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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Wow. Another needless big-budget remake. It's been a long, long time since anyone in Hollywood had an original idea, but maybe Speilberg will put a twist into the plot. Like the aliens are E.T. and his flat-headed, long-necked cronies. Several million have been hiding on this planet in stuffed animal collections across the globe until they were ready to strike. When their leader, Alf, arrives from Melmac and begins transmission of another needless talk-show, the squat bastards rise up and begin their reign of terror. They don't fly around in ships, but ride in milk crates strapped to the handlebars of bicycles driven by human children taken as slaves. They ride around the suburbs melting their targets with laser beams from their glowing fingertips until they find their objective: Reese's Pieces, which the flat-heads eat not for their peanut-buttery goodness, but for the strong narcotic effects to their flat little brains. A rag-tag group of survivors, led by Cruise, band together and initiate a daring plan to save Earth using re-colored M&Ms to "bum out their high". Do I smell an Oscar? Nope, just poop.
  2. This picture makes me feel dirty. It's a good thing! OMG! I just quoted Martha Stewart! Now I feel dirty and it's NOT a good thing!
  3. Nothing wrong with an 80s look. Now please excuse me while I comb my mullet and go for a drive in my IROC Z28. lol! though i really hope you don't drive an IROC or even worse a disgus-tang. LOL! No, it's just a joke. It'd be nice to have a sports car, but I drive a 2000 Pontiac Bonneville SE. Could've gotten a 2000 Trans Am for around the same price, but the insurance would've been about three times as much. And I don't have a mullet; all my hair is long, not just the back! With my goatee, I've got the whole "Evil Jesus" look going. ~ gives the Ronnie James Dio devil horns with both hands ~
  4. In my experience, Takatoys' stickers are the way to go. This is in comparison to the stock Yamato stickers, only. Though I have a few sets of Anasazi's waterslide decals, I have yet to try them. The Takatoys' are thinner and can easily be pushed into panel lines. The printing is also much clearer than Yamato's. Another plus for Takatoys' is that they aren't as shiny as the stock stickers. Having to cut them by hand is a non-issue for me since I also trim the excess material from the stock Yammie sheet. In fact, trimming the Yamato stickers is more difficult since they are already die-cut and the waste tends to want to roll up and get in the way. But heed hirohawa's advice and do not touch the adhesive side of the Takatoys' stickers. The slightest amount of oil from your skin will greatly reduce their ability to stick, especially on curved surfaces. Also keep your knife blade, tweezers, etc. clean or you may experience a peeling problem where the adhesive touched your tool (no, not that tool, perverts). Good luck. P.S. Here's a link to see Takatoys' Alpha stickers, though he doesn't have them ready to sell just yet.
  5. Nothing wrong with an 80s look. Now please excuse me while I comb my mullet and go for a drive in my IROC Z28.
  6. No doubt discoloration: Yeah, I was just kidding. But that's probably the worst yellowing I've ever seen. I wouldn't pay more than like $10 for something in that poor of condition. Anyway, check out the price on this MPC Ben Dixon. Talk about overpricing to avoid eBay fees!
  7. Look at this. Either this is extremely yellowed, or Matchbox accidentally released an SDF-1 molded in the wrong color!
  8. I like it! For your first time with an airbrush, I'd say you've got quite the talent. But in the future, you may want to sand the underside of the chestplate a bit so you don't get the paint scraping off the top of the heatshield. Regardless, I must bow down to your superior skills. Keep it up and keep posting the pics!
  9. "Say, you don't know where a fella could score some Thorazine around here, do ya? I'm comin' down awful hard!" Too funny! Thanks for the link!
  10. Here's an expensive Roy. But at least it's not an MPC.
  11. But not nearly as sweet as this bass from '79. Now that's an axe!
  12. What, no pics of your car in Gerwalk and Battroid modes?
  13. Check out the s/h on this guy's auctions. Yammie VF-1D Yammie CF Bandai VF-1A Bandai VF-1J Ouch! For that much, he should personally deliver to your doorstep.
  14. At sucking! What about the 1/55 MPC the best of the best For me to poop on! "She had eight perky boobies...." Oh wait, sorry. We were talking about valks or something, right? Anyway, my list of complaints about the 1/60s is pretty short. One of them is that they're not all Fast Pack compatible. Yamato should've been smart and paid to make this happen. Then they could've sold the crap out of the 1/60 Strike/Super Parts. I guess they figured they'd make up the difference with 1/48 sales.
  15. oh brother..... there were probably 10's of thousand's of cups like that at the game he probably just bought his home and says it is the real one. as for the auction before it yea i also saw the massive set of models, looks like there is some cool ones in there but i do not think it is worth it, i would just look arond and grab the ones I really want , it would be much cheaper. "This was one of the cups that was thrown during the historic brawl from last Friday". That's an exact quote from the auction, except I capitalized the word Friday. Please notice the purposely vauge description. This means absolutely nothing. He probably threw it to the ground when the fight broke out and now he's claiming it's a "piece of history". How can anyone prove it was actually thrown at any of the Pacers? Does it have authentic Ron Artest sweat on it? If so, Ron Artest probably would've bought it himself only to re-sell it along with one of his CDs. He needs the money now. Well, not really. You'll also notice the seller ended it early before eBay could pull it. At least he's smarter than the bidders. They should all be publicly flogged.
  16. That's pretty sweet. I'd bid on it, but I don't know any banishing rituals and I'm not into puppet bondage.
  17. They only lack the balls because Harmony Gold bit them off!
  18. Nice collection, VF-1 Pilot, and welcome to MW. Just so you know, the mods don't allow pics in signatures, so even though it looks good, it won't last.
  19. That $250 through their eBay store is a bargain. Check out tisinc's internet store and they'll sell you that same VF-1S for only $25 more. That's right, $275 and it could be yours. Personally, I've always received good service from tisinc, but they've got a nasty habit of price-gouging. If they had any Low-Viz in stock, they'd be $390 each. Ouch.
  20. That's why you've got to steal Kamineko's idea!
  21. Finally! I've been searching for something to take the fungus off my pubes!
  22. I saw it, also. It's crap. Oh, wait, I meant to say annoying, ignorant, pointless crap. Hopefully, it doesn't do well and they get "Futurama" back on Sunday nights instead.
  23. I'd like 2 tinted, 2 regular, please. Thanks.
  24. Earth's enemies tremble with fear when confronted by The King of Beers!
  25. Looks good, ewilen. I get a kick out of all the civilians who seem oblivious to the fact that they're in the middle of an alien attack. "Forget the giant machines blowing the crap out of everything! I'm reading my newspaper!"
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