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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Heres the 14 road wheels( i got the kit last night actually) it took about 2 hours to build all 14. Each wheel has 2 brass bushings in it ,a metal axle and 4 screws. The only other bit i have done so far is the gear box and thats the first 10 steps of the instructions. No pics of that sorry i didnt have a 4th hand to hold the camera while i was putting all the gears on the axles ZEO In the states the kit goes for around 1500 dollars minus the 4 channel controller and battery you need to buy seperate. I got the kit off of evilbay for around 800 along with shipping the total came to around 1000 dollars. i love tax time I picked up a 6 channel acft controller from my neighbor here in the UK and im going to the market on sunday to visit the Tamiya store there and get the battery and paints ill need. sean
  2. You will need alot of them on this one. I didnt go the tupperware route last time since i used all i had in the house on the Tiger 1 and the wife wasnt too happy. The kit also comes with a parts guide seperate from the instructions and it does come in handy.
  3. All of the screws and nuts come in non resealable plastic baggies so the first thing to do is put them into little sealable tupperware bins or into ziploc bags. I went the ziploc way
  4. Thanks for your support guys. Here is the first pic for now. Its the box it came in and the basic hull and turret with no details added yet. Note the little green thing in front of it is a pack of stick gum. The kit comes with a turned aluminum gun barrel, cast aluminum drive sprokets fiber optics and LEDs for the lights, and a few computer modules to control motion, effects and sound. Ill post pics of the internals as i get to them if i get too many parts out now ill lose track.
  5. Yes they do swivel like on the F111 to keep the munitions paralell to the rest of the airframe.
  6. Mods please let this stay. Alot of the finishing techniques im going to use are also useable on destroids and such especially the huge HWR MKII Monster coming out soon. I will also be showcasing something that almost always seems to get attention from peple on here. The construction and finishing of one of the MOST expensive Tamiya R/C tanks. The Leopard 2A6. This build will take around a week from start to finish. I had no idea where else to put it so others can see it since its not anime or scifi. Thanks for looking Sean. P.S. I will understand if it gets deleted.
  7. No rainbow here only bad part is i cant play ace combat on any other screen i feel i cant see anything
  8. Projectors i say. LCD projectors. I dont mean rear projection tv either where you have to sit directly in front of the thing. Im talking a 10ftx5ft visual picture on your wall. nice and clear too for all media applications.
  9. Yup in the UK the novelization is out. The only difference i can tell so far is that the book doesnt go in depth on the wookie involvement it just mentions that yoda is there so the movie will still hold a suprise or 2. Unless someone wants a huge spoiler all i will say is that you will pity anakin at the end. Poor soul literally got torn in 2 by his dedication to the jedi and his friendship with palpatine.
  10. I know exacly how i will paint my kit. A battle worn version of the one from the new series first episodes. I really cant wait to get this kit. Jesse you rock!
  11. Just finished reading the book and if the movie is half as good as this it will be excellent. No childish crap and grevious gets it good. Jar Jar is in it but doesnt say a single word. repeat again there is NO childish crap.
  12. Just got the book for EP 3 today. if anyone wants answers to things give me a PM after tomorrow . I dont want to give too much away on here although it is a spoilers thread.
  13. I would use the same colors but slightly modify the different patches in size and shape. Try to "modernize" it a bit for something like the VF-1. The scheme is good for influence but i still think you should tyr to personalise the style of the scheme a little. sean
  14. One thing you all have to remember is that lucas hadnt directed anything since 1976/77 when he made TPM. Think of the experience you would have if you had only made 3 films in the 70s and had a 20+ year break. Its not like he is a directing machine like his buddy Speilberg making sometimes 2 movies a year(Schindlers List/ Jurassic Park 1993) In a way it is understandable that alot of people dont like his ideas sometimes. He is more of a buisness man than anything these days.
  15. Graham If you want to try to touch up the blue plastic yourself at any time in the future then Gunship Grey is the color id suggest using on them. Still a great custom BTW but for 200 USD i would have filled the holes and seams for you Sean.
  16. Ah ok see you can learn something new every day. i dont have any experience with the MR range of products. Cold laquers arent as bad as Hot as i said before but you still want a mask. Ever use tamiya spray in a can? Same thing.
  17. For those yes. A paper surgical mask is all you would need for those actually since they are considered a "cold" laquer as in they dont heat as they cure. I thought you mean true laquers which are considered a "hot" paint that has a chemical reaction as it dries. The concentration of those chemicles is considerably less in cold hobby laquers. I only use hot laquers on my large scale model cars(1/18th -1/8) so i can get a smooth gloss to them. I thought MR Color was a water based paint? The name laquer is only a name really if they are. I think it is meant to show that the paint generally dries as hadr as a laquer. Tamiya is also considered like that as well. If its water based i wouldnt worry at all the fan technique is more than enough.
  18. I know its old news but i just got the clone wars dvd over here from my BX and it was great. Now only if THAT were live action. Dont change a frame or the pace.
  19. If we did an April fools joke RT. com/HG would try to sue us for doing something that they would try to prove they did first and copyrighted and not allow anyone to do ever again.
  20. Which one both the game and vocal soundtracks were up there both seemed like everyday stuff from HG to me.
  21. Which part of that site is the joke i thought it all was? Not bashing you at all man but i just read alot of stuff that as a consumer i dont find interesting.
  22. Yes there is but unless your painting a full size car or something that needs to be really really shiny i cant seem to see why you would need to use laquers. The masks are extremely cheap and are basically a gas mask without the face shild(the good quality ones anyway) Just look around at hardware stores or paint shops and youll find them.
  23. If you dont mind chemicals ,that absorb directly into your bloodstream and settle into your liver never to leave, being atomized and inhaled then no they arent that bad. Laquers are one of thr worst paints to be exposed to for extended periods.
  24. dont know if its old news yet or not to you guys but in the UK the new BSG series episodes are coming out on DVD next week.
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