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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Very true if it is his response/reaction we would love to see it. I bet he is suprised it wasnt done alot sooner.
  2. Looks like the old DYRL special edition of the variable valk kit from the 80s
  3. I hope that isnt bad news.
  4. The effect was done basically as Kylwell described except i didnt paint the whole thing black. I just lined all the panel lines with black using my airbrush and then filled the panels. After that i misted the area overall to blend the panels together.
  5. Too bad John couldnt get Shoji's blessing to produce whatever he wanted without worrying about "corporate" interferance. Talk about opening flood gates huh. Either way dont pass up on one of Johns kits if you can get it. Best value for moey i have ever seen.
  6. Nice Junkyard dog you got there. I left the tail heavy to assist in the weathering later. Trust me that is clean compared to what the Bulgarian Migs actually look like.
  7. If you liked that youll love this. Preshading and base paint done. Next will be camo and details. then wash and paint chips.
  8. Left shoulder is definitely a searchlight and the right is the missile pod. Are there any weird heads or paint schemes for the Tomahawk like there were on the Phalanx?
  9. I just try to keep the paint egde as sharp as possible and make sure the wash is the last thing i do . The wash helps to even out the lines around the dials. Its an old trick i picked up LONG ago. For those wondering that is the stock kit cockpit. No aftermarket parts were used.
  10. I think the shoulder box is a 6 chamber missile lancher but i could be wrong. Ill have to look in parfect memory to tell.
  11. Something a little different. A 1/32 Mig-21UM
  12. Do i really have to say it? Do I? HUH? IM IN. John is your resin blended with Crack or something? I cant resist it.
  13. Seems like the timeline is on track too. Ill be back in the states by January.
  14. the weights help keep the nose wheel down. But it reaally isnt needed in any of the hase valk kits.
  15. That tamiya tiger is so inferior now. Im sure your build is good but the new tigers by DML make the tamiya one look like a 70s issue kit. Plus the DML tracks are friction fit which means you can press them together, shape them and then run liquid cement on the links. They also come with formers to get the right "sit" on the drive sproket and idler.
  16. Honestly i wouldnt be suprised if A he has lurked here at some time in the past and B probably has no objection to our GK works considering it doesnt affect the japanese market sales of Macross items. Most of the kits we build were meant mainly for japanese markets only. We get them because some intelligent individuals happen to see there is a demand outside japan for Yamato valks and Hasegawa kits. If he were to come here it probably wouldnt cause too much of a problem. Its when the Big West and HG suits start sniffing around that trouble starts. The fact such a comprehensive place exists is probably flattering. Now back to the SV. Looking good luke. Are those pics from the in progress of my airframe or yours?
  17. Id have to say the oscillation is airframe response and pilot overcompensation. This isnt exactly your standard airframe. Luke is probably still trying to get used to its handeling. Man do i have alot of adjusting to do. But it ma be good that im not too used to other airframes yet.
  19. Bumpity Bump bump. Any news of any kind? I know you are busy luke.
  20. You should see if they can find a caster for your 1/100 monster too. Although SMT is coming back online it seems But we all know how hair raising your last experience was with them.
  21. That would look good next to my 1/6 Leo2A6
  22. Missile test=Daedalus manuver
  23. 1/32 19 here. It will look good with my Mig-21, SU-27, F-15E and Tornado.
  24. Anyone know someone who does dry transfer decals? Looks like thsy will get a leg up now that alot of others are dropping out of the custom decal buisness.
  25. the AT/ST fits in around 1/48, the shutle is suggested aroind 1/72 and the y-wing is1/96-1/100 scale.
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