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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Roy from M0 only difference being im not a pilot, or a major. Other than that the overall attitude is similar and the hair
  2. Jessee. Actually i wouldnt mind doing a custom of that kit. The wings on the recast were thick enough to allow for the reshaping my main concern would be the "foot" cuffs. Id even try to make the kit from reasonable condition recastreject parts since it seems id have to reshape the nose anyway. The Axe wouldnt be too hard either i have sheet plastic in the right thickness for it. Hell i would even send the reshaped parts back to you before construction to makesome new molds PM me maybe we can hash something together. Come to think of it the wings and nose are the same its the fuselage thats different its been extended further up the sides of the fighter and doesnt have the dorsal intakes on the leading edge.
  3. Southpaw. Are you Eric Idle or John Cleese by any chance. i had flashbacks of the flying circuis.
  4. it would have to look that good for me to get it. maybe they could put a sound unit with basara singing inside it (ducks thrown chunky monkey)
  5. (bump) You still working on this or will we never see the end result?
  6. One last time before the decals get here. if there are any details i may have overlooked or forgotten or you think might be good to add let me know because once the clear coat is on theres no chance to change it.
  7. The bounce was there man the bounce was there. At least i thought i saw it too. Alot of the older hand drawn animation had a visual weight and depth to it too that gets lost in todays computer enriched stuff. compare DYRL? and Macross 0. The computer made stuff just looks too flat and featureless even the characher animations seem flatter.
  8. there is a clearer pic of something similar that looks like an orgus and a VF1A had a child. i saw it flying in space in a combat scene. i think a model was even made of it.
  9. Sticking with macross would be a wise decision for hasegawa considering how acft manufacturers want to gharge royalties for their kits. talk about 6 degress of seperation in threads.
  10. With Tamiya putting all that into it that would definitely justify a 1500 dollar price tag at initial release unlike their F-15E. That kit is not worth the cash they are asking.
  11. now that my projector is running again give me some key parts to look at and ill see if i can ID any of them over the next few days. i remember seeing a quick glimpse of a VE-1 elint in the mass fleet shot in the same episode.
  12. I think a Hasegawa 1/48 scale valk would be the holy grail of macross model kits. give it strike options and i would be first in line to pay a hefty price for it.
  13. see this thread its basically the same topic http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=12186 or vice versa but i think the mecha your referring to was from the Orgus series
  14. There are too many cameo shots in there i have to watch it a couple hundred times to get them all. i especially liked the Gieger alien.
  15. Nothing like a 10ft x 5ft screen and DTS sound to watch bootlegged anime or even non bootlegged anime on huh. now where did i put AC5
  16. Robotech,proof that if you ignore something it wont go away. Kind of like the little kid next door who wont be quiet at 6 am on a saturady and you just got off work. I also agree with the huddled masses statement made above. All you hear of is dragonnuts this and gheyblade that. I had a roommate in college who owned all of dragonball i was in my own personal hell. So i fought back with all the macross and GITS i could muster.
  17. Projector and DTS here.(drools over macross 0 DVDs).
  18. To get it to conform to a warped canopy youll need superglue also you will need to sand it flush and polish it after. The canopy is a real pain especially the smaller rear piece. i was able to "blend" mine using the green ZAP CA glue fortunately. The vac formed canopy is also not very clear no matter how much you polish it. There a few pics of mine in the latest version of your collection thread in the model kits section and a distant shot of it in my 19 recast thread.
  19. Your best choice on the canopy is to display it open. the frame rails will be warped and why hide that wonderful cockpit. i had the same problem with the step on my kit but its hidden pretty well once the strike packs are installed so i dodnt do anything to it. Another thing to look out for is the canopy glass. trim and test fit it carefully before you glue it and remember its not bad to cut it too large you can always make it smaller but if its too small your SOL.
  20. Nah im just saving models up for my golden years. i already have one 1/48 UD strike built. now thaat i know whats difficult on it i want to do another and really expand on it. Does anyone else think we should just start a 1/48 recast mega thread? Did you have trouble with the small photoetch pieces in the "intakes" on the upper fuselage?
  21. This is making me want to order another one. scary thing is i can afford it too. some guys collect the 1/48 toys so i collect the models.
  22. HWR MKII


    I think that thing was called the Acranoplan. the russians had big plans fr it and they are still developing it. It works off of sheer ground effect.
  23. To me a toyota is a speedbump.(goes out to adjust track tension on tank) Cant go wrong with 7 tons of jaguar powered all road fun.(CVRT scorpion)he he I know its off topic but i couldnt help.
  24. I know this thread is old but i found another. In Starship troopers at the end. The lone soldier who blows the top off a hill with a big rifle in the last propaganda shot of the film is firing the YF-19s gunpod.
  25. This debate has been going on for a few years already. I think the days of the plastic model are almost over anyway the way more companies are releasing the prebuilt and prepainted lines of models(see Tamiya StugIII) To me that makes people want to build less than paying more money. What is the point if you cant build it and paint it. Tamiya is already charging "almost" prohibitive prices for their models already so an increase from royalty prices wouldnt be that noticeable anyway. We would all just think that its the price we pay for some new Tamiya manufacturing gimmic(see Tamiya 1/16 scale Tanks). For nascar fans out there we already pay royalties for model kits. What do you think makes up the price of that predeath Dale Earnhardt #3 car? 75% of the cost of tat 30 dollar kit is royalties. Just like with macross models the companies know there are people who will pay the pricetag on the kit because they want it fortunately Hasegawa kits are still cheap. my 2 cents. sean P.S. building models since 1980 so i have seen the price increase over the years.
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