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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. hehehe this valks were taken from sithlord's shot, therefore mpc-less
  2. that's exactly what i thought. plus you can add a hinge to make it open and close upon landing.
  3. i voted this
  4. again from sithlord photos.....
  5. Toonz


    thanks to sithlord for the pics taken on the display stand:) here's roy and max...in a dead land....
  6. hmmm i wonder who the pilot is inside this gbp1J
  7. it's my wallpaper reward from roy focker
  8. yeah!
  9. this is another non-toy related topic to replace the one on ¡§your nickname & avatar¡¨ that was missing after a couple of pages. lets talk about movies. it can be your favourite movie of all time and what type of movies you like. eg, horror, action, comedy, romance. please keep this topic fun and light hearted so that it will not get deleted. (permission to post granted by MODERATOR, ROY FOCKER)
  10. this is the time when nail polish rules. make your girlfriend or mother or sister or wife doesn't know about it.
  11. Toonz

    K&M Macross figures

    thanks graham! hikaru's gunpod is HUGE!!!! regult looks so cool! ah this is one that shows the transformation sequence.
  12. Toonz

    Yamato's Display Arm

    hmm it doesn't look safe to display any yamato valks i'd probably put a 1/55 on it.
  13. ok done
  14. great! i have nothing to do now. how would you like it to be done?
  15. just a thought here.... actually we can reproduce the sticker sheet using off-set printing. that way, you will have full color and white printed on industrial standard transparent sticker sheet. though you may have to print in few hundreds or thousands, it gives you more stickers for replacement should any of it wear out in the years ahead. moreover, the machine is able to do die-cut and that saves you from trimming. what do the rest think?
  16. lazy hikaru mode
  17. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/v...vf-1d/_vf1d.htm
  18. strike forever! B)
  19. Toonz

    Hello all....

    welcome to MW say Hi to valks today and BYE to everything tomorrow it's true!
  20. thanks for linking this pic up:) when i first did this custom, it was an original 1/55 takatoku VF-1S and all it has was a black shield. i didn't care much about getting a canopy or making the shield blue at that time cos it was my first attemp and i just want to renew the entire valk. i do have another Max-1S converted from a reissue super VF-1S and this time, i've made the shield blue. both look good to me anyway, like wise for hikaru.
  21. here.... *pour sauce onto plate and serve....*
  22. this pic really cracks me up when i look at it!
  23. how do you mean? er...as in lower the yen
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