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Everything posted by KenjaminLinus

  1. I think I am indeed going to follow your advice and go with a clear coat over the entire thing. Do you think I should clear coat after it's completely assembled, or just do it when it's in pieces after I do all the other painting and decal applying? Also, I'll be going with a semi-gloss finish. I've heard you must be extremely careful with lacquer clear coats over decals and such, so I'll probably go with a lacquer one when I'm more experienced. Is there a suitable acrylic semi-gloss clear coat that will hold up to transformations and such? From what I read I'll be able to spray acrylic clear coats over lacquer paints without issue. Thanks again so much to everyone for the feedback!
  2. Thanks again for the feedback everyone! I have another question if you don't mind lol. I'll be painting only things like the stripes on the chest, arms, wings, nosecone, etc since the unpainted white is perfect for what I'm doing. I also WILL be applying some of the decals that came with the set, like the outline of the cockpit and other random details. With that said, do you guys think I should do a clear coat over only what I'm painting, or just do a clear coat over the entire thing (painted parts, decals, and unpainted white plastic)? Also what kind of clear coat do you recommend over both paint and decals, specifically lacquer paint. So much info haha it's so easy to get a little scatterbrained!
  3. Thanks so much guys I really appreciate the tips!
  4. Hello there! This is my first post, as I figured I would join here and consult the specialists on a project I am starting. I bought the Yamato 1/60 VF-1S unassembled kit with the intention of painting it to be Transformers Jetfire. I'm new to customizing as a whole, but I'm mainly wondering if/when I would need to sand whenpainting, and at which step(s). From what I gathered from numerous sources, this is what I think my process should be for painting. Please let me know if you guys think this looks right: clean parts - sand only where I'm painting with fine grit paper -mask - coat(s) of primer - coats of color - clear coat Do I only sand before the primer, or should I also be doing it at different stages? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance! Also note I got Tamiya TS spray paints
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