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Everything posted by Barpharanges

  1. Thank You, Cyclone and JsARCLIGHT. I don't believe it would have been that hard to sculpt a dynamic opened claw, a pointing claw or even a gripping-the-Destablizer-for-balance claw. Toynami probably figured it wasn't worth it, 'cause they couldn't reuse it on the other designs. Is Toynami aware of the Drone version? Or is it too much of a resculpt to be seen as a Super Poseable....
  2. Saw all four of the non-metallic versions today for $19.99CDN, but passed them up. I was wanting a Shadow/Dark version for its weapon, but I would need to resculpt the shoulders and clean up some messy joints on the thighs to make the toy look "right". I'll wait for a sale. By the way, is it true the Shadow has only 3 interchangeable hands rather than the advertised 5?
  3. Hey its a small world after all... I used to watch Thunder Sub Saturday mornings on CKVR.... I'm glad to see at least one other local remembers this show. One of my classmates in college was crazy about Thunder Sub, "The best show ever", and was eternally angry that no one had ever heard of it @Captain of the SDF-1 Macross, Do you remember the Easter Island heads on Thunder Sub/Blue Noah? or am I full of hot air?
  4. Could someone deface those scans with some translations? So much effort was put into S.C.s background, its a shame for those who can't read Japanese to miss out on all these wonderful details....
  5. I think the Giant Easter Island Head theme was from a more obscure Dubbed anime released here as "Thunder Sub" (It was called Blue Noah in Japan.). It was kinda like Yamato on the water, and the Thunder sub had a neat transformation where the upper half of the hull opened like a clam shell and became a large runway deck for its fighter craft. The Thunder Sub was eventually able to fly into space. In yet another nod to Yamato, the Story starts off with the Earth already in ruins by the aliens, but this time, the destruction was caused by the Aliens parking their Home Planet in low earth orbit and letting extreme tidal forces do the dirty work. Made for some neat backgrounds in the show... Now if my memory is working, the Thunder Sub crew land on the alien planet and find Easter Island Heads everywhere, plus a lot of alien refugees that have some claim on Earth. Some crappy pics to refesh peoples memories found At this italian (?) web page.
  6. Yup, I loved this dubbed show. The enemy Mecha designs were really cool, from the one man jet bikes (with an endless supply of pop-can missiles) to the "Renegade Units" (Bad guy Robots of the week-just oozing with 80's mecha style.). One of the re-occuring bad guys ("Jesse Blue") had two transforming robot suits too wreak havoc with. One was a mini jet much like the American Charactor's , except it transformed into something like a battle suit. The pilots helmet was the head, and the entire cockpit/nose section split into the two legs. Snub wings became arms if I recall correctly. I love this design.. The other Transforming Robot was a huge one man fighter jet painted bright yellow (or gold?). Its small cockpit was off set to one side of large wedge shaped nose, and remained in place in the Robot mode. The Head design was almost humanoid, like the late 80's Artmic style robot heads, and of course the mecha had a nigh infinite supply of pop-can missiles... If anyone knows of a good picture site (or art book- hey, I can dream...) please let me know...
  7. Quick question for those lucky enough to have the toys; Can the VT-1's head retract in fighter mode? What I mean is, when the VT-1 is flying in an atmosphere, it ditches the armour for aerodynamics, right? Well, it also folds up the head so the faceplate/radome fits within the neck collar and faces down. Can the toy version do this?
  8. I love the pics of the F-16 flying with the P-51. I've never seen a prop fighter fly in formation with a Jet fighter. Thanks for sharing. Silly question, but did the two have difficulty keeping a comfortable yet uniform speed?
  9. I'm still Barph, and I'm still lurking around, but now now I have an even creepier avatar....
  10. Worst...Gundam...Ever... Actually, I did kind of like some of the designs. I really find it weird that all of the countries of today will be around in the future and duke it out with Giant Robots (with a Yellow "V" on the forehead and a red chin).
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