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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Actually the ertl kit is dimensionally correct.
  2. Actually thats the ertl AT-AT Means im doing something right if it looks bigger than most think.
  3. That Falke looks AWESOME! I cant wait to see it in person in a month. Got my defender today, Building the last 2 models for WF now.
  4. Thanks ML i would have used a buffable metalizer on that naboo ship, You could get a more scale look on it. Now i have to be patient, I have another destroid on the wayt from John AND a 3 foot long Super Star Destroyer
  5. This is getting out of hand. A new idiot already popped up in the models section in someone elses thread. This says warm meat behind a keyboard. If it were a bot it would have just started new thread all together.
  6. Heres pics of the refinements so far. I have rescribed the panel lines, Swapped out the chin guns with 1/72 scale king tiger barrel ends(perfect fit). Added the rib detail to the "ear" gun shields. Added the ribs to the front legs, and scribed the groove in the middle of the curved foot slide. I took these pics next to their counterparts in Chronicles to help better define what had been done. Once all the major redetailing is done i will go back and add all the little rectangles back onto the hull since they got sanded off when removing the raised panel lines.
  7. Considering the GBP armor is not molded as an "add on" piece this would be an exhaustive and i hate to say nearly impossible task.
  8. A 1/72 Asuka would be nice. But id need to get another monster to make the hand mods to and then it would work.
  9. You going to WF? If so i can arrange it. If not youll have to wait till June.
  10. Its big enough just slap an outboard on it and ship it yourself.
  11. The last weekend of may in Louisville Kentucky.
  12. Still no rush Luke but i was thinking it would be cool to have it for WF next month. Still no rush. I want this thing to fly right not sit on a shelf and look pretty.
  13. I will be unveiling the built kit at WF as part of a destroid lineup. So no public shots from me till June. This one is going top secret. Now i just need to make a display large enough to have the monster, tomahawk, phalanx and defender on it
  14. It has a servo for it but it isnt hooked up. The barrel has to be removed every time i transport it and the recoil mechanism is prone to breaking from installing and removing the barrel. Right now its hard locked in place. However i will be adding new sound this weekend, Im going to wire in the sound unit from a Tamiya 1/16 Leopard 2 so i can replace the crap sound thats in there. this way it will have accurate engine noise.
  15. I can wait. No rush. The good flying weather doesnt hit here until July anyway.
  16. Im testing out the house of kolor "flip paints"
  17. Well not exactly "on" the bench. But it does show the end results of ALOT of bench work.
  18. I want that prototype! I feel the 1/72 one is too small now. Mike can we have a 1/60 scale one next time
  19. I sgree John. April first has passed and this thread was intended as the prank not a Bash HG thread in the models section. Mods please lock or delete this thread.
  20. Well considering HGs history and therir past associated actions i think this joke hit a strong point. But that also added the needed credibility to make it work so well
  21. GOTCHA GUYS!!!
  22. John has PMed me today informing me that friday Harmony Gold has snagged him yet again. They found out about the current line of destroids he has made and has ordered him to destroy any and all existing molds and masters. John is very frustrated now and said he could not find the patience to type this message out. He asked if i would make this announcement. The only slavageable news is that the run of defenders that got cast will be sent out. He was able to cast 10 of them and will be sent to the first 10 people who sent money. The rest of the buyers should get their money refunded by the end of the week. My most humble and sincerest apologies Sean
  23. Search for the thread "monster and defender"
  24. I just got my Schwere Kampf Laufer also known as the Gunther from dust. Overall the kit loofs really good for being based on a graphic novel. I can see a few things to do though to enhance the detail. Weld beads, replacing the smoke dischargers with the brass ones from one of the newer DML releases( i have a few lying around) Adding better tools to it and giving the interior some detail. The doors and engine compartment can be posed open so i may want to do the vehicle at rest with some mechaincs or crew tinkering. You can still order them for 40 dollars, this includes shipping from www.dustgame.com
  25. Gotta admit though mike it would seem that the monster sold alot better than expected. BTW do you still want to do a deal for the "Unsellable" bits.
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