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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. Cool im glad its all worked out. No rush on the vid. Just youtube it when you can.
  2. Actually thats a new resin kit on the market. There is an old 1/12 scale one made by Halcyon/Aoshima. Its "ok" but needs alot of work to get a respectable pose out of it.
  3. Actually he only gets trashed once in the film and that is in the final battle. The US Govt was kind enough to rebuild him afterward though. He changes from 75 camaro to 2008 camaro when sam criticizes him for choosing to look like crap. Turns out these guys can reformat their vehicle modes at will. Frenzy does it with his head after it gets knocked off. If anyone wants any real spoiler stuff PM me.
  4. One of my grail kits is on my bench. And yes that is a 1/72 destroid in front of it to show size.
  5. Honestly if you hadnt told me i dont think i would have ever noticed it had been crashed in the first place.
  6. Working on a couple kits from Wonderfest. The Fledermaus is geting a complete detailing.
  7. Definitely the balsa.
  8. I dont have the time YET. Also i dont do Gundam. cant stand the things. Anything else is good just not gundam. They dont inspire me to build.
  9. It isnt strange that FSM was there this year. Matthew Usher is the senior editor of FSM. He also loves Scifi, HE was the one taking the Pictures.
  10. Keep an eye out in the next few months fine scale modelers. The MONSTER was photographed for a Wonderfest Photo spread.
  11. YOU FLIPPED IT? Awesome! Not that i plan on trying that the frst time out but its nice to know it can do it. Too bad there isnt a vid of it.
  12. Wow. You may actually land this one in a controlled manner then. Honestly though you managed to get yours onto the ground with no serious damage and thats a good sign. The airframe seems to want to flatten out as it falls. I can only imagine what this one will do with almost 3 more Oz of thrust comapred to yours. I cant wait to see the vids of this one.
  13. Max would still win i think. He has a natural ability for combat and can think outside the box. Starscream has combat programs. Those can be circumvented. Put Max in the VF-22 and triple his chances.
  14. Whats a MAC II? You must mean the HWR-00-MKI
  15. Tamiya makes an excellent can primer series that goe on really thin. What kind of figure is it? Wargaming mini, 35 scale military, DML 1/16 warrior series? Regardless if its any of those you shouldnt need sandpaper on it Just a light scraping with the Exacto after the parts are guled together.
  16. It was supposed to be an alternate WW2 where the germans got their hands on captured alien tech. I never read the comics its from though. Too little story and too much S&M.
  17. Nope he wont. This was a special request i made almost 2 years ago. Luke has my biggest thanks for this too. Theres an RC club here that i just want to take it to an let them look. Even if i dont fly it at that time i think alot will have to clean bricks out of their shorts.
  18. Be on the lookout the porn spammers are over on hobby fanatics and probably on the way here too.
  19. Working on my Final entry for wonderfest. The Schwere Nacht Kampf Laufer Gunther. This is the 1/35 Gunther kit from the dust series with an MG-42 and night vision equipment from a DML haqlftrack added. The troops are also Equipped with 1945 issue night vision scopes and illuminators on their MP-44 weapons. These figures came with the DML night fighting panther G. Ill have to take the model outside right after dusk when its done to get some effective pics. I rreally feel the nightvision equipment adds more visual interest to the gunther kit. I also have the Gunther standing at its actual height. All the online photos you see have it squatting. As you can see it is a suprisingly large model. The base was intended for a Stug III g undergoing engine maintenance but i am going to revamp it a little to fit with the Gunther.
  20. Be sure to run some good FCFs on her. (FCF= Functional check flight)
  21. Ill put this nicely. John is not the person to ask about recasting something. Keep badgering hobbyfan.com about that one.
  22. How much you want for the molds
  23. Good work. Another destroid in the ranks. Did noone get the defender or the Phalanx though. Yes the crack in the skull was inspired, By the same source as the one in macross and the one used by the US navy. The pirate Jolly Rodger. In the Ma.K. world the SAFS Fireball is used by mercenary forces to raid on commonwealth forces and ships.
  24. You like the little skull in the camo pattern?
  25. dont worry luke id rather wait till after WF anyway. No rush = less risk of equipment causing crash.
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