really like to have a pair of max and miria VF-1J super fighters, and a max VF-1J super battroid. Obviously I can wait a bit, but I really hope I won't have to buy another max/miria fighter set PLUS 2 more super VF-1s to make the max/miria super fighter pair, and an extra VF-1J super batt which I will then have to source max decals for. I'm hoping I could source relevant max specific decals from a max gerwalk, but that still means having to buy 2 kits to make 1. And heck, I'd rather have a dedicated max VF-1J super battroid so we can have an excuse to get a sweet new boxart. The art for the miria super battroid was really nice. And then of course the artwork can wind up in one of the artwork compilation books... Sorry, rant over.
  12. Well, it's out. HLJ just charged me for my YF-19 battroid.
  13. I apologize in advance. Not much news to comment on. And I'm bored. So... VF-1J Max Super Battroid WHEN HASEGAWA? WHEEEEEEN?????????? (Oh and also, VF-1D Battroid when please?)
  14. I've got a bunch in 1/72 and 1/48, but I could see these as being useful for displaying next to Bandai's newer 1/100 kits. I haven't heard anything about Bandai doing a 1/100 VF-1 yet.
  15. Yep, I see HLJ has charged me and added it to my private warehouse.
  16. Not gonna lie, this boxart kinda gives me some feels.
  17. Oh I agree. My username is from FSS so I may be biased.
  18. Nice to see some FSS action! If I'm not mistaken, I think most of the complaints were about the 1/100 version of the volks plastic Bang Doll kit?
  19. To be fair there are far less battroid kits and far FAR less gerwalk kits than there are fighter kits. For Hasegawa especially, they released far more variants and decal swaps for fighter kits. Most of the special variants available as fighter kits aren't available in the other modes.
  20. Aside from the dish itself, the dish mounting structure and the lower fin thingies look pretty different. So I'm hoping we'll get a proper VF-171 EWAC release.
  21. Same! I wanted a VF-171 kit for soooo long and now we have 3 options. I forget, was there a possible EWAC version announced too? And the big question: will anyone give us battroids?
  22. I'm sure you'd be able to find it on ebay if nothing else.
  23. I have no problem getting Hasegawa, Wave, and Max Factory stuff from HLJ. It's just Bandai that's problematic.
  24. I'm finding it difficult to get ANY Bandai stuff at release from HLJ at this point. Both Macross and Gundam. I always put in a preorder for things I want as soon as they get posted to the store, but just about everything goes to backorder before I can get a copy allocated to me. For example, aside from issues getting the new 1/100 Macross kits and decals, I've been unable to get either the recent RG Impulse Gundam Spec II or MG Narrative Gundam ver Ka from HLJ. Most of my Bandai preorders wind up getting canceled because I can get kits at domestic retail outlets before HLJ ever finds copies for me. And the high cost of shipping now makes it less worthwhile to just wait for HLJ to finally get restocks.
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