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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. Toonz

    I got them today....

    thanks for the pics LePoseur mine will also be in fighter for the rest of my life. the two canopies are drying from future floor now...
  2. I keep all my opened Bandai & Yammie boxes folded up and the plastic trays stacked up in one or in this case make it two big HLJ boxes. As for the boxes with styrofoam trays there's only one way to solve that, move into a bigger pad! Lol, it looks like you had a huge order from HLJ and got trapped in the house.... let me out let me out
  3. Toonz

    I got them today....

    the dish can be removed, but not the thing that holds it. ah just as bad
  4. It doesn't have to...with some celing track and some electric motors, you could have a formation of 1/48s flying around in the air! That would kick SO much ass. Yeah, until one hit you in the head...... and break into pieces
  5. very nice and natural! got gerwalk?
  6. same here
  7. i'm running out of space too
  8. Toonz

    I got them today....

    one more
  9. Toonz

    I got them today....

    just a little bit of things to point out here..... (these are not my pics)
  10. Uh.....yeah. Seriously haterist, it's their money to spend on what they want. If you know Yamato, so do the rest of the guys here. Let them have their fun. Anywhoo, from the pic below, what's that white piece for? The one next to the forearm attachments? that "white" caught my eyes too..... wonder how it should be attached
  11. SGD$525 in one single purchase of 1/60 VT-1 and VE-1 and 4 Fast Pack for 1/48.
  12. Toonz

    I got them today....

    unfortunately it cannot be converted to a normal valk due to the non-removable radar attachment
  13. Toonz

    I got them today....

    i'll check it out tonight
  14. Toonz

    I got them today....

    mickey mouse? where? that wierd helmet she wears in DYRL? when she and Hikaru fly in Saturn's rings, i think is what they are reffering to.... hahaha i didn't know that the helmet was refered as mickey mouse yes, minmay is wearing that big orange helmet
  15. Toonz

    I got them today....

    mickey mouse? where?
  16. Toonz

    I got them today....

    mickey mouse? where?
  17. Toonz

    I got them today....

    Hmmm...2 Max behind the controls of a Valk!!! Imagine the kills they would rack up. Seriously though, if you can get some pics Toonz, I would love to see those pilots. Especially the Minmay pilot figure. i really really would like to share the pics... *smacks my own head* *damn no cam*
  18. Toonz

    I got them today....

    Super O: Hikaru and Minmay in DYRL flight suits. ElintSeeker: I dont know. Maybe some generic pilots? e.seeker has 2 pilots in dyrl suit and guess what, they wear a blue helmet which is like max! therefore it's like having 2 max in an elint
  19. Toonz

    I got them today....

    oki, here is it.... first of all, there are no spare hands for both valks. just a pair of fists, one with a hole and one without. both have spare nose cone plug. both have antennas, BUT no spare ones so don't break any one of them. (FRAGILE!) all wings have hardpoints BUT no missiles provided. (what are the extra space in the box for, yamato?) both instruction books are the same, featuring transformation for VT-1 VE-1 both come with 2 sticker sheets each. the elint one is a bit different cos it has the pair of 'eyes' for the boosters. oh yes, the radar attachment on top of the elint is NOT removable. so don't break it.
  20. Toonz

    I got them today....

    i was shocked by the size of the box when i saw it. that's almost the size of the 1/48 box and i too, felt that they could've attached the boosters on the valk and the rest can be placed closer or even below the valk. look at the empty space at the bottom. *sign.......*
  21. singing the song from depeche mode.... i just can't get enough i just can't get enough....
  22. wow! nice pilot! i still have not touch my hasegawa pilot yet......
  23. Toonz

    1/48 Line

    it's like a family having many children
  24. Toonz

    I got them today....

    W W.... just a few hours of sleep and it's page 2 now... thanks for the pics vt102 ah! how can i not have a digicam damn it! got to find a solution.
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