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KOG Water Dragon

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Everything posted by KOG Water Dragon

  1. But but but.... New kits for the VF-31 supers (instead of a generic super pack kit to be combined with the already available base kits) means more sweet box art. Don't we want more sweet box art? In any case, I always like to be able to do a set of variants in basic config, and a set in super or armored mode. So I'll be buying 2 sets of each fighter no matter what...
  2. Normal VF-31F, VF-31S, and VF-31E later hopefully. Can't see why they'd skip them... And then supers. And then armored!
  3. I'm already planning on buying 2 of the VF-31F w/ lil Drakken. One to be built as shown in the artwork and one to do as a standard VF-31F. If they go and release a vanilla VF-31F later... my 2 VF-31F w/ lil Drakken can be done as Messer w/ lil Drakken and Hayate w/ lil Drakken versions. Considering that Hasegawa did a vanilla AND super kit for all 4 VF-25s from Frontier, I'm hopeful that they'll complete the VF-31 lineup. They seem to be taking their time though...
  4. Does anyone have info on whether the Macross Delta kits have been selling well enough for Bandai to want to go back and do more kits from the series?
  5. I DO find it odd that Hasegawa is doing these before a regular VF-31F, VF-31S, VF-31E... oh well. And no Hasegawa supers yet either.
  6. The movie-only VF-31 looks amazing. I very much hope we get a kit of it. But Bandai seems to be tapering off on Macross Delta kits, so I dunno if they'd get around to doing this...
  7. Oooh I wish that Jolly Rogers scheme was the default OOB scheme...
  8. Hmmm.... I guess I'm fine with this if the VF-31F can optionally be built as standard VF-31F.
  9. VF-1D battroid? VF-2SS?
  10. I know. I was just grumbling out loud. Since Bandai didn't complete the 5 fighter set, I'm relying on Hasegawa to do so.
  11. I know everyone's still very excited about the VF-31A, and I know the scheduled 35th Anniversary VF-31 still hasn't been released yet, but I must admit I'm growing impatient - waiting for news on subsequent VF-31 releases. Would at least like some confirmation that the VF-31F, VF-31S, and hopefully VF-31E are on the way. Some Super VF-31s would be nice too.
  12. And then we have the YF-19/VF-19 which fares a bit better with 6 boxings. But nothing compares to the VF-1.
  13. I wouldn't mind if Hasegawa released this VF-22 as a variant. They haven't repopped the YF-21/VF-22 much... I think there's only about 3 boxings?
  14. I don't think Hasegawa did a M7 VF-11C. As far as I know, the Hasegawa releases are limited to: VF-11B (basic) VF-11B (Macross the Ride ver.) Super VF-11B VF-11D (Macross the Ride ver.) VE-11
  15. Are the VF-19F, VF-19S, and VF-19 Custom different enough from each other that a basic set of moulds couldn't serve all 3? And I'm curious: are the Macross 7 variants of the VF-11 too different for Hasegawa to be able to kit them based on existing moulds? I feel like Hasegawa really hasn't milked the VF-11 enough... (Pass on the VF-11MAXL though)
  16. What does the Immelman VF-22 look like? Couldn't find much with google. And which version(s) of the VF-171 show up in Delta? I would really love a good series of VF-171s, including variations from Delta, Frontier, and anywhere else it's been. EDIT: After doing more research, I've got a partial list of VF-171 variants. Am I missing anything? VF-171 Nightmare Plus VF-171EX Nightmare Plus VF-171EX Super Nightmare Plus RVF-171 Nightmare Plus (I couldn't determine if there's a VF-171 Super Nightmare Plus or RVF-171EX Nightmare Plus) --- I must admit I like the VF-171 a lot more than the old VF-17, but I'd be happy with a Hasegawa VF-17 just to have a nice full line of VFs. I'm kinda surprised Hasegawa hasn't done more Macross 7 stuff. Like this guy...
  17. I'm begging some company, any company, to do a VF-171/VF-171 EX and derivatives.
  18. I'd forgotten about the Wave 1/72 Destroids. Still annoyed they never did a Destroid Spartan. But still, they're slowly releasing a variety of kits, so maybe they'll do some other 1/72 fighters later. A modern quality 1/72 VF-2SS would be awesome.
  19. Any chance that Wave will do other VFs after this, or is it assumed that the VF-4 is the only one they are doing?
  20. Cool. Just want I wanted. Totally don't need a Hasegawa VF-31F, VF-31S, or VF-31E. I kid. Kinda. Hasegawa will get to those others eventually. I hope.
  21. It shows an E. So Hasegawa acknowledges the E. Let's hope Hasegawa kits the E...
  22. I was wondering when Hasegawa would get around to doing this one. Reliable as ever though, doing as many variants as they can. Which is good, since it increases chances that they'll do a full VF-31 line by the end, unlike Bandai.
  23. Stickers/decals meant to replace painting in a block of color are almost always a Very Bad Idea. But it's a shame about the quality nonetheless... masking and painting the pin-striping will be a bit of a chore.
  24. Sounds like it's best to paint as much as possible and use decals only when absolutely necessary. That's too bad.
  25. Eh, I don't mind the borders. I'm used to trimming then on regular aircraft kits and race car kits (those have a lot of decals too).
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