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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Get the Super Stealth. I think it's the most unique-looking valk released so far. And as Arthurius noted, it's a nice contrast to the mostly white VF-1 line. Not to mention the fact that it just looks mean!
  2. Even though it's anime-accurate, I don't really care for that McDonald's-Shamrock-Milkshake-nasty-mint-green color. I prefer the darker green that Yamato used for their stickers for the FAST Packs.
  3. I agree. While it was pretty cool, it simply looks like Nazis wearing something very similar to Protect Gear. Here's a short list of all the inconsistencies: the Panzer Cops never wore any German symbols, be it Iron Crosses, Swastikas, or SS insignias; they never had any tanks, artillery, or anti-aircraft guns; they weren't in the battlefields of Normandy; and most-importantly, the faces shown near the end aren't of Japanese men. If they want to call it Jin-Roh, more power to 'em, but I just don't see it.
  4. Scoll to the bottom of the page and you can adjust how many days to look back. I think the standard setting is 30 days, but you can expand it to 60 or 90 days, or even set it to "Show All". Pick what you want and click the "Go" button.
  5. Oh, hellz no! I enjoyed the Evil Dead trilogy; in fact, Evil Dead 2 is one of my all-time favorite comedies. But there's absolutely, positively no way I would ever watch this train-wreck. Whoever decided this should be done needs to be publicly flogged. Now that, on the other hand, I would go and see!
  6. Some films should never, ever be turned into be musicals. This is definitely one of them. And you thought Army of Darkness was the absolute worst thing that could happen to Ash! And whoever the hell Helen OHara is, she says, "This may be the best idea in the entire history of the world." Sorry honey, but you have no damn clue!
  7. Boy, I hope not! But only for the fact that I (and others) have gone ahead and done custom jobs for these three particular valks. Of course, if Yamato should see fit to release these versions, I would almost undoubtably buy them (gotta complete the collection). I could then strip the paint from my customs and use them for other paint schemes. But I would truly prefer that Yamato move on to other projects rather than release these valks so that I wouldn't feel like I wasted my time, money, and effort to do the customs. But then, guys like Kurt, Jung, and Hayao Kakizaki probably felt the same way when Yamato released the 1/48 Cannon Fodder VF-1A. Oh, to hell with it then! Go ahead, Yamato, release every damn version of the VF-1 we've ever seen! As well as a handful of non-canon paint jobs! You know we'll buy 'em, you sadistic bastards! Go ahead, take all my money! I don't need food to survive! Starvation doesn't scare me! I'll cannibalize my neighbors if I have to! Just gimme the damn valks already! ... okay, sorry folks, we now return to our regularly-scheduled sanity. Let's get back to talking about this kick-ass Angel Birds valk. So then, uh... does anyone else hope that Yamato tampo prints the "Angel Birds" name along the legs instead of having to use a sticker? Oh hell, I don't care, I'll be buying two at the absolute minimum. Anyway, please ignore me and continue with the discussion.
  8. Oops! I think you posted this in the wrong thread! But yeah, it does look pretty cool. And so do takatoys' stickers.
  9. I don't recall seeing any in DYRL, but it still has the chicken hands for perfect transformation. As far as I can tell, all the 1/48s come with chicken hands for this specific reason. But hopefully Yamato will include the TV fat hands with these as well.
  10. It looks like the pilot is even painted the right colors this time. I'm still kinda bummed that Yamato used Kakizaki's flight suit for the CF pilots, except that it saved me from having to repaint one for my TV Kakizaki custom. Anyway, when I saw RYO's pic in the other thread, I wasn't sure if it was a custom job or an actual upcoming release. Nice to see it's going into production, especially since we've been asking for it for so long. Perhaps Graham had a hand in bringing this one around?
  11. That's a sweet 1/48 Angel Birds valk! RYO, those can be seen in the first episode.
  12. Okay, you're right. I did forget the Ghost had wings for extra lift, but I still think all the extra boosters on the FAST Packs on a VF-1 would provide sufficient thrust to make up for the added weight and aerodynamic loss. Also, due to the difference in size, a VF-1 with FAST Packs weighs only a few thousand kgs more than a VF-0 without any add-ons. I was unable to find any weight specs on the Ghost, so I have no clue how much more that would add to the VF-0. But it seems to me that if a big, heavy bird like a VF-0 with a Ghost can perform just fine within the atmosphere, the smaller (and most-likely lighter) VF-1 with FAST Packs would do just as well. And if that doesn't sell you, I'll simply steal a quote from Jamie on MythBusters - "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Anyway, I still think the LV2 looks damn cool with those olive drab FAST Packs. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  13. They should rename this show to "Who Wants To Look Like A Complete Loser A$$hole And Embarass Themselves On Cable Television?" Oh wait, isn't that the alternate title to every "reality" TV show? If not, it should be.
  14. The easiest way to deal with the seam in the canopy is to keep your valk in battroid mode so it's hidden behind the heatshield. Out of sight, out of mind. There you go, problem solved.
  15. I think it looks pretty sweet, regardless of any impracticality. On that note, is there any hard and fast rule that states that FAST Packs are strictly for use in space? I imagine the added weight and loss of aerodynamics could hinder maneuverability within the atmosphere, but wouldn't they still give a valk some extra thrust? After all, the VF-0 had leg packs along with a Ghost mounted on top and it did just fine, so it makes sense to me that FAST Packs could be used in atmo without any major difficulty. Of course, that's all based off a cartoon; not real science. It's been quite some time since I had any book-learnin' about physics and such, so I could just be talking out my a$$ and making myself sound like a complete idiot. But I have no problem with that either. LOL!
  16. I could be wrong, but they look like they came from this thread.
  17. Yeah, that's cool and all, but it's been posted like three times in the last couple of weeks.
  18. 013 is the number for Max's VF-1A. His promotion to Skull Leader put him into the VF-1S, designated 001. The same thing happened to Hikaru. His 1A is 011, but his 1S is also 001.
  19. All three of the Skull Squadron VF-1S valks shown in DYRL are #001. Obviously, Roy was squad leader until Max took over when Roy, Hikaru, Misa, Minmay, and Kaifun were captured by the Zentraedi. Then Hikaru got to be Skull 001 after Max disappeared during his dual with Millia.
  20. I just noticed this. It's already half-way through July, so I think the powers that be can go ahead and remove the banner ad for the 1/6 Hikaru figure since the "promo ends June 30th." Leave it be if you prefer, but it is a bit out-dated. Personally, I say we get something new up there. Perhaps free international shipping on that sweet Yamato 1/60 YF-19 that's coming out. Better yet, free shipping on a case (ha, ha, I wish). Regardless, it's time for something new.
  21. If you're looking for a Super Stealth, MW's own Los at Lost And Found Toys has it in stock. The box is a little damaged, but he's discounted the price because of it. I've bought from him before and I would definitely recommend his fine service to others. Plus you don't need to worry about paying CA sales tax since he's in Texas.
  22. Check the "Fan Works" section.
  23. There's only one screw to remove and the whole backpack assembly comes off. Of course, you'll need to push out the pins holding the BP7, BP8, and BP9 together. In all it should only take a minute or so and your valk will be back in business. Check out the first post in this thread if you're unsure of the part numbers.
  24. PM Rohby. He may be able to hook you up with a recast BP8. Here's a link to the thread about them. Neova may also have recast these, but I don't remember.
  25. I'm not sure about the 1S head. There's a tab on the top of the visor that holds it into place, so it seems you would have a helluva time removing the visor without disassembling (and in the process, possibly damaging) the head. I was, however, able to simply pop out the visor from a Hikaru 1J with the tip of an X-acto knife blade. There was barely any glue holding it in place and it came right out without any difficulty. However, my attempt to do the same with the 1J Stealth didn't go so well. Not only did I break off the tip of the blade, but I also put a small chip in the corner of the visor. It looks to me like Yamato used more, or stronger, glue on the Stealth visors. Good luck with your endeavors. Of course, I assume no responsibility if you damage your 1/48 heads. Or, for that matter, if you cut your fingers with the X-acto.
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