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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. You can PM Anasazi, but you may have to wait a little while for him to fill your order. You can also PM takatoys, but he may be out of them. I bought some from him a while back and I think they may have been his last sets. Also, takatoys' skulls are different from the stock Yamato ones, so you may be better off asking Anasazi.
  2. I beg to differ. If you read the reviews at EXO's link, you'll see that it is (unless you're in Spain, the UK, or Ireland). Link
  3. Hilarious! That Seth Green is crazy, man! Hell, I'm gonna watch it again at 2:30 AM!
  4. I kinda figured that since it started airing a week before the second half of the season for the Stargate franchise. I couldn't see new episodes of BG airing after reruns of SG-1 and Atlantis. Yeah it sucks, but here's four little words that will make it alright: cheaper DVD box set. And just to make it perfectly clear...
  5. The best thing about SDF Macross episode 36 is that there's no episodes 37 through 85 cannibalized and bastardized from other anime series.
  6. And don't forget that the VT and VE have smaller rear stablizers. Since they don't fold flat when using the booster packs, that's a big part of the reason why we'll need some sort of new latching mechanism for the backpack in battroid mode. I recommend some of our more technical types build some computer models to help with designing new parts. I'd do it myself, but since I learned my computer-programming skills on a Radio Shack TRS 80 back in high school, I don't think anyone would want my help.
  7. whispering voice "If you build them, I will come." Then I'll mop myself off and add a few more custom jobs to my list! LOL! I wants 'em! I needs 'em! I gotsta, gotsta have 'em!
  8. Kerberos Panzer Valk.
  9. How did you manage to see the season finale of Atlantis? Are you in the UK or something right now? It hasn't aired yet on Sci-Fi here in the States.
  10. For those interested, I found a reasonably cheap pre-order price for that Jin Roh female figure. Check it out. Link
  11. Welcome back! Let the customizing begin! LOL!
  12. Check your local hobby shop, but they'll likely be more expensive than to have Tamim ship them to you. Especially if you buy more than one. Personally, I would recommend you get at least one stand of each rod length so you can mix and match them to fit any pose you want in any mode you want. Having only one rod length doesn't allow for much other than Fighter mode.
  13. Yeah, screw the movie studios! They've been feeding us crap for too long! I mean, "Conan"? "Terminator"? "Total Recall"? "Predator"? The list is endless! I don't even want to think about "Commando", but since I like to wear chain mail and act all creepy-psycho, I have to mention it! LOL! Just kidding, Agent ONE! Ahhnold is da man!
  14. You mean these? Uh, I'm pretty sure he didn't make those stands, but pooled our cash for a bulk order to save us all a few bucks. I bought like ten or something and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Check out Twin Moons. I'm pretty sure you can still get some there if s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d doesn't have any left.
  15. I really didn't need to see Optimus Prime's man-boobs! YUCK!!!
  16. Kurt, you never fail to impress the crap outta me! I can't wait to see how this turns out!
  17. Sorry to hear about your misfortune, kensei. That totally sucks. Thankfully there aren't a helluva lot of pawn shops or fences looking to deal in toy robots. I recommend you watch the late Charles Bronson masterpiece "Death Wish 3" for some cool ideas for keeping people outta your stuff. And Opus, you're yard must be like a mine-field of dog poo! LOL!
  18. Welcome to MW. Pony up and get a 1/48 Yamato. You'll not be disappointed. Yeah they're expensive and like 99% plastic, but they're hands-down the best representation of a Valkyrie we'll probably ever see.
  19. Well, it will definitely cost you a helluva lot more. The surest way to drain a bank account for the rest of your life is to have children. I say adopt a few 17 year old kids, claim 'em as dependents for the next year, then kick 'em outta your house when they turn 18 and use the cash from the tax break to buy more toys! I don't know how I come up with these awesome plans!?
  20. Too funny! The blue footnote links crack me up! The only part I didn't like was that he thought Hikaru slapping Minmay was uncool. Hell, that's my favorite part! That's what she gets for being a tease and not going to the Motel Persian Love! LOL!
  21. Wow, Godzilla, that's quite an impressive collection! Pretty soon you'll need to buy a bigger house just for all your toys!
  22. PM him. I bought some from him a couple of weeks ago. They may have been his last sets, but I'm not sure.
  23. I must agree. The only thing I don't like is that she's only shown holding an MP40. Hell, the male gets a kick-ass MG42 and all she has is a MP40!? Unacceptable! I'll of course have to give her an MP44 instead. Maybe even an FG42. No wimpy 9mm stuff for my woman!
  24. According to this, it looks like it's going to be released pretty soon. Although it does say that the release date was delayed, so who really knows? All it says here is sometime this year. Not very helpful, but it's all I could find.
  25. So does this one. I think Daysleeper's has a distant cousin. Check it out. Link
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