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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. i have one too in 1/160 scale. the one in the pic seems like the 1/200 scale one from the body dimensions
  2. You think 1/72 scale is big be glad it isnt going to be 1/35 scale to accomodate the figure and detail sets in that range . If one were made in 1/35 scale i would find a way to make it walk and fire charges out of the barrels When you make the master parts dont forget to make the smoke dischargers for the front as seen in the screencap from the show on the last page. Its the only time you see them on there actually.
  3. Well if the Nose area was a vacform piece it would allow someone who wanted to scratch build an open cockpit the option to do it. If the missile arm pieces were vacformed someone could make the innards and do a model being worked on with a crane type vehicle or just display details in general. Vacform wouldnt be good for load bearing pieces obviously but there are some areas where it could be used. Any details that need to go on the outside of the piece could be made in resin and be glued on by the builder so there would be no sacrifice in detail by the kit maker. Just a suggestion doesnt mean you have to do it. No matter which way you go with it im getting one.
  4. Need any pics of the completed 1/48 YF-19 kit jessee? ill take some good ones in 35 mm and scan them if you need.
  5. That ladder is accurate its in perfect memory. You also forgot the first admitted monsterholic here . I said it before ill say it again IM IN IM IN. The kit doesnt have to be completely resin does it ? could you possibly do any bits of it in vaccuform? it would help keep down the weight and allow customisers to do a little more with it.
  6. In the immortal words of well known english actor John Hurt ala his line in spaceballs as crewman kain "Oh no. Not again."
  7. Well having played it now i have to say i dont like it for the reasons im going to list.1 your character seems to miss the target in melee more times than hit no matter what weapons or skill you use.2 the AI on your party members is too dumb for the way they wanted the game to work 3 i preferred having my party members self heal instead of having to stop in the middle of a fight and do it for them.4 I KNEW THE BIG BOSS WAS MALAK FROM THE FIRST TIME HE APPEARED! what other character introduced into the game would have to wheeze becuase he had no lower jaw and have the ability to suck the life out of something. 5 too much jumping around to complete story bits. I know this is an RPG but for crap sake there was alot in the gameplay itself that took away from enjoying the game itself. Oh and one last detail, YOUR PARTY MEMBERS ARE NO BETTER THAN CANNON FODDER.
  8. actually i thought this was one of the vernier thrusters. its what it looks like on the 1/48 scale model im building you have to put photoetched pieces on all of them.
  9. I think the whole not ejecting thing goes into the drama of war. kind of like all the time in action movies that a good guy had the bad guy in his sights and didnt fire or why the bad guy has to say some long winded crap. Just shoot the crack head and get on with it. Not ejecting allows the director to show us the loss of life in the events taking place and keeps the viewer in suspense as to what will happen to the character. Until now how many of us were wanting those guys to eject? Noone i think because the character was still in a semi functional, armed valk and could fight back. But getting technical now maybe the pilot who got shot down was so new and dazed that he thought he could land and get away for a time then leave later in the VF0A. Also think of how suddenly alot of the deaths in the air were. Did Kakizaki have time to think about ejecting? or the Noobs in the 0As . Im amazed that Hikaru had time to think of ejecting in that episode considering the amount of missiles coming at him and how quickly they were moving.
  10. HWR MKII


    im in im in talk about a subject that sells itself. with its popularity im suprised that there arent as many monster related models as valks. an arm set to make a mark 1 option for the arii 1/160 scale wouldnt be a bad add on kit either. not begging for you to make it but someone out there must have the availability of time to. i have other pressing projects.
  11. Id love to play it but yet again another game company comes out with a game that yet again makes you need to go out and buy another new computers worth of parts to be able to play it to its utmost. I have been looking forward to this game too but the BX here doesnt have it for a console system yet. anyone want to post pics to whett my appetite for it
  12. There were some but a good filler primer too care of it well enough. my copy had no air bubble problems at all. some pinholes but no bubbles. the thing for you to do is to get it as smooth as possible and appl a filler primer then wet sand it with a very fine grain sandpaper to keep more bubbles from appearing.
  13. For a good example of the face shield in use watch the movie flight of the intruder it is the only time i have seen it used on screen. 1BRD interesting how you noticed that too. the cannon isnt an "uber" weapon so to speak but it is a excellent anti ship weapon. its basically the supervision army version of what the zentradi have. The main reason the macross was not to be destroyed was the fact that humans had "reaction" weapons and they didnt. In the end bodolza said screw it because of the effect that music and culture were having on his fleet and ordered the human race exterminated.
  14. HWR MKII


    MSLZ If you could shave the weight and price down im in DEFINITELY IN. Id even make a custom ammo crate to store it in when i move in the military
  15. If you pull the masters from SMT and find a better,quicker caster ill get one.I was disappointed by SMT and its production ethics in the past when i ordered my dropship. i had to wait about 6 months for that too,and to top it off they FORGOT to ship it ontime to begin with you might want to send another Email LTSO if you havnt already. i think this monster looks great and would love to have one to add to my collection. Now starting new group monsterholics anon. Hello everyoe my name is sean and im a monsterholic.
  16. HWR MKII


    And proplr say the fire valk looks bad.
  17. Oh girls transform all right . Once a month they go into protodeviliin mode., talk about transformation On the toys thing its ok with me. i collect some of them but im glad i build models so that way if "they" dont make it i can, and as usual in model building if you take enough time scratch building something then someone will make a kit or toy of it right as you finish your 2 to 3 year long ordeal of scratch building.
  18. Actually i think the one on the right is supposed to be the Angelbirds one not a bootleg that looks like the one from space gandam.
  19. just bumpin to keep the fire lit for ya scand i want to see what you have so far on the 21. My 19 is almost done im finishing up the decals on it right now.
  20. HWR MKII


    Monster nut here . Not only am i a valkaholic im a Monsterholic as well. That is truely the holy grail o kits for me. The 1/48 strike valk is considered normal for me since i own 2 but a 1/72 monster( drool) would be the end all be all .
  21. heres the link to where i bought mine but the place is out o stock right now. http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=832
  22. Thats what i was getting at. both these ideas are the same essentially ,Martians attack the earth. the only reason there was no real copyright issues was the fact that the rest of the story outside of the martians attacking the earth are nothing like each other. Both movies are telling 2 very different stories set in the same way.
  23. Excellent those scans are just the right size fro 1/48
  24. John Ill take a regult if yo uactually do have plans on making them.
  25. I prefer the Polly S clear as well it doesnt need thinning but in the UK that brand isnt available. So as tamiya is the closest available product i have had to learn how to use their stuff.
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