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KOG Water Dragon

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  1. I'd assume so. The YF-19 battroid and even the VF-0 gerwalk boxes are pretty big too.
  2. No, wait, I stand corrected. I got 3 decal sets. I've ordered 3 more now, since I hope to have 3 Max and 3 Miria eventually... But I wonder if they'll cancel my order since the other 3 decal sets are still in my private warehouse and the limit is 3 per person...
  3. Ugh, I really hope whatever show comes next gets a 1/72 series like Delta and Frontier did. Despite rising prices, the 1/100 HG partsformers feel like 'budget' kits to me.
  4. Hah, I didn't even get the decals.
  5. I thought the purple meltrandi ships were actually different ships? Based on memory of DYRL anyway. I don't remember if they used the same ships in the original TV show, nor have I watched later stuff like Macross 7.
  6. Wouldn't these proportions make the fighter mode look pretty odd? I sort of wonder if the teaser artwork is just preliminary and not representative of the final product...
  7. Not yet.
  8. I ordered 2 as well, for the generic tan VF-1A and the white and green Alaska unit.
  9. 0 on my end, as usual. 🤣
  10. The box art is REALLY nice. Especially with the ship in the background.
  11. Since they didn't release before the big combo kit, I'm sort of expecting Max and Miria VF-1Js to be released with super packs, since that wasn't possible until recently with the release of the other Super/Strike kits. I'm inclined to wait to wait for dedicated releases in case the box art is good.
  12. Stripes can be painted, but it would be nice to have the numbers for their respective units (the ones that go on the lower stabilizers) in addition to the pilot names for the cockpits. 202 for Max, 303 for Miria.
  13. I would have liked a VF-11D eventually. But it just makes a lot more sense that they're going to mostly release the main stuff from various series.
  14. This is pretty cool! I already have the individual boxings for most of these, but I'd get at lease 2 of this set to do the classic TV cannon fodder tan VF-1A, and one for the green and white (Alaska Base?) version. I'll be interested to see if they do a similar multi-version release for the battroid kit. I guess I didn't realize before, they still need to do a VF-1D fighter?
  15. I wonder if the still available Wave 1/100 VF-1 kits would impact the chances of a VF-1 soon in Bandai's lineup. I'm still thinking about grabbing some of the Wave kits... I would really like to see VF-17/VF-171 stuff (yes I know about the Wave 1/72 VF-171 but A ) it's not in scale with the Bandai line and B ) it's fighter only and C ) it still doesn't cover the VF-17). A line of VF-11 covering different variants would be fun. A full line of VF-25 or VF-31 would be less exciting, but I'd still get them to be in-scale with other kits in this line. VF-0 line would also be fine. But I guess I'd enjoy some Macross II stuff most. Just... not Metal Siren. Oh, and I'd still really like a YF-30. Whether it's in this line, or a fighter from Hasegawa.
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