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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. OR that model was quickly and badly constructed to be on display for a short time at a hobby show. I see tears in the decals on it and some other stuff that leads to this.
  2. That last pic of the fighter mode with the red line is WM Chengs build of the 1/72 resin kit. He made it so the parts are interchangeable.
  3. Excellent and very clean work. Lets see what else you can do .
  4. Thought you were banned forever?

  5. A couple good coats of future should seal the decals well enough to protect them from casual movement. The key to remember is to let your decals and paint coats fully dry for 3 or 4 days before you move it. Paints remain gummy for some time after application and dont reach full hardness for at least a week in some cases. Most people who build kits that have moveable parts fail to remember this.
  6. Well your launch arm , launch vehicle and alot of other models are coming back out. I know who is doing it and wont say who. Recasting is a bad thing either way you look at it. Its just YOU not wanting to WAIT for the model to come back out. So it gets recast. That recast being available makes the caster of the original not rerelease his kit since there is no market demand. Instead of recasting things why not PM and E-mail the caster of the original. Enough interest usually gets a rerelease.
  7. Dont recast or support recasters. With a couple kits mastered by myself soon i know the dangers and frustration of recasting now. Alot of people , myself included, have gone the recast route before to get certain kits but have long given it up. It isnt worth it and im sad to see it becoming commonplace on MW again. With all the original new resin kits being made available to members here and being made BY members here it is a sad thig indeed.
  8. Just to keep things going for people. Alot of activity lately.
  9. You can put the missiles any way you like really. Some units like sidewinders first others like AIM-120s. Pilots like to have the missile they use first on the outboard stations. On the ALE-50. Id use it. On a Wild Weasle mission they would want that there. Its a towed decoy that goes behind the aircraft. If its hunting SAMs you would want every option you have with you in case they get a couple up.
  10. I got that handled dave. Told him about the S-210 and the Lau-129 and the physical differences. WM confirmed that the kit comes with 4 LAU-129s so he can config the AIM-9s and AIM-120Cs any way . There is no set rule on where you put the missiles actually. its just something we do across the units to help pilots. imstead of having to re learn what missile is where. Trust me i have met alot of pilots that dont think.
  11. Looks great overall. Your Exhaust can looks really good but i think your PE parts make the segmented look of the inside of the turkey feathers really pop. Your weapons loadout looks good too. Wish i knew if the kit came with the ALE-50 towed decoy.
  12. Ill make a post for it on SM later Petar. Overall the MPC kit is proportionally correct. just alot of missing or badly executed details. nothing some sheet and strip styrene cant fix.
  13. MPC AT-ST on my bench. Trying to update the old kit and give it studio style detailing.
  14. Not to be an ass or anything WM but ummm....Your cockpit colors are off. 7 years with my head in the guts of 16s has taught me alot about them. PM me if you want the fixes. Most can still be done.
  15. the samurai monkey forums are being rebuilt as we speak. John if you would like to recap progress i have restarted your thread for you.
  16. Also the site will be going totally private again. All future registrations will require ADMIN approval. we will be keeping a close eye on who registers from now on. if your name is not familiar or is just a mish mash of letters and numbers you may not be approved. Also we require full profiles. HAckers and bots dont bother with them. Non fully completed profiles will be regularly deleted.
  17. good to see you getting back into the swing of things WM. more time will free up as they get older.
  18. Even easier Stretched sprue glued on with liquid cement. Let it dry for a bit. Then while the sprue is still soft press into it over and over again with the back side of an exacto.
  19. Yes i did and theres a matching one on the other side. Theres also 2 welds near the nose on each side as well. These are most prominent on the vehicle. Most of the other welds look like they were ground down and smoothed before paint. This is unusual for an AFV a russian one especially.
  20. It is easy actually you just have to get good references and pick a place to start. Once you start getting enhancements out of the way the rest becomes easier.
  21. This thread needs more Gopher... So here it is...
  22. Working on a Skif SA-13 Gopher now
  23. Thats actually just fuse wire twisted, cut and painted black. But it sure looks the part dont it.
  24. This is back on my bench after a kitten dismembered it.
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