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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Ah Loupus now that was a weird movie. The only good ant movie was THEM! its a 50s classic. i still watch it when it comes on tv. and no i wasnt born in the 40s lol
  2. Bingo on the flat coat Ido. The tamiya clear coat is a little thick but can be airbrushed on as is. It is thick enough that you can stretch it out a little further by thinning it but dont thin too much or it WILL run all over no matter what you do sean
  3. Keep in mind that this may not be the finished film either . In soms scenes it looks like there was still a little clean up to do .
  4. Again to all those who voted yes and are interested you must let me know. this poll was to make sure there was a positive demand for the kit. There is apparently a demand but if you would like the kit i need to know or else i wll not get the parts to convert. As stated before PM me please. i have edited the first post to show those interested parties.
  5. NNNNNOOOOO ! Thats not true ! THATS IMPOSSIBLE! Would be heard being screamed all over america! And theres lucas saying "Search your feelings you know it to be true."
  6. willing to pay a premium hmmmm. id believe it considering he owns almost 1,500 dollars worth of 1/48 scales anyway. This going on the relative average i have seen in cost on those beauties. id take one too if the pieces were sturdy enough.
  7. Is it me or was movie going alot more exciting before the internet not gonna complain about spoilers because if i didnt want to see it i wouldnt have clicked it but i can see how there is less expectation now. Excellent link BTW it confirmed that which i already knew.
  8. Look up the Jwin brand DVD player they are multi region and multi tv signal as well right out of the box no reprogramming needed and they are around 40 to 50 bucks
  9. Rotoscoping + Early motion capture efforts = todays CG heavy movies IE final fantasy, SW episode1,2 . Animation is truely a viewers choice market you watch what you like. i am willing to give almost any form of animation a try. Also this film was written by the writer of Blade runner so i will definitely be there.
  10. Well everyone i recieved my decals from devin today and they are great. i only have one gripe but its small the red on the fighting kite emblem looks to be on the orange side but other than that they are perfect and just wahat i need. theres also enough extra roundels and markings for me to reassemble my old VF1S strike in a low vis or enigma type scheme One last thing i noticed is that the instrument panel decal isnt on the sheet either. looks like i will have to go blind painting it. A BIG THANKS OUT TO DEVIN FOR HIS FINE WORK!
  11. BUMP For those people interested in a kit please PM me so i know
  12. They dont look as bad once fully assembled . The fast pacsk and bulky look of the fighter go a long way toward maiking them look smaler
  13. I think he meant the struts and oleos on them were too oversize. If you do want to change the tires though F15 maintires mixed with an F14s nose tires would look ok.
  14. Renato You do know what the WW2 slang term nips is for dont you? PM me if you dont. I watched the preview and all i have to say is this. This idea worked for batman beyond but it will not work for this.
  15. you could use straight black then maybe add a little burnt umber to it to liven it up but thats it. the lines are small enough to look ok.
  16. What color grey did you use? if you tell me that i can recommend a good wash color
  17. well in fighter mode you wont see the face now will you
  19. I have spoken with the caster and have been given an estimated price of 80 - 90 dollars per kit if 20 or more people are truely interested. To keep costs down it would have to be a standard Fire Valk for now with no landing gear . I would like to do further option kits at a later time but for now we just want to get this kit out in the open. I too would like to see more variations available and they can happen but lets take this one step at a time. For those people that are actually interested in a kit PM me so i can keep count and get a more accurate estimate on kit cost. Sean
  20. I do understand where your coming from Bhop now that i have seen it they do look a little bigger but not oversize. You also have to take weight into consideration this is a heavy resin kit the metal has to be thicker and a bit beefier to take the weight. If the metal were thinner it would bend from the weight of this kit.
  21. I am aware of the differences in the airframes i have done the research i just didnt want to waste alot of space listing every change id have to make. Considering the thickness in the wings of the kit i had just built it would not be difficult at all to make correct wings , the gunpod is a solid brick so it would be easy enough to hack and carve that thing until it has the correct details and the head i really wouldnt worry about sinc all you see in fighter mode will be tha back of it and the head lasers,so i will not be worying about carving the "face" on it you wont see it when complete anyway. Dont worry about the work that is needed to make it correct it will be done. I can make the options there for the Kai or others in case you want to build a diamond force fighter instead. Grahm do you have pics or screen caps of those intakes that you mentioned ? i need to see if i will have to make an insert to go into them for those who want to make a fire valk.
  22. I do NOT want to see Elmer. Will they make him look like Arnold from T2 complete with hand held minigun? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD HOLYWOOD LEAVE GOOD THINGS ALONE !
  23. I looked into that myself and the only real difference between the blazer and fire versions would be the head lasers and wing shape . ill see what i can do when i get the parts going. Im not charging for my work either i would like the overhead to be as low as possible for the interested members here . no price yet as far as kit cost im putting the poll out to see if the demand is there for it.
  24. You may have read about my interest in making aVF-19 fire valk in some other threads and after discussing it with an undisclosed party i want to see what the demand of this kit would be . Macross 7 haters please do not vote! i am willing to make the masters for the parts on this kit and would like your input. The kit would be non variable fighter mode only. so far there are 3 people onboard plastik missle jadefalconguard grayson72
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