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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Actually TPM had a short re release back in winter 1999 but your right AOTC has not.... Yet. EDIT: corrected release date
  2. It takes a movie as visual as SW or more to even get me to a theatre. I cant stand going to a theatre and seeing something that would look just as good or be just as dramatic on the smaller screen. Then again every day is a trip to the theatre for me with a 10x5 foot screen in my living room . Still it has to be big for me to shell out todays prices to see something. Lately that has also been a big factor in ticket sales as well. Is a movie worth paying 10 dollars a head to go see.
  3. Im sure if you sit down and do the math with a little shopping around your wife may allow you to get both items. Thats what i did when i put down 1200 bucks on a 1/16 scale R/C kubelwagen(german jeep) and Leopard 2A6 (big modern tank) from Tamiya. She has no problem with it aside from this makes 6 1/16 scale tanks in my collection now. They track more mud than a child. Im sure she will understand once you figure out the costs. sean P.S. I think Tamiya translates to either pay through the nose or out the A$$ i still have to figure it out.
  4. Any of the UN ground vehicles from the first series like the 6 wheeled ones or the big 10 or 12 wheeled ones in 1/72 scale would be good for destroid set dressing. Maybe even a destroid "Meat Wagon" Like the one seen when hikaru meets his subordinates for the first time.
  5. Using acrylic paints helps too. Just set your airbrush up near a window and buy a fan to put in the window. Spray in a general direction towards or near the fan and you should be fine. Oh yeah open the window too. though i think you knew that one.
  6. Zeo where do you live? it would help toward suggesting what brand of supplies to get locally too since like in my case european countries very rarely if at all carry testors products and finding anything squadron related is like finding hens teeth.
  7. I met the red haired girl at RAF Feltwell last year. she was there with David Prowse , some one scene only guy who played an imp officer and dwarf who played the Ewok village leader. They were there for the 4th of July festival for us yanks over here.
  8. Negative the topic is derailed. It just impacted on the surface. Now prepare the rest of the group for the next run. I saw a few eps back to back where Grevious is abducting Palpatine and it for the most part keeps in line with one of the previously written books. The episodes bookend very well with the movies. This isnt suprising really since lucas does have direct involvement with the creators on the story. He gave them a set series of events he wanted to see but allowed the creators freedom to do as they will inside these events. Great stuff.
  9. Glane Considering that the fact he is still alive peroid hasnt crossed your mind is suprising let alone that the wounds should be cleaned just poking at ya man lol no seriousness meant. I think that the dark side has alot to do with keeping Annie alive at that point, maybe the Emporer has alittle to do with it also.
  10. EVA = Clone REI = Clone 1 REI clone for every EVA produced (hence large tank with mindless REI swimming in ACL) REI = EVA Placenta, basically shes a leftover and why the EVA units would go nuts when she was put into one most times.(i know she piloted the in service blue Unit 0)
  11. She knows i order them and even picks them up at the post office for me. In the next 3 weeks she will be picking up a 1/16 T34/85 and Leopard 2A6 from Tamiya. The only thing my wife is concerned with is space i have no shelf room as it is and had to allocate room fot these 2 incoming tanks so the monster would have to hide in the garage unassembled until i got it back to the states. not that theres a room big enough in the house to fit the thing into as is.
  12. I read this entire thread and all i can ask or say about anything on these pages is... Druna where did you get the cat pic in your avatar it looks like my old cat Baby. He was pure white with 1 blue eye ,1green eye. He was also deaf and diabetic to boot. THE PLANE SUX. I wouldnt put an AIM9X on the thing but i sure hope someone puts a AIM120 into the mechanical designer airliner on his way back to hollywood. I still love the YF-23 personally its the closest thing to haveing the YF-21 airframe in actual existanc.
  13. Considering that the military in Macross 0 is United Nations (UN) the weapons you see are representative of the countries giving supplies to the operations at hand. Also the whole series was mainly a secret black ops event to me so only a select few and whatever weapons they have available would be used.
  14. That was a quick scratch build on the arm man. I have faith is all i can say on this. WOW mmmmmmm Monster (drool) My wife will kill me for getting it not because of price but the fact that it till make the neighbors mini cooper look even smaller he he . I have no idea where i would put it but i do know i will make mine so i can dis assemble it and move it around in a foot locker or 2. (thoughts in head ) now how to make it walk. Put a servo here combined to a gear drive there.
  15. starside here look up the name johns if you start a character on there.
  16. Im not too concerned with their quality as far as casting.Its a model it can be fixed. Im worried about the resin they use it doesnt hold up well over time with weight. Im still trying to get the missile arms, and landing gear struts on my dropship to go straight. i may have to get the blueprints for the landing gear of an AVRO Vulcan acft and make new struts from brass tube. There is also the wait. Especially now that im overseas.
  17. Ok now you owe me a new pair of underwear man. Its better than the other 1/72 kit already. PANEL LINES ! Yeah!
  18. Yes the juggernaut was a prototype design for the ATAT its also stated in the myth and magic ILM book that covers the first trilogy and its design as well as the indiana jones trilogy.
  19. Jessee PM me with all the info you can on this one i want one. I love BSG and this Viper is the best and brightest i have seen in a while.
  20. The sound that reminds me of the VF series acft is the sound of an F15 JFS (jet fuel starter) spinning up the motors. You hear that sound in Macross every time a VF starts up.
  21. Chewie and Leia were kept alive to lure Luke. He could sense they were in trouble remember. Dark horse comics also did a short comic that took place during ESB where Vader has 3POs pieces brought to him before he freezes Han. Aside from the time in the freezing chamber there are no other times where Vader comes into close contact with the droids or if he did, as in the freezing chamber, he really didnt care to interact with them. Its not like they remembered him after the memory wipe anyway.
  22. I have to agree with Magnus these movies seem to boil down to the new badguy every movie syndrome instead of keeping a solid character base throughout. Its hard to hate or feel apprehension toward a bad guy when you know he will be dead by the end of the film or he was just introed and dies in the same film. Aside from Lord Tyranus no bad guy has lived for more than one movie in the prequels even then they hardly got any screen time. Darth Maul only got a total of about 5 to 7 minutes so how much is Grevious really going to get in the end? We shouldnt have to rely on comics and games to build the knowledge base of how we have to accept a new character. sorry for the rant guys i do look forward to seeing the film its just difficult to attach to a character that isnt going to be around long.
  23. UUUUMMMM wheres my wife? (sonds of footsteps running up stairs
  24. If anyone wants max blue or kakizaki green from DYRL? i have a mostly complete decal sheet from a VF1A that i was building.(no longer since the wings are on my battroid)Send me a PM if you want them and ill ship them free of charge. sean
  25. What art institute did you go to?
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