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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. am i late? VF-2SS from Macross II
  2. is it 100% confirm that yamato will release a stand alone GBP?
  3. YES! HAPPY! looks like it also comes with the foamy missiles GO FOAM!
  4. wwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhh........... not much tampo printing for this one. but still looking good! where's mine where's mine???
  5. what's with the bullet pointing there?
  6. i got myself CF1A and not the CF1J. now the more you guys talk about the CF1J, the more i want it...must resist but i don't know why i'm resisting LOL
  7. i don't really care about this exclusive what ever. i just hope that yamato will still release a regular armor set only.
  8. Toonz

    Latest custom.

    always surprise us with your creation man!
  9. what is the possibility that yamato will release the armors as a set only WITHOUT the valk?
  10. how many of you are getting this?
  11. oh and what do we have here! another "online exclusive"?! ok just fooling with photoshop don't stone me
  12. finally!
  13. what is tamiya pack? any pics?
  14. im still keeping my v.1 in fighter mode only. so now i can display v.2 in either battroid or gerwalk mode and still get to admire the same valk in fighter mode from v.1. for eg, v.1 VF1D in fighter mode and v.2 VF1D in battroid mode there's still some nice features in v.1, they arent that bad.
  15. hikaru 1J WITH heatshield looks very good!
  16. may i ask, where can i get these stands?
  17. Toonz

    Latest custom.

    i know this is going to be a BIG SURPRISE when i see the name KURT!
  18. please dont do this
  19. i LIKE the TV kaki 1A MORE than the dyrl kaki 1A. am i the only one feeling this way?
  20. got mine today together with max1A and max 1S (my wallet ) very very nice 11B!!! love it!
  21. just finished watching the yamato tv and i heard that CLICK sound of the lower shield when that guy was transforming the 11b! woohoo cant wait for mine to arrived!
  22. Toonz

    Surprise! Fan Racer

    next will be max's spectacles hikaru's scarf
  23. this IS the $hit man! this is it! i don't care if its tv or movie. it's the SDF-1!!!
  24. WAH POWWWWW!!!!!!!! my wallet.... hahhaha
  25. OH WTF??!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
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