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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Uh... Adolf Hitler was an actual person, not a movie badguy. And how did we miss the ultimate baddie: Ash's possessed, severed hand from Evil Dead 2!
  2. 386168[/snapback] Godzilla doesn't just have a collection room- his entire house is made out of 1/48 boxes! LOL!
  3. They're all good, but the Max vs. Milia dual is one of my favorite parts of DYRL, so I'll pick him. Of course, ghostryder is correct - the only way to catch all the coolness is by watching it in slo-mo! But then, that's true of most of the battle sequences! LOL!
  4. I'll be 33 in July. Does that officially qualify me as an old fart?
  5. They should do a 100 episode back story of Han Solo instead. That would be much more interesting than anything Luke ever did as a kid.
  6. Just noticed something else. It's missing something on the legs.
  7. He's got jaundice! LOL!
  8. I thought it was a fun ride regardless of its flaws. Plus Scarlett Johansson is so damn hot, that alone can make up for a lot. But I have to say, that car chase was one of the best I've seen. Right up there with "Bullitt", "The French Connection", and "To Live and Die In L.A."
  9. Wow, there was a movie with elements that were suspiciously similar to Macross Plus!? How did all of us on this Macross forum seem to miss this when it came out LAST FREAKING SUMMER!? Good thing you pointed it out to us because I don't think anyone has ever mentioned it before! That's sarcasm in case you couldn't tell.
  10. Nice, but I think it needs more firepower! LOL!
  11. Here's just what everyone needs: an opened, stickered, and panel-lined 1/60 for $100. What a bargain!
  12. That's Gary Anthony Williams... he also plays Abe, Stevie's dad on "Malcolm in the Middle". The Cedric you speak of is Cedric Yarbrough... Jazmine's dad, the lawyer, Tom Dubois. You may know him as Deputy Jones from "Reno 911!" I like this show. I usually find it pretty funny. I like the animation and most of the stories have been interesting, to say the least. Probably what made me laugh the hardest was when Tom was scared to death of being raped in prison. That whole episode was great, with the shoot-out at the convenience store and the "Pulp Fiction" references. "Say 'what' one more time! I dare ya! I double dare ya!" Sweetness. It's satire, but it's also a relatively accurate social commentary. It's refreshing that it pushes the envelope and creates a stir among the public. When the pilot episode "The Garden Party" aired, it made the news because of how many times the "N" word was used. That's pretty impressive when a 22 minute cartoon that airs at 11:00 PM on a Sunday gets that kind of reaction. Besides, it's better than a lot of the other AS offerings as of late.
  13. Well, the brown intake covers and feet do seem to be a better choice to use with the camouflage than the standard grey ones.
  14. Sweet collection, fearyaks! But you need to fix the right shoulder on that Minmay Guard. It's not locked in the upright position.
  15. I like them both, but especially the Stealth. The paint schemes are new and different and that's fine by me, but I do have a couple gripes about the LV2. I wish it was a 1S since the original LV was a 1A. I guess that's what recast heads are for, right? Also, the LV2's camo could stand to be a little bit darker with softer edges. And paint the damn gunpod, Yamato! Oh, to hell with it; you know I'll get at least 2 anyway. As for the Stealth, well it just looks bad-ass in all 3 modes. I was planning a similar custom paint scheme, but now I'll save my time and just spend more money. I'll take a case of these puppies with FAST Packs. And, thankfully these have DYRL-style arm armor so they can hold a gunpod. Those damn TV ones just plain suck at this.
  16. There's some pics here. They look good. They've got more detail than the Yamato 1/48 pilots.
  17. White in the series, yellow in DYRL.
  18. I had to post some more pics of this sweet GBP! This thing is the shiz-nit! I bought two, but I am so tempted to get more!
  19. Okay, I found a good pose that hides the blemish on my leg armor. Whatcha think?
  20. Well, I finally got around to putting one of my GBPs onto a valk today and noticed a QC problem. The inside of the right leg armor is missing some material near the top; I assume from not having enough plastic in the mold. It's pretty minor and I didn't even notice it when I initially put it on, but it does look a little funky. I checked my other one in the box and it's fine, so hopefully this isn't a major problem in their production line. Anyway, this slight blemish doesn't detract from the overall coolness of this kick-ass addition to the 1/48 line. I guess I'll just consider it "battle damage" and leave it at that.
  21. After reading about the few mishaps with this part, that's exactly what I did. It's a quick and easy way to avoid doing any damage. One thing that really pisses me off is when I break a brand-new toy, so I wasn't taking any chances.
  22. Sweet, Graham is back in Yamato's good graces! Just remember, this time keep the toys away from the crapper! LOL!
  23. Nice pics. I'm hoping that they purposely displayed it with the airbrake open, to show it is functional, as with the 1/48 VF-1. Of course, it's probably just floppy, LOL! Too bad about the fake holes in it, though.
  24. I think that's what they're there for. I don't recall ever seeing them in the anime.
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