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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. be prepared to sell your kidney, friends and relatives... welcome on board!
  2. Toonz

    I got them today....

    put on costumes, salute, hold rifle, march to the lift.... ...still no digicam.... Dang! Anywhoo, congrats on the purchase man! You are one lucky SOB to get those babies early in the game! i'm looking forward to the rest of you to get them so that we can share the joy together bbbeeeeaaauuutttiiiffffuuullllll ORANGE! hmmmm that grey on the elint.....so low viz feel.....
  3. Toonz

    I got them today....

    put on costumes, salute, hold rifle, march to the lift.... ...still no digicam....
  4. Toonz

    I got them today....

    my local store got them in today. infact 3 shops have them already today.
  5. Toonz

    I got them today....

    hmm i'm not that good with writing reviews er....graham?
  6. the yamato 1/60 VT-1 and VE-1..... they are at home with me now..... unfortunately...i don't have a digi cam and i'm dying to share the pics staring in awe at them and they are really really beautiful, detail, tight. canopies are easy to open ah but i have not transformed them yet cos i love them in fighter mode, the ostrich is in semi gerwalk now without the hands. beautiful colors, CUTE MINMAY! i have no place to display them for the moment and so they shall go back to their boxes. oh the boxes, why are they so big! some things to take note here for Ostrich backpack: the hinge is different from the usual VF-1, you have to PUSH the back pack in and then you bend it up. otherwise it's floppy. the attachment for the boosters are kind of different on both sides, just take note of the correct shape and hook the boosters up. as for the seeker there is a bit of a trick to display in fighter mode. the arms have to be adjusted to a certain position and the head has to be rotated 90degrees for that long thingy infront to be lifted up so that there are enough clearance for the landing gears. ah, my right landing gear for ostrich is a little loose. why yamato?! well, these two valks are simply beautiful. get them!
  7. Toonz

    Macross Figures

    what about 1/1 Bretai?
  8. i saw these little beauties selling at only $25 a piece at the flea market few weeks back.... regretted not getting them
  9. there is never enough VF-1 B)
  10. Toonz

    1/48 Line

    then we will restart the DYRL VF-1 in 1/32
  11. Toonz

    Macross Figures

    1/1 millia...... B)
  12. Toonz

    1/48 Line

    heart pumping
  13. Toonz

    Macross Figures

    i didn't order online. i'm waiting for the stores to bring in but there is no news so far yet
  14. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content lol. The only reason why I like hlj is because all they ask is for the shipping address.... no billing or anything. I never understood why they could do that while most other e-tailers had to ask for billing address. Umm, well, in the U.S., when you process a credit card, you verify the card by matching it with the billing address. The credit card processor will tell you if it's a match. And many people have different billing addresses (such as a P.O. Box) than their shipping address (such as their work address, etc.) Also, some customers purchase items as a gift and want it shipped to someone else. I have no idea why HLJ doesn't ask for a billing and shipping address. But hey, they're in Japan, I don't know how things work there. I see. Oh well.... by the time the Hikaru 1s comes out... I will give my card a try with one of MW e-tailers. I just had to keep this going..... Lol. It's like when you plug a camera into the TV and then point it at said TV. i play along, focus more....getting sharper I didn't know the new MW forums could do 3D!! Gawd!! That IS freaky!!!! can we have...more?
  15. my valks are getting impatient now....they need to wear something B)
  16. and they will also stay at your place over night to watch the drying process.
  17. er....i still don't have the guts to take apart a 1/48 yet oh my toilet story LOL...this is so embarassing *sshhhh....* i still play with my valk in the toilet
  18. awww man! they are really beautiful!
  19. Toonz

    Macross Figures

    i'm still waiting for mine to arrive
  20. can post here?
  21. Just a quick update: Thanks to a tip from Toonz, I finally found a local hardware store that sells FUTURE Floor Finish by Johnson & Son. The only "problem" I had was that it was sold in an industrial quantity tub - nearly 2 liters worth! Basically, FUTURE is an acrylic based floor sealant. You slop it on a cleaned floor and it gives a protective coat and long lasting shine. Folks seriously into scale modelling have long been using it as a "clear coat" over their painted kits for a beautiful finish. Apparently, it works real good on the 1/60 Valk's dull canopies too. I cleaned the canopies of grease and dirt, and dipped them into a bowl of FUTURE solution. It helps if you wait a while for the liquid to settle so that there aren't any tiny bubbles to spoil the coat on the canopies. Toonz recommends using a tweezer to fish them out, but I just used my fingers and left them on a piece of paper to dry. According to the container, it takes about 20-30 minutes for it to dry. Modellers usually leave it alone for a few hours for best effect. The results are pretty amazing! The dull canopies are now almost crystal clear! You can actually see the pilot figure clearly now... Very cool! Ah, so you finally found it! I love the result of the stuff. I need to use it again, though, it's worn off, due t being handled so much, I think. dipping can be this fun
  22. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content lol. The only reason why I like hlj is because all they ask is for the shipping address.... no billing or anything. I never understood why they could do that while most other e-tailers had to ask for billing address. Umm, well, in the U.S., when you process a credit card, you verify the card by matching it with the billing address. The credit card processor will tell you if it's a match. And many people have different billing addresses (such as a P.O. Box) than their shipping address (such as their work address, etc.) Also, some customers purchase items as a gift and want it shipped to someone else. I have no idea why HLJ doesn't ask for a billing and shipping address. But hey, they're in Japan, I don't know how things work there. I see. Oh well.... by the time the Hikaru 1s comes out... I will give my card a try with one of MW e-tailers. I just had to keep this going..... Lol. It's like when you plug a camera into the TV and then point it at said TV. i play along, focus more....getting sharper
  23. i can't load any pic at all
  24. yes it does. the same goes to 1/55 canopies. it can also act as a "seal" on your stickers and decals
  25. no broken parts yet.
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