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Everything posted by doodler7

  1. Happy Birthday, Dave! Sorry, out of topic here, but I am asking if any members here have the Black Convoy, BT-17 released only in Japan for 5,500 yen? There is one on ebay right now that I just saw. I'd like to complete my Binaltech collection, and would you guys think it's worth it to spend 44,750 yen ($390 USD) for the figure? is this justifiable to complete the Binaltech series? My thoughts are that consistancy matters, so would it be right to say that the BT series ended with BT-16 because anything after are in different packaging? What do you guys think?
  2. doodler7

    Graham's Sig

    I bet it's going to be a 1/3000 SDF-1 by Yamato with die-cast parts.
  3. Is there something wrong with the first issues of the 1/60 YF-19? What problems are arising?
  4. Nice catch Agent-GHQ. Those Bumblebees are 13" right? Man, it was really hard trying to acquire those at the Comic Con. I guess I need to do some quick stops at Target and Wal-Mart after work. Heh heh.
  5. Hey Jason, what worked for me is thickening some the elbow area with transparent scotch tape. I can't take any photos at the moment; I'm replying from work...but it should work. I hope this helps. I'll try to get some photos, and maybe a video.
  6. heh heh, the M16 girl...is Cherry Darling in the movie. the model portraying her is pretty cute also. that booth of grindhouse was always packed with noobs peeping her, taking photos...really busy intersection. the first shot i took was about 40 feet away with a zoom via my digital camera...i couldn't get close because of so many people: the second shot was saturday...so many people around that area that i started to perspire during this 19 second clip just standing there: the third shots is of the scott bernard cyclone: <--"youtube still says it's processing at 11:03 pm 07-29-07 PST...
  7. aah geeez...i went preview night and today (thursday) and no luck with the Hasbro Toy Store. you have to fight a mass of folks in line to get tickets to buy...and then you gotta go back at a designated time in order to purchase. they only give out tickets at 10 am and 2 pm. weak sauce. i'll try to get myself one tomorrow...but i know that i'll fail. i see peeps buying up to 10 rodimus at a time...then i just checked on ebay too with a $50 price tag. ultimate bumble bee is also available.
  8. ah geez luiz, i haven't even completed my 1/48 valkyries, and yet to puchase a vf-0a and an sv-51 ... now the YF-21 ! oh man. i hope to finish paying off our wedding by jan 2008, buy a mt. bike...and maybe save up for this baby.
  9. That fold booster looks like my Superman Pen...I should take a pic and post it up...heh. The way the fold booster is attached on to the YF-19 is still pretty weak. You'd figure you're traveling super fast and your craft is held by 4 weak anchor points...the fold booster would snap off based on physics. I think the fold booster should have been made more to cradle the craft than attach to it. ...but i still ordered the boosters just to keep up with the Jones!
  10. i've always been interested in getting one of these dragonhawk from the GI JOE Sigma 6 line. so after some time of seeing the price go from $39.99 USD to $19.99 USD, i finally cracked and bought one from toys r us. i actually passed up an optimus prime movie version for this...wth? so i opened it up and put the pieces together, this toy is not too shabby. i'm thinking about doing some air brush work and panel lines, and hiding the neon parts. for $20...this toy is not that bad. it's about 23 cm tall, 46 cm wide, and about 62 cm long from the tip of the mini gun to the tail fin. carrying the toy may be a bit too heavy for a 5 or 6 year old during play time, but it sure does spark the imagination! [attachmentid=43294] [attachmentid=43296] [attachmentid=43297] [attachmentid=43298]
  11. i'd always thought that EVA-04 was pushed aside by the producers and writers...EVA-04 having designed by Americans and several other countries, exploded...versus the other EVAs which were designed by the Japanese. ...a statement there that japanese products superior versus other products especially american. ie: cars: toyota versus gmc or ford. just a thought, what do you guys think?
  12. Great drawings! Sorry, but I do not know of this anime, or is it an original comic by Greg? I miss illustrating.
  13. Thanks Tober. Hmmm, probably different "doodler". But, there ain't no harm in sending me an invitation! Hee Back in the days I carried the name [uSA]_Doodler-7. That was when I roamed the planes of online gaming from Counter Strike, Team Fortress to Soldier of Fortune. (Sigh) Those were the days.
  14. Not bad, at least they kept the "transforming sound" pretty close. Wow, that chick is hot. Is that Megatron that the government is holding?
  15. I've always thought the look of the SV-51 in black is like the Angel of Death. Pretty scary looking. Can anyone, if they get a chance, verify the top speed of SV-51? Mach 2.81 ? They displayed this fighter on Macross Plus to be very agile and really fast, out-accelerating and out-manouvering the F-14s...which are not that slow at Mach 2.4 top speed.
  16. Ooh, pretty neat idea! For U.S. toys, I'd say buy those Sigma Six figures, especially the Duke Parachutes and Destro.
  17. Amen to that brutha! And if you have enough for spare change, how about put more on that 401K. At first I thought I could save these toys for later to sell, but I'm dishing out a lot of money for boxes that sits in the closet. Time to open these babies up!
  18. Thanks for the input guys, on the BT-17 (& Hasbro version) & BT-18. I'd like to complete my Binaltech series, but it really bums me out when they come out with these limited exclusive figures that are 5x the normal price. Yep, I was at the Con all 4 days trying to get Nemesis, but they're always sold out for that specific day...and they were only $25 each. By the way, great pic Los. Hopefully tmpanime will have ours be shipped soon!
  19. Hi, Out of topic here, but have any of you guys bought the BT-17 black dodge truck...and are you guys also planning to get the BT-18 that's coming out...a transluscent Mirage? Is it worth it to collect and complete the BT series? Do you guys think Takara will stop at BT-18? The BT-17 is around $290 shipped from eBay...which is pretty "whack!" What do you guys think?
  20. Heh, pretty cool...finally arriving! We met the creative director of the Postal Service Stamp Design group, Terry McCaffrey in a design conference. The USPS is actually expecting for these Star Wars stamps to beat the top sales record holder; which are the Elvis stamps. I like the Mill Falcon...very nice indeed.
  21. Do any of our other members know more about this company, whether if it's legit? How do they deal with copyright, or once submitted, with they own all the rights on our artwork? Sounds interesting...maybe I'll send a sample to them...though I haven't illustrated anything in more than half a decade.
  22. WOW! $221 USD WTH? $21,800 yen on HLJ. That is insane! Anyone else here thinks that those prices is too much?
  23. Geez, you guys are a tough crowd. Everyone looking for real facts on this movie, forget it, it's Hollywood...based on a graphic Novel. Frank Miller! Those of you seeking ultra realistic special effects, forget it. You're the wrong crowd for this movie. The special effects are wonderful and great...use of colors etc...most of the frames on the trailer are like Frazetta paintings...and I think that is what they're trying to achive. Like Sin City...the movie did great to capture Miller's art; looking like panels off the graphic novels. And for those weird creatures...I think they're the Immortals. So if you want historical facts and storyline, go visit the the History or Discovery channels/websites. Like Wolfx says, you watch this movie to be entertained. I think fellow artists, comic fans and and sci-fi peeps will enjoy this movie.
  24. geez...give us some slack this time... the max & miria 1/48 VF-1J were around $175 USD when they first came out in the States. i don't see this SV-51 (or the 1/60 VF-0A with ghost) having more plastic and packaging that the ones above. ...and over $200? come on! $175
  25. Hey Yamato, please take some packaging tips from Takara! So far all the MP packages have been great, and you feel like you're holding a great product...well worth your spent money. Yamato should quit making those huge flimsy, flood-varnished 1/48 macross boxes. Geeez luiz! And the box artwork on these MPs are way superior than those photoshop styled, masked, whacked artwork on the 1/48s!
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