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Everything posted by Barpharanges

  1. I enjoyed the Movie, but was wondering alot about the backstory. Apparently, so were Russian test audences, so a journal belonging to the Scientist was provided in Russian. Interesting read, and it will answer some questions. A translated copy can be found here: http://movie9.proboards.com/index.cgi?boar...1778&page=1
  2. Thanks for the help. This is my sad attempt for now while I track down the other symbols. I cannot identify the ending symbol at the top of the chart. The weird little octopus symbol at the bottom seems to mean "point", or "date". Again, any readers of japanese, please feel free to add any more information. The original scan can be found here: http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2009/06/16...guss-olson.html
  3. I am a big fan of Orguss, but not very good at translation. I stumbled across this nifty piece of information; the emann alphabet. These symbols are stenciled all over the Orguss, and show up alot in the series. I was hoping someone could translate the japanese portion of the picture. Thanks in advance.
  4. A bunch of pics of the Masterpiece Beta can be seen at the Japanese 2chan site: http://nov.2chan.net/y/res/1606225.htm
  5. Clu (Jeff Bridges) wore green in the original Tron. EDIT Nope, more like yellow. I need to wake up and see the movie again.... ahh here we go; Sark's tank commanders were turquoise.
  6. New TR2N bootleg trailer link: http://www.filmstalker.co.uk/archives/2008...ler_online.html We'll see how long this lasts this time...
  7. Smuggled camera footage of TR2N trailer (BAD quality): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vItiMW7jGg I'm geeking out...
  8. Normally I hate most Fantasy, but one recent story stood out for me; "The Name Of The Wind", by Patrick Rothfuss. Its a simple story about a hero becoming a hero, as told by the hero. Unputdownable. Anything by C.S. Friedman. She has written Sci-fi and Fantasy and I truely enjoy it all. For 40K, I really enjoyed "Storm of Iron". Imperial Guard defending a fortess against Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors, naturally). You don't need to know the 40K universe and the novel is a complete stand-alone story. You really root for both sides in this book.
  9. I did (sort of). Thats where Klaus Nomi shows up. He was Bowie's other henchman. Look up Klaus on Youtube. No one hits a high note like Nomi....
  10. So far my favorite character was Klaus Nomi, as I almost passed out in a pool of my own urine laughing when he was on-screen. Dr Orpheus steals every scene he's in and nobody spits the word "dick" like the Monarch. Henchmen 21 and 24 arguement over what type of species Smurfs were was my introduction to this show, and I've been hooked since.
  11. Hey Dangard Ace, did you watch Force Five at lunch time on Channel 47, back in the day? Is it the source of your name?
  12. I had to pick Warriors Of The Wind, since it was edited to pure shite, but there is an even worse example of a poor western adaptation. Look up "In The Aftermath"; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0206827/ Worth watching ONCE to see western live action "improvement" to a re-edited "Angels Egg" anime. It is still the only movie I taped from TV with my thumb hovering above the pause button. Live action? Pause. Animation? Record. Ugh...
  13. To me, the Condor is a transformable fighter; a crude attempt that was later refined into the Legioss. If you view it as a transition between a fighter and the complex Legioss, it makes perfect sense. As for it being un-areodynamic, the Mospeada world has already established with the Tread that they care little about wind resistance as long as they have lots of thrust. The "flying" mode is no sillier than the current "Flags" in Gundam OO. Thank you 1st Border Red Devil for all the pics. I rather like this ugly little mech.
  14. Late as usual to the Car Brothers Discussion. I sort of have examples of all 3 molds. My favorite is X-Brawn, the SUV with the giant arm. He features engine detail underneath an opening hood, opening car doors, and a very weird yet nifty location for his head in car mode (behind the windshield as the driver!). For me his biggest drawback is his right arm. Being a cross between a fist and a missile launcher, it doesn't look very good as either. Be careful with the tires; the rubber tends to crack with age and you need to manipulate three of them for the transformation. Mach Alert has an interesting transformation where the car front telescopes so the hood ends up under the windshield, the rear of the car splits into a shield and two oversized shoulder pads, and his engine becomes his chest. The robot mode limbs have a danty "Beast Wars" feel to them, being slender with tiny feet and hands rather than the more common giant boots of your standard Autobot. Some interesting poses can be done if you can balance him well. Biggest draw backs are the non-removable shield and crummy "solid flame" missile launcher/car boosters. Look for the mold repainted as Sideswipe or Sunstreaker. Very nice, if expensive. I don't own Sideburn, but I do have the sight remold (and gender swapped) Roulette and Shadow Striker. The base mold also has slender limbs, which work well with the new remolded female heads. As stated before, they have kibble problems, but they are also granted a waist joint to help with posing. The bumper/muffler crossbow is probably the best looking weapon of the brothers (the "sisters" get a soft plastic pistol as well.) Hope that helps.
  15. I got the Freebie Lithograph from Best Buy today, and it is quite the rush job. I'm not sure if the American version is any different, but the Canadian version has a strange starry background made up of the German Iron Cross and five pointed stars with Andre the Giant's "OBEY" face in each centre. WTF does that have to do with Star Wars?
  16. Nice kits, TSP! Sorry for derailling the thread, its just that I have never seen a Logwood or Ishkick commander in model kit form, despite years of looking. I do recall seeing an Arii 1/48 scale Nikick Standard version that was transformable, and its series code was in the 30's. I wish for an Orgussworld forum....
  17. Any better pics of the Orguss kits below the Macross kits? I'm curious to see if the rare Logwood Gerwalk was ever made as a kit... Thanks for sharing the pics!
  18. Thank You! Now I must get off my butt and finish my own....
  19. The link is down. Can someone re-post the Orguss Valk pics?
  20. Patrishike Mirage (sp?) from Five Star Stories. A variant of the Knight of Gold, the head differs by being a spikey headdress similar to a native american chiefs feather headdress. Plus it has a second face sculpted in the nape of its neck. For simplicity, I really like the AV-98 Ingram 3's head from Patlabor. Its kinda like a VF-1A's head, but more rounded and with a chin.
  21. One of my favorites is Puzzler From the Gobots (don't know the original name). One of the first combiners that did not need extra parts to form the big guy. No accessories to lose! The build team from Car Robots (RID Transformers Landfill) is my current favorite, especially when you buy two of each robot. Then you can pair up matching legs or equip the big guy with dual weapons or even just make a pleasing colour combination. I can't wait for the "devastator" recolors of these toys, they look amazing in neon green and purple.
  22. HammerMan gets my vote as the worst I can remember. Movie quality animation is 24 drawings a second. TV quality animation is 12 drawings a second. HammerMan was like 2 drawings a second, making a jerky "style" that screamed "lets save some money!". I have problems with all half hour commericals calling themselves cartoons, (but I did like the Transformers when I was a kid) but here are a few other stinkers not based on a toy line; -Rocket Robin hood (a real old turd, but us Canadians can still see it on our cartoon channel) -Gilligan's Planet (early 80's dud that somehow sent the castaways into outer space) -There was a slew of video game shows in the early 80's, like Pac-man, Frogger, Pole Position, etc. They were are lumped together fo a 90 minute cartoon. -Superfriends (They never did anything except let those idiot twins and their damn monkey get into trouble.) -Fantastic Four (All because of H.E.R.B.I.E.... ) -Fat Albert (it was never funny...) -Heathcliff (it was even less funny... Remember the Cadillac Cats?) -Mr T (this time hanging around with young gymnasts?) -Casper and the Angels (the friendly ghost in the future (and in outer space) with "Harry Scary") -The Raccoons (another canadian show where nothing happend...) -Plasticman (because of Baby-Plas and his annoying voice) Any more?
  23. The stowed half gun section on the leg was half of the Robot modes rifle. The other half of the gun was roof mounted in vehicle mode. The frontal upper portion of the stowed gun hinged forward and the other half clipped onto this un-folded section.
  24. It seems all my co-workers have the demo of this game now, and they can't stop raving about it. The Space Marines (and probably the other 3 races) have a skin editor, so you can field any army, even your own invention. I'm waiting for the full version before I try it, so I hope what I hear is correct...
  25. The Pic I posted is a crop of Page 15 of the Hobby Handbook that (I Believe his name was) BEN-MAN posted a while back. And I am eternally grateful that someone was willing to destroy the spine of a rare book so that others can see the scanned pages.
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