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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Not only is this item outlandishly priced, but when I calculated s/h to Michigan, it says it's $54 for 1-6 day UPS and $122 for 3 day UPS delivery. I guess it's shipped in a concrete block or something.
  2. If you do, Yamato reserves the right to come to your home and break the Chunky Monkey.
  3. Giant Boxes of Projectiles? Well, that's what they pretty much are.
  4. Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue. And don't call me Shirley.
  5. There's no reason for him to be upset, it's a questionable auction as people have a right to be suspicious, especially considering how often peopel get ripped off. Instead of getting mad the seller should have 1) listed the items better in the first place, or 2) just posted pictures to prove that the items are complete. Instead, he just 1) acted like a child and 2) showed us all English is not his strong suit. Hey JoLe727, I see you edited your last post. Are you still going to file a complaint? It would serve him right for that stupid crap he pulled.
  6. I believe the "Robotech" release was the Skull 001 and the "EXO Squad" release was this paint scheme. These toys just plain SUCK! Where is the fun in a non-transforming valk? I was pretty disappointed with it as a kid, as I'm sure most or all of you were. I should've just painted the G.I. Joe F-14 so it looked like the Skull 001.
  7. I could go for four sets. They're just too cool to pass up. PM me with payment details. Thanks.
  8. I don't really play with my valks, but I prefer my 1/48s, hands-down. Yeah, the arms don't look quite right and the chicken hands kinda suck, but they're still the best all-around valks I've ever owned. The 1/60s are alright, but the legs on all of mine tend to be too floppy to hold any cool poses in Battroid mode. If I was going to pick a valk to play with, I'd probably get a 1/55 Chunky Monkey since they're more durable than Yammies.
  9. Personally, I'd say that $168 shipped isn't that bad of a price, even though it has been displayed. As long as it's complete and unbroken, I'd pay that much. Most of the MIB Supers I've seen go for $175+ shipped.
  10. I think gigglez needs to take a few English classes. And a chill-pill. Maybe if he had made a little effort to provide accurate descriptions of his items or actually answered questions, he would've been able to sell his 1/48 lot without any hassles. Now, he's just going to be a baby about it. I hope that JoLe727 files a complaint against his dumb ass.
  11. Excellent work! Great job with the weathering and battle damage! The one and only CF to not be completely blown to bits! But not for lack of trying!
  12. For a helluva lot less than $1500. That price is outlandish.
  13. Exo, you must be psychic because you read my mind! Now quick, give me the winning numbers for the Mega Millions lottery! Nice work, Kameniko, you're courage to hang a 1/48 has inspired us all!
  14. Shims are thin pieces of material used to fill the gaps between two parts. In this case, it will add tension between the laser and the head. You may need to try a few different widths of material until you get the desired effect. See below and don't cut your fingers.
  15. You should make an animated gif of that head-banging action! That would be sweet!
  16. Here's my experience with loose lasers. Try turning the loose piece clockwise until it gets tighter. Both 1J lasers were loose on one of mine and this worked for me. However, this will only work if there's enough tension on the back side of the screw within the head. If the screw is too loose and simply continues to spin, you can either disassemble the head and tighten it the old fashioned way, or you can try to shim it until you get the desired tension. I shimmed a loose 1S laser with a small piece of paper and carefully trimmed the excess with an Exacto knife. Hope this helps.
  17. I don't think it's an option, but I'd be this one. Except I've never thrown my feces (well maybe a couple times).
  18. Apparently, not well! LOL! Sorry folks. But was my offense really so bad that I deserved to be punished with an Elton John avatar? That's not an even trade; Elton John for a bong-hitting nun. Come on now, that's pretty low. Hope Spawn is acceptable. i would have kept elton john, hes less gay. I don't care for sodomites, thank you.
  19. Apparently, not well! LOL! Sorry folks. But was my offense really so bad that I deserved to be punished with an Elton John avatar? That's not an even trade; Elton John for a bong-hitting nun. Come on now, that's pretty low. Hope Spawn is acceptable.
  20. Bongs and valks rock! The nun approves!
  21. Maybe the fumes just seeped into the color-recognition center of your brain and you only perceive it as being yellowed. The chemicals in automotive paint will mess with your head.
  22. I could go for that. I'm not really fond of either the chicken hands or the TV hands. I've found that most of my chicken hands are pretty loose and wimpy. It doesn't help that they aren't sculpted well enough to hold the gun with any real strength. And TV hands look too cheesy. I don't care that they have to be removed for fighter mode, I think they just plain don't look good. They're too organic-looking for a mecha, in my opinion. A stronger, fully articulated pair of hands would be quite welcome, even if they don't allow for perfect transformation. But I still want all the other stuff, too.
  23. At least one of each would be sweet. To hell with my budget! Bring 'em on! But don't forget the helmetless Hikaru and Misa figures for that Super Ostrich! Ah, to dream.
  24. Here's the first edition.
  25. I'm sure they have the ability to make more models, but why waste the resources? That's a wide-enough selection of humanoids. They probably prefer to build more Centurions and those sweet new Raiders. I liked both the new and old BG. I hope the new series is well-received. I'll watch it even if no one else will.
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