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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. slather the sculptamold onto your base where you want it. smooth it out after it has set for a minute. if you look closely i have added little tufts of "weeds" around what will be the waters edge. the weeds are nothing more than toothbrush bristles cut from the brush and shoved into the sculptamold while its wet. they will stand out much better when painted. if you want to imprint a foot or track mark into the wet stuff wait until it has set for an hour or 2 and then push the subject into the material. if you do it too wet the sculptamold will stick to the model and come off the base. now im off to drive one of my tanks around in the mud while this sets up.
  2. in a tupperware dish or nonimportant bowl mix up about a handful of sculptamold and add water until its like watery oatmeal
  3. be sure to check the shape of the foam as you cut it. ensure you can make your subject work. im doing a field test scene where the tank and the destroid will be crossing at the same time to see which one does it better.
  4. KIDS GET YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION. if your married or living with a girlfriend make sure they wont blow a top. this is the mess after i shaped the foam. make sure you have a good vaccuum(yes i do)
  5. man did i pick a good day to do this. its been raining since 3 am and there is snow on the way. left to right bandai VF2SS, VF1J, 72 charger street machine 1/16 (rare kit to find),MAXIMILLIAN from the black hole(even harder to find) VINCENT from the black hole(just as hard as maximillian to find) last 2 are still in work.
  6. last is your favorite color for dirt. its up to you what you use but i like colors like dark earth and khaki(shown in pic). brush paint or airbrush them on once the sculptamold has set and your all set. ill cover other little items along the way but these items are a must for this scene.
  7. sculptamold. this stuff is a dry powdery paper like substance that becomes thick when you mix it with water. it gets put down as groundwork to cover the foam and wood. i use it for the fact it has a good dirt like texture to it once its painted. mix it until its like oatmeal and then slather it on. this stuff will take a day or 2 to dry in some thicker areas. DO NOT put it under a heat source to dry it since the heat and water may react with your wood base and cause it to warp.
  8. next is the acrylic gel. it is used to layer on the water for the stream or body of water of your choice. put it on in relatively thin layers and let it build up to the thickness you like. its also good for small windows and cockpit guages
  9. first the whit glue. find it at any good walmart, kmart, walgreens or food store. this will be used to glue the chunks of foam to the wood since crazy glue(cyanoacrylate) and model glues or epoxies have a trend of melting the foam.
  10. heres a list of basic supplies for making the base. wood base, elmers white glue, sculptamold, clear acrylic gel medium, and your favorite dirt colors with a big block of styro foam packing
  11. well im better now and have 3 days till christmas so lets see what i can whack together. the destroid is finished but the hummers and abrams still need some construction and paintwork. but i have enough to shell out the base . you know what FRACK it ill sacrifice my sturmtigers base and use it to make a decent river scene on. its big enough.
  12. is canada in HG jurisdiction or not? i know their show was seen there but do they control the rights to it up there i thought it was just a 50 states thing.
  13. i have a S^%t load of balkenkreuz markings upstairs in my hobby room and i think one maltese. PM me with your address and ill get them out on their way no later than monday. its christmas so the post office is crammed and most of the base is down from today until monday. but ill have it on the way. the balkenkreuz was made the official marking during ww2 for the luftwaffe. it was changed back to maltese after the s&!t with the nazis to show that the form of government was no longer in power. tanks went through the same process too. only aircraft had the hakenkreuz painted on them on the tails and most german model companies wont even put them in kits because of how strongly they dont like what it stands for. if anyone gives you crap though say its actually taiwanese for vegitarian which it is a symbol for as well. i dont like the emblem either myself which is why i stick to tanks unless its on the model for accuracy purposes.
  14. buy any modern day revell or dragon 1/72 scale german vehicle kit and youll get just what you need. the kits are cheap if you pay more than 7 dollars your paying too much. the modern cross used is the maltese cross wwII vehicles had the balkenkreuz which is not the one you want. also WWII german tanks actually never had the hakenkreuz painted on them the crew usually tied a flag or banner with it on it to their vehicles for air ID. lemme look i may have an old decal sheet laying around i could send to you. sean
  15. ok in your world but.... look man the fact is that lucas gave this book his blessing when it was written. he was lead producer on the empire strikes back and controls the rights to all items with the name star wars. now if a book written for his movie taken from his script and based on his treatment is wrong than go tell him. lucas was consulted during the writing and had to read it at the time before its release to the public. i do know the EU books are not considered canon but the 3 OT books are canon. the horse is dead back to the thread. i know some of the EU novels take place before the movies and during to give background info but the story meat from truce at bakura onward to before NJO would make for an excellent series. it would show the decline of the warlords,the deathstar prototype,the empire retaking coruscant,and many other things that when i read them i could see on screen.
  16. I WANT ONE!!!! OR 2,3,4...... imagine the space saving if you mount them on sturdy stands. yes all the valks you build would need to be fast packed but hey getting them off the table or desktop and mounted in the air. oh yeah it could be made into a wall mount display too. the ideas are flooding sign me up jessee. now on to the 1/48 one for my club m. just kidding sean
  17. ummm the book for the movie written in 1980 and approved by lucasfilm for the novellization of the movie states it as a star system. got the book in my lap. now as for the thread just start the shows from the truce at bakura and cut all the books into hour long segments and youll have enough episodes for a run longer than any startrek series ever had. think about it every book can encompass 3 to 4 hours of viewing enjoyment. and there are over 50 some odd books.
  18. correction guys. its a extremely young star system. basically the planets hadnt formed yet and the dust is still swirling around it while the star inside is burning brightly. dont know about you but from the pics i have seen from hubble a proto solar system could easily look like a miniature galaxy without a frame of reference for size. its not like there was anything else to judge size by. regardless the stories still take place in one galaxy as stated earlier about vaders comment. you also have to think of it as what would you rather see them looking at. empty space with just the falcon leaving or the scifi cool factor with some eyecandy background.
  19. actually in ESB they were still "IN" the galaxy just outside the rim of the eccliptic. that is explained in a few of the books and in the directors commentary. the outbound flight project was intended to leave the galaxy after they had charted the unknown regions which became known as "chiss" territory.
  20. the best 1/6 scale weapons sets i have seen are done by DRAGON. they do a whole range of 1/6 poseable figs too. they sell weapons sets from allied/german WWII all the way to modernday military and TV media crew flak vests and helmets. to a search on Ebay and see what pops up.
  21. duel of the fates was too short. i imagine that this fight will be much longer and dirtier. i think i saw a pic of anakin using lightining.
  22. hell imagine the power bills?
  23. imagine if new york city covered the planet. now you have that mental picture make it at least 3 to 5 miles worth of levels and buildings deep. that is why the population is so high.
  24. read the books and played the games holmes the sith were an ancient race that did live on korriban. humans found the world thousands of years before the great sith wars mentioned in all the games and novels. the force sensitive humans of that time found records of the sith teachings and started to learn them as well turning them into the first sith lords. afterwards fallen and dark jedi also came to the world to learn the teachings. thus the beginnings of the current sith following. it will take me a day or 2 but i can find the info and scan and post it. its also mentioned in KOTOR that the TRUE sith died out millenia before the events of KOTOR. a few of the people on korriban mention that when you ask them. i believe it is also mentioned in the tales of the jedi series which also take place around the time of EXAR KUN and his SITH following because he finds ANCIENT sith records. the sith were an alien race though it is also stadted in many places.
  25. just one only half explored and recorded though.
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