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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Congrats. My recast is due to pop out of the mold any day now too.
  2. Basically the detail that is there is wrong and theres too many greeblies. So ill have to remove all those and replace them with the proper details. This in some cases will result in not as much detail being put back on but what will be on will be more accurate than what was removed. Also all the StarWars kits are MPC kits. MPC was bought out in the mid 80s by AMT ERTL.
  3. The ertl issues were overall detail being soft/wrong and sidewall height. The revell issues are some details wrong and sidewall height. The 1/48 falcon was mastered by Alfred Wong and sold through SMT models before they went under. This is the model that caused the infamous CND order from lucasfilm. There is no possibility of it EVER being reissued as far as i know. The only drawback of the 1/48 i can see is there is TOO MUCH detailing on the sidewalls and on the rear engine deck. I will be using a dremel to remove the details then ill reinforce what i need to and redetail using the best greeblies that match the 5 foot model or scratch building what i need. I will also need to scratch up all the main fuselage recessed detail bays and the mandible sidewalls.
  4. The BIG Falcon is the remnants of an old SMT kit. It really isnt supposed to exist. Very few of them got out to the public before Lucasfilm gave SMT a CND notice. It will be close to the same size as the 32 inch filming model but will have the detail of the 5 footer. I have already started gathering the appropriate scaled greeblies to correct what is wrong with the large kits sidewalls. The smaller falcon was actually modified by Bar over on SSM. He has left it with me for a repaint. After he saw my FMMF he wanted me to repaint the RG one similar to that.
  5. Heres is my really long term, Labor of love project. A 1/48 scale Millennium falcon. The small revell falcon is there for size reference. This is all i have of it. everything you dont see i have to scratchbuild. Fortunately it sizes out perfectly to the FMMF for dimensions so i will be using the FMMF to get base measurements and then convert those to 1/48 scale.
  6. To put it simply THAT SUCKS! Your decals have got me out of alot of jams man. I can say im glad i was able to be one of your customers.
  7. Sweet a Viper MK VII
  8. Anytime. Always go where the quality is.
  9. Doesnt look too bad to be reject castings.
  10. Sorry been busy. Got to rebuild 1/2 of a rescued 1/48 Millennium Falcon, Drilling out hundreds of windows on a 1/1400 Enterprise E and i have a son due any day now.
  11. I am curious to see what he thinks of seeing one of his designs actually in the air under its own power. Not some flat 2D cutout but a fully shaped fuselage and control surfaces. Graham be sure to send the vids of the control surface tests too. Those are just as impressive as the vids in flight.
  12. They havnt done a SV-51 Battroid.....YET
  13. I only have 1 old kit from 1995 or earlier. The rest got destroyed in a move across country. none were salvageable
  14. Id kill for the ANIMATED captain power vids. There was some fast paced stuff in those. Well animated too.
  15. is that safe? How does Kawamori react to this stuff?
  16. I think Mike deserves a VERY LARGE round of applause for the effort he put into making this kit a reality over tha past year and a half. THANK YOU VERY MUCH MIKE!
  17. Bandai seems too buried in Gundam to even care about macross anymore. When was their last release of any macross kit of worth?
  18. I double checked today and were both off. The first ones shown from the front are a weird ghost/VF-11/something VF-1 hybrid. The next are just VF-11 drones. still it is weird.
  19. Seeing that ELINT Battroid gives me ideas for a wrecked elint and Super battroid i have.
  20. Monogram got the rights to B5 and Voyager and the few kits they made were rather good. Ertl on the other claw "INHERITED" the bad star wars and star trek molds from MPC and AMT respectively when ertl bought both companies out in the 80s. Dont blame ERTL. Their post buyout efforts (Reliant, Enterprise E, Enterprise C, Shadows of the empire VIRAGO, to name a few) were worlds better than the 70s and early 80s stuff. Even their EP III kits are well made. If ERTL or Monogram were to pick up the BSG license i think any kits produced by them would actually be well made and accurately detailed.
  21. There were VF-11s in that scene yes but there were also a couple QF-3000 ghosts being hit as well.
  22. Kylwell wasnt that the version of the ghost seen in M+? Or did that one have standard VF-1 style fastpacks installed?
  23. We could always call him "festus the inbred hillbilly".
  24. Recieved my phalanx today. The kit comes in a purple cardboard box with a lable showing the blue "bridge bunny" chest art. The parts come in Johns typical grey resin packed in 3 seperate ziploc baggies. One bag contains all the body parts, the second contains the missiles and smaller parts while the 3rd bag has the missile arms. Detail as usual is very sharp and clear and parts breakdown is very well thought out. My sample only had airbubbles on one or 2 parts but they are in very easy to fix spots. Pour stub locations are all on mating surfaces and will not be visible once assembled. BE VERY CAERFUL with the feet. Part of the tread on the bottom is literally paper thin to allow the "ankle" piece to fit into it. One of mine was slightly cracked but easily repairable. Overall another 10/10 kit. My sample didnt come with instructions or decals so this will be a good challenge. I will be making mine like the blue version represented on the box art.
  25. I thought the F-8 Crusader was more akin to the A-7 CorsairII
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