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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Notice how the upper surface has a dusty look and feel to it. This is done by lightly scrubbing the brush around while drybrushing. It helps break up the flat areas that dont have much detail in them. I also wanted it to look like the crew has been walking around on the tank. For some reason the commander is the only thing severely out of focus in this pic.
  2. Ok they are finally dry. This is the result ou want from drybrushing. You want to highlight the edges and details on the model. I used olive drab mixed with dark yellow for my highlight color.
  3. The APU was poseable enough for me that i just glued the arm back onto the shoulder and went with it.
  4. This pic shows the highlighting a little better. I am also in the middle of painting te tank commander too. ill edit these pics once it is dry. No the wash isnt literal just because its wet. A wash is thinned out paint flowed into the edges and recesses of the details. That will be more noticeable as well when dry. I havnt finished te weathering yet since i tend to take it in steps on something this large. This isnt like painting a 1/35 scale kit or wargaming miniature. You have to be very subtle in the effects or else it kills the realism .
  5. I gave the tank a wash and drybrsh session. Maybe i should have waited for the model to dry first. I couldnt resist the mud. Its been raining for about 4 days now. ill post better pics tomrrow its not supposed to rain so ill have better light. You can see the effects of drybrushing on the edges and details of the vehicle.
  6. You guys have no idea how many TODD brand toys i have seen broken unopened on the shelves, Robocop, The Sentinel, an APU. I like to use that fact to get mine 1/2 off. Got my little squiddy that way. All i had to do was glue the arm back on By the way? what happened to the sequel live action spawn. It has been filmed. Is it vaporware now?
  7. never mind mods delete this it was put in the wrong thread.
  8. The scene in question is actually on the side of the strike batt box too. Theres also plenty of reference on here too. The wings can be extended in battroid mode, its actually a common question on here. The battroid kit also allows the wings to swing. This is a pic of my model during construction. Still not done with decals been busy with bigger things
  9. A1 ! good on steaks and on Macross World.
  10. Actually i replaced the batt wings with fighter wings and they do look better. An added benefit is that you can put the formation lights in the wing roots and tips. It also allows you to mount ordinance on the wings.
  11. HWR MKII

    SDF-1 1/8000

    Im suprised that none of the other modellers(myself included) have attempted that! Are the white"ground" pieces laser cut or did you do that with an exacto? I also like the ARMD platforms.
  12. I only saw one set of hips. The fins were there to allow you to make either an A or S model. The S model using the larger leg fins. I didnt like the fact that the chest plate on my strike battroid was molded in yellow. Would have preferred white plastic, even 3 coats of tamiya white showed a little yellow. OH YEAH! The wings are too small at least i think so.
  13. Satan has been mentioned by A1 as the best usint End of Days as the movie reference.
  14. Which one of you is Mojo Jojo?
  15. The base Battroid kit is the same with some different backpack pieces to accomodate the fastpacks. Thats about the only real difference.
  16. Numspa from The golden child. Stripe from Gremlins Graboids from Tremors
  17. Lets not start a 4th SWEPIII thread please. It is tough enough to remember who is posting what in which thread as it is.
  18. Its BIG news in the UK(of course) i think it opens here this weekend. im gonna try to see it if anyone wants a 6 hour preview on acceptance thus far.
  19. Games workshop is still here in the UK. But be aware when you buy something from the UK that the exchange rate for money here is$ 1.95 per 1 English pound so something that may cost 50 pounds in english money just ran you 100 dollars. Your best bet is Ebay there are thousands of gaming figs and complete armies being sold on there. Quite cheaply too sometimes.
  20. Sorry for no updates lately there has been no good light to take photos by and im still in the middle of weathering. hopefully tomorrow will be better. Its been cloudy and rainy here the last 2 days im so wanting to go out and give the tank ist first mud test. . What did you think the dirt on the Tiger in the pics was a weathering detail? he he No tank looks good without mud.
  21. Actually he does go out. OUT THE WINDOW! After losing his hand to Anakin first. Guess Mace should have practaiced levitation more than lightsaber skills huh.
  22. I would kill for a Britania II to go with my cycroader.
  23. The sculpt can be improved on the 19 . he he . Id be happy to do the work too. I already know what is needed to it.
  24. Wow ZEO You have great attention to detail. Tamiya clear in the spray can is good for a kit that size. Be sure to get the cans marked TS not PS. PS ones are for polycarbonite racing bodies and will eat your paint alive. The TS paints are formulated to be compatable with any hobby paint but always test paint on something else first. Sean
  25. my 1/16 leopard 2A6. Check out the paint/build thread in the how to section for pics.
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