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KOG Water Dragon

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Everything posted by KOG Water Dragon

  1. Haha, I like it. Though the box art isn't my favorite from this Walkure series. Any idea what color the VF-31S will be?
  2. A stable fixed-mode Armored VF-25 fighter series would be great! I'm really surprised they haven't done VF-31 supers yet though. Hope they have time to do some more slightly old stuff before whatever new show is next comes out.
  3. Ya.... I keep hoping for a nice high quality 1/72 VF-171. But I think Hasegawa almost kinda has to do a VF-31 super series.
  4. Soooo.... I wonder what they're gonna do now that the base series and Walkure recolor series are both about to be wrapped up. Supers?
  5. I'd be very happy with VF-17, VF-171, Armored VF-1, Armored VF-25, Armored VF-31... and 1/48 versions of YF-21, VF-11, even VF-25 and VF-31. Sadly I don't think those are very likely right now. My big big dream is Hasegawa VF-2SS, but that's even less likely.
  6. I disagree. We still need Super VF-31s from Hasegawa. More Delta please. I wouldn't mind some itasha style artwork versions as well. The cool thing about models is you can paint them however you please. Totally easy to make your own grey on grey versions if that's what you fancy.
  7. Dang. I've been saying it in my head as 'seegfreed'.
  8. Yes that is what I mean. I don't collect VFs in anything but 1/72 or 1/48. They skipped the VF-31E (and A) in the 1/72 transformable series and that bums me out.
  9. Finally! Main set just about complete. Just need Walkure VF-31E and VF-31S for that set to be complete too. And I'm sure they are coming. Too bad Bandai never did the VF-31E...
  10. I've had problems finding a decent price on that kit as well.
  11. https://hlj.com/1-100-scale-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-super-armed-pack-ban953440
  12. There are some older 1/100 and 1/72 transforming VF-1 series kits as well. And the Bandai 1/100 transforming VF-2SS from Macross II. Nothing from Hasegawa or Wave transforms that I know of.
  13. Yeah, what happened to the itasha VFs? That said, I love the colorful Walkure variants and I'm glad they are (apparently) doing a full set.
  14. VF-31E? Finally. FINALLY. Very good news. And I'm glad it looks like they'll do a full set for the Walkure livery versions. This means it's just a matter of time before they at long last do the VF-31S so they can complete both the regular set and the Walkure set.
  15. I rather like having fleets of VFs in different squadron and special markings, so Hasegawa's business plan is awesome to me.
  16. They can do a flashy VF-31F, but it'll be hard to do flashy VF-31E or VF-31S since they haven't even done a regular kit of those versions yet...
  17. The Makina VF-31C is back in stock (for now) at HLJ in case anyone besides me missed it. https://hlj.com/1-72-scale-vf-31c-siegfried-makina-nakajima-color-macross-delta-the-movie-hsg65845
  18. They seem to have really backed off on battroids. I'd love a battroid of any type (YF-19 and YF-21 first, and then VF-11, VF-25, VF-31 later) but I don't see it happening. I actually DO hope they finish the colorful set of VF-31s they've started. But they also need to get that VF-31E and VF-31S out. And then supers.
  19. I REALLY don't know why they are taking so long to release VF-31E and VF-31S.
  20. This is cool.... and I pre-ordered one... and I hope to get the Makina VF-31C as well when they finally re-issue it, but.... Where the heck is the VF-31S and VF-31E??
  21. OK then I hope the other similar designs show up as kits later.
  22. So does this design actually appear in the Macross Delta movie? If so, are there any others like this in the movie? Or is this made up for the model kit line?
  23. Hah. Awesome. Have to get one for sure.
  24. That would be great... but doesn't seem likely since Hasegawa has never sold standalone super packs in the past. Only Bandai has done that. The closest Hasegawa got was with the VF-1 weapon packs.
  25. If they don't do kits of the supers, there won't be artwork of the super versions to put in the artbooks...
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