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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. There are some pics of my Max and Kakizaki TV VF-1As in the thread listed below. They're not the greatest customs, or pictures for that matter, but if you'd like to add them to the gallery, please feel free. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=19103&hl=
  2. That sounds like it would be really, really gay. Didn't the fools at WB learn their lesson when they turned the X-Men into teenagers a few years ago?
  3. Thank you, GobotFool. I was thinking the exact same thing. And since I have no class: Please, Thomas Hamann, take your "holier than thou" attitude elsewhere. The only worthwhile thing you have to offer me is a hearty laugh by showing just how much of a clown you truly are. Thanks in advance. I know I'm right, but if you don't agree with my opinions, then well, you have 2 options: 1) Go F**K yourself 2) Go F**K yourself with an iron stick -Larry
  4. Here ya go.
  5. Well, they've only been transformed once for the pictures I posted. They stay displayed in battroid mode and don't get played with, so the paint has held up quite nicely. There are, however, a couple of very minor spots where the paint rubbed off during transformation, like on the little round pegs on the right arm and the small rectangular pegs at the tops of the intakes. Other than that, I didn't notice any problems.
  6. I used Krylon Fusion to do mine. Patriotic Blue with a flat clear coat for Max and Satin Khaki for Kakizaki. If you'd like to see how the colors look, pics can be found in this thread.
  7. Amazon.com says it'll be released on September 12.
  8. Link works fine for me.
  9. My first two 1/48s, a Roy 1S and a Max 1A, are beginning to yellow ever so slightly after being displayed for around three years. It's barely noticeable, so I'm really not concerned about it. Besides, if they start to look bad I can always use them for customs.
  10. PM either Anasazi37 or takatoys. They both make excellent stickers. Anasazi also makes waterslide decals if you prefer. Here's a couple of links you can check out. Link 1 Link 2 I've used both of their stickers and they are vast improvements over the stock Yamato stuff. I also have some of Anasazi's waterslides, but I have yet to try them. Take a look in this section to see some more examples of their excellent work on many of the customs. Regardless of which one you choose, you'll not be disappointed.
  11. I assume you're still talking about Yamato 1/60s, right? Yes, a head swap is really easy. The heads are held in place with only one small screw. But the 1S head is a different color than the Hikaru 1A. The valk itself is very white, while the head is more of a light grey color, so it will look a little off. I did this years ago, but thought it looked too weird. I ended up repainting a Roy just to keep everything looking right.
  12. Gotta look at the biceps and thighs since they're about the only parts, other than the head, that you can see with the armor on. They're white on CFs and stick out against the green and tan of the armor. Pic 1 shows a Hikaru 1A and you can really see just how bad the white looks underneath the armor. Thanks for the pics, SaveRobotech. It's looking pretty sweet now that Yamato decided not to use that nasty lime green color from the early pics they released.
  13. That's the 1/72 Hasegawa model that's coming out. Graham already posted that in the Models section.
  14. That right there is without a doubt the strongest arguement for being a Macross purist. Personally, I'm not really into the music anyway, but those RT songs are horrific.
  15. The ADV releases are an English dub with no Japanese audio. I have not heard the dub, but I think the general consensus is that it is a pretty bad dub. 420811[/snapback] The video quality of the ADV discs is exactly the same as that of the Animeigo set. As far as the audio goes, you can turn off the 5.1 English dub and watch it with the original 2.0 Japanese audio with English subtitles. True, the dub isn't the best, but it's okay. At least they kept the original Japanese songs instead of using those horrific Robotech tunes. The biggest complaint about the dub so far is the mispronounciation of some of the words, mainly when almost everyone says "Muh-cross" instead of "Mac-ross". I think Mari Iijima is the only person in the cast who pronounces everything correctly. Another difference is that the ADV discs come with some extras like interviews, commentaries, and such. The Animeigo set does have some hidden "Easter eggs," but I've never watched any of the extras on either set. But they're there if you're interested.
  16. You were born in, what, 1984? You came into this world the year that the series began and 5 when it ended, so you're too young to really have any clue about the '80s other than what you've seen on VH-1's "I Love the '80s" specials. I grew up during that decade and watched the show every Friday night, with the exception of the final season. Of course by that time I was 16 and far too busy drinking with my friends on Friday evenings to care about any TV show. If you were actually old enough to have experienced the '80s and appreciated the original series, perhaps you would have an opinion similar to mine.
  17. And Collateral better than Manhunter? Are you high? Manhunter introduced the movie-world to Hannibal Lecter and was an awesome film done in pretty much the same fashion as the Miami Vice TV series. Sadly, Hollywood had to remake it as Red Dragon, which sucked compared to the original. Collateral was an okay film, but it falls into the same boat as Miami Vice: whoever cast it should be kicked in the balls. I'll give credit to Michael Mann for his directorial ability, but he really needs to find someone else to cast his films. That being said, the whole idea of having this in a modern-day setting rather than going back to the '80s still makes me cringe. Maybe when Blockbuster puts this on the shelves I'll spend the $4 to rent it, but there's no way I'll sit in a movie theater to watch this abomination.
  18. Yeah, the back side is flat and the front is detailed like in the pics below.
  19. That's a nice collection you've got going there Arthurius, but the cross behind your superposeable Spawn is on backwards.
  20. Blasphemy! Bob Ross was, and always will be, the Master! Well, Master of Happy Little Trees, anyway! LOL!
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