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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. Maybe Phatslappy isn't getting it for himself! Maybe its for a little "bedroom fun" Later that evening Phatslappy: "Now, you have to pretend your name is Minmei. I put the orange sheets on the bed, and we will call that the Super Ostrich...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. awesome helmet, but not buying. and i notice something about the two valks behind; standing next to VF-1J is a HIKARU VF-1S STRIKE! if you look closer at the HEAD, it's a S-head. hmmm....did yamato put this valk there recently?
  3. Again, IIRC, Bandai never issued the GBP. So in a way they don't owe us this. It would be nice though if they did. true true
  4. i'm still keeping my fingers cross for VF-1S Strike, VT-1, VE-1 and GBP. yes, bandai "owes" these to us.
  5. so that the pilot can see clearer
  6. when i first saw the pics for the 1/48 VF-1A hikaru, i told myself that i'm just gonna get one and be happy about it. ...but.....i didn't keep my word ah! where are the fast packs, i want them now...
  7. Toonz

    Disaster Down Under

    how about drilling tiny holes and insert small metals pins in it? will it work?
  8. Toonz

    Meeting with yamato

    let the picture do the talking.
  9. hmm......this brings me all the way back to 20 years ago when i had my first 1/55 VF-1S and i don't have any valks since. then there came VF-19A and it was also the time that i got to know Macrossworld and suddenly i find myself coming back to macross. with that, i bought my first yamato VF-19A and shortly after that, i'm seeing preview pics of 1/60 VF-1 and reissue of bandai 1/55 valks. it's like treasure falling from the sky and i don't know what i should focus on. all i know was i want to have them cos they were my favourite toys! well, it didn't take any longer for me to add a VF-11B onto my shelf and after that, bandai VF-1J came along, 1/60 VF-1A flew in as well.....and the list go on and on and on......
  10. that's how it looks like when it's closed.
  11. Toonz

    Meeting with yamato

    strongly agree. its just a matter of time.......
  12. oh wait a minute, it comes with CLEAR canopy! can we have some pics?
  13. very nice! the next thing i'd like to suggest is to dip the canopy into future floor finish and let it shine
  14. mine is white too. only max and hikaru were painted blue and red respectively. the same goes to the 1/60s.
  15. huh? the valk looks good for a custom. i wonder if i can find it in singapore carrefour..... i don't mind having a chunk of it to throw around....
  16. thanks graham! rejoice rejoice it's a dream come true!
  17. i almost forgot about this future plan for the strike! got to get 4 sets then..... (looks into wallet.....a hole is burning.....)
  18. thanks toonz, heres the shots ...best the camera (and me) could do for a closeup mate. did u want it broken in half as well or that good nuff?> WOW! that's a visor?? it looks really nice... thanks!
  19. 1/72 = 3. 1/60 = 9. 1/48 = 3.
  20. hey sam, nice pics! can you do a really close up shot on hikaru's helmet?
  21. i join you
  22. Toonz

    Meeting with yamato

    Is SO bad they wont add panel lines on the VF 1S. What about the color? White or Grey? i want to know that too.....white or grey?
  23. three words..... get them all
  24. just a thought..... for example, if there are altogether 100,000 1/48 hikaru roy and max valks, does that mean there will also be 100,000 sets of fast pack available?
  25. Toonz

    Meeting with yamato

    thanks graham i wonder how the box for the ve and vt will look like....curious.....
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